L12: Crazy
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- 27 Sep 2008
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Crappig, aber charmant. Zumindest hat mich die Story gut unterhalten.Und dabei ist Neptunia schon crappig![]()
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Crappig, aber charmant. Zumindest hat mich die Story gut unterhalten.Und dabei ist Neptunia schon crappig![]()
Sagt mal, wenn man mit der Disgaea Reihe anfangen will, welcher Teil eignet sich zum einstieg?
Aus der aktuellen V-Jump gibt es neue Informationen über Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. Die Neuigkeiten betreffen Omnimon, Goro Matayoshi, zwei Hackergruppen sowie die Rückkehr der Digi-Farm und des Digi-Labors. Als bekannte Monster tauchen Agumon und Gabumon auf, die Nokia Shiramine als Partner begleiten.
Omnimon gehört zu den stärksten Digimon und entsteht aus einer Vereinigung zweier Mega-Digimon. In diesem Fall werden Wargreymon und Metallgarurumon erwähnt. Man glaubt, dass dieses Wesen eine wichtige Rolle in der Handlung spielen wird, die nicht nur aus der Verbindung zu Nokia resultiert. Das Digimon wird auch in einigen Dialogszenen gezeigt.
Goro Matayoshi ist ein Detektiv und einige der heimtückischen Hackergruppen haben die Jagd auf diese Figur eröffnet. Zwei der Organisationen sind “Zakurin” und “Demons”. Sie werden von Fay und Jimmy KEN geleitet. Es heißt, dass sie ihre Anwesenheit mit mehreren Nebenaufträgen verknüpft ist, die der Spieler im Laufe der Handlung angehen kann.
Zudem enthüllt der Artikel aus der V-Jump die Rückkehr der Digi-Farm und des Digi-Labors. In der Farm kann der Spieler Digimon lagern, um ihre Statuswerte mit einem speziellen Training zu stärken. Im Labor werden die aktuellen Begleiter gewechselt, außerdem kann man an diesem Ort die Digitationen einleiten. Als Ratgeber steht eine vertraute Person an eurer Seite.
Im Frühling 2015 soll Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth in Japan für PlayStation Vita erscheinen.
Ein MMO ohne Gegner, Kämpfe und Gewalt. Das ist schwer vorstellbar, aber der Plan von Wander. Das MMO Wander soll 2015 für PlayStation 4 und PCs erscheinen und genau darauf aufbauen. Erfunden hat’s Loki Davison, der feststellte, dass es nur wenige Spiele gibt, die sich nicht in erster Linie auf Gewalt als Stilmittel verlassen. Wander setzt deshalb auf Erkundung. Auf unterschiedliche Weise: als Baum, als Greif oder als Meerestier zum Beispiel.
“Ich habe lange Zeit eine Art Nomadenleben geführt. Ich bin durch Zentralasien, Sibirien, die Arktis und das Himalaya-Gebirge gestreift. Als Kind habe ich viele MUDs (textbasierte MMO-Spiele) gespielt und wollte immer ein Spiel entwickeln, bei dem die Atmosphäre, ein entspanntes Spielen und der Multiplayer im Vordergrund standen. Wander baut zu einem großen Teil auf dieser Idee auf. Ich wollte ein Spiel erschaffen, in dem man gemeinsam auf Entdeckungstour geht”, sagt Loki Davison.
Zu den spielbaren Charakteren in Wander zählen der Oren, ein laufender, empfindungsfähiger Baum, dessen Form ihr zu Beginn des Spiels annehmt, der über die Macht des Fluges verfügende Greif, Azertash, der schwimmen und unter Wasser atmen kann, sowie der schnelle und agile Hira.
Omega Quintet ist am 2. Oktober in Japan für PlayStation 4 erschienen und wird von Compile Heart mit zusätzlichen Inhalten versorgt. Der Entwickler möchte neue Kostüme, Waffen und Verliese in das Hauptspiel einfügen.
Der Dungeon, in dem gefährliche Kreaturen, wie mit Möhren werfende Häschen und bizarre Bananen auf die Heldinnen warten, soll in Japan ein kostenloses Extra sein. Dagegen wird man für die Ausstattung mit weiteren Kostümen und Waffen einen Betrag zahlen müssen.
Im Frühjahr 2015 wird Omega Quintet dank Idea Factory International in Europa und Nordamerika für PlayStation 4 erscheinen.
Das Spiel Qurare Magic Library, welches für Smartphones produziert wurde, wird laut SmileGate und Palmple demnächst für PlayStation 4 erscheinen. Die Entwickler enthüllten das Projekt während der G-Star 2014. Grafisch wird sich die Version für die Konsole vom Original unterscheiden.
