L16: Sensei
Darji schrieb:Hier mal ein paar facts aus dem Gamespot 4 std live special. (Man ich will das auch sehen aber leider scheint es dazu kein link mehr zugeben.......
This will be exciting. Lots of PS3 launch games I believe. And its live right now. 6:28 EST Now.
Quotes (stated facts):
- Genji looks better then any 360 launch game
- Controller feels better but the miss rumble.
- D-Pad seems to be a bit higher?
- Custom soundtrack at least in RR7
- Its quieter then the 360
- No delay with tilt controls
- PS3 turns on with the controller
- PS3 beeps when turning on (only with controller turning it on?)
- Game cases are a bit thinner
- SIXAXIS controller triggers better then 360 (they said it not me)
- Reconfirmed that the PS3 has BC with PS1 and PS2 games
- Controller signal reaches around 100 feet away
- No real huge amounts of heat
- PS icon on front turns around like on the PS2
Game: Ridge Racer 7
- Mini Game
- Tilt Controls
- Race for different car companies
- Have purchase nitrous
- Drifting physics seems easy as NFS: Carbon
- New racing feature: slip-stream: seems useful
- Cars can fly over hills while slip-streaming
Game: Genji 2
- Opening cut-scene is long and cant be skipped...
- No sixaxis controls.
- Fighting is pretty cool
- Real-time weapon change works perfect
- Weird like mystic slowmo fighting combo thing
- Seems to easy
- Combos and attacks are pulled off smoothly
Game: Madden 2007
- Manual is smaller
- Can only do 4 things with the tilt
- No graphical update???
- Game only 480i?
Game: Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007
- Tilt controls (control ball spin)
- Create a character showed
- Spectators will laugh if you hit someone in the nuts with a ball.
Game: NHL 2K7
- Tilt Controls (knock around other players)
Game: Resistance: Fall of Man
- Each clip of starting weapon has 50 bullets
- Chimera still isn't confirmed if they are aliens or bio-weapons.
Game: Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
- cant really say much they suck at playing
Das ist eine sehr geile Funktion, welche ich bei der PS2 leider erst vor kurzen entdeckt habe!

Genji scheint grafisch das beste PS3 Launchgame zu werden! :o