Der Spieler erkundet verschiedene Verliese in einer 3D-Umgebung. An diesen Orten findet er alte Bücher, Karten und Herausforderungen in Form von Schlachten. Die anschließenden Bilder zeigen euch bereits einen kleinen Geschmack der überarbeiteten Fassung.
Publisher Devolver Digital hat bekannt gegeben, dass die Visual Novel Hatoful Boyfriend auch auf PlayStation Vita und PlayStation 4 erscheinen wird. Das Spiel ist bereits für Steam erhältlich, unseren Test der Steam-Version findet ihr hier. Die neue Version für Sony-Systeme wird auch über eine deutsche Lokalisierung verfügen. Diese wird als kostenloses Update auch Besitzern der Steam-Version angeboten, sobald sie fertig ist.
In der angesehenen St. PigeoNations-Schule für Vögel trifft man auf zahlreiche gefiederte Charaktere, kümmert sich um die passenden Liebesbeziehungen und betreut ganz nebenher ausgewählte Schulklassen. Auf dem romantischen Weg der Liebe folgen Spieler dabei ihrem Herzen, begeben sich auf romantische Dates – und sollten aber trotz aller Turtelei immer mit offenen Hühneraugen durch das Spiel gehen. Denn schnell wird aus einer romantischen Affäre eine emotionale Achterbahnfahrt – die das Liebesleben auf den Kopf stellen kann…
Hatoful Boyfriend soll im Frühjahr 2015 für PS4 und PS Vita für 7,99 Euro erscheinen.
Whereas she had blonde hair in the previous game, she has black hair in her new ALfheim Online rendition. Her character is of the Spriggan race.
Klein, Kirito’s first friend in Sword Art Online, will also appear.
Outside of character confirmations, the magazine also has a look at the “Desert Golem Hildisvíni,” a huge new boss similar to that from a hunting game like Monster Hunter that you’ll fight in the sky.
Sword Art Online: Lost Song is due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on March 26.
Kantai Collection Kai is the final name for the the PS Vita adaption of popular browser game Kantai Collection, Kadokawa Games announced during the Kadokawa Games x From Software Fall 2014 Media Briefing.
Kadokawa Games’ Kensuke Tanaka will act as the game’s producer and director. It will use the browser game as its base, with a new user interface built for PS Vita including new systems like a “Waters Map.” Most of the Kanmusu (ship daughters) from the browser version will be included with the PS Vita version from the get-go, and gameplay will take a shift towards more overt strategy.
Earth Defense Force 4.1 in Japan verschoben
26.11.14 - D3 gibt bekannt, dass der Shooter Earth Defense Force 4.1 (jap. "Chikyuu Boueigun 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair") statt im Februar 2015 erst am 02.04.15 in Japan erscheinen wird. Die Mehrzeit wollen die Entwickler zur Qualitätsverbesserung des Spiels nutzen.
Die Visual Novel Rewrite ist in Japan 2011 für PCs erschienen. Der Entwickler ist Key und für die Artworks der Charaktere ist Itaru Hinoue verantwortlich. Die Werke sind aus Air oder Clannad bekannt. Das Spiel wird in naher Zukunft für PlayStation 3 erschienen. Bisher existieren nur Adaptionen für PlayStation Portable und PlayStation Vita erschienen, die durch den Publisher Prototype vertrieben wurden.
Für die neueste Fassung wurden einige Neuerungen genannt. Alle Figuren werden komplett vertont. Als Termin für die Veröffentlichung in Japan wurde der 11. Februar 2015 festgesetzt.
Criminal Girls: Invite Only will launch for PS Vita in North America on February 3 and in Europe on February 6, NIS America announced.
The game will be available at both retail and digital and be compatible with PlayStation TV. It is an updated version of PSP’s Criminal Girls, which never saw release outside Japan, and includes a host of brand new content as your explore the depths of Hell and lead a gang of female delinquents on a quest to absolve themselves and be reborn on Earth.
A $51.99 limited edition includes a copy of the game, art book, soundtrack CD, and special box. It is available on the NIS America Online Store.
Find a full outline of the game below.
Seven delinquents, seven sins, and only one way out. Just hired for a new, mysterious job, you soon discover that this isn’t your normal prison gig. You’ve been entrusted with the care of a crew of girls whose sins have damned their souls to Hell and an eternity of punishment… Their only hope of salvation is for you to recognize their unique histories, and to guide them along the path to redemption. Navigate through the four trials of the Redemption Program, and motivate your crew of delinquents to learn the skills to redeem themselves.
Key Points
Mind Your Manners: These girls aren’t your typical RPG team – they have minds of their own! To defeat the convicts doing their time in Hell’s dungeons, you’ll need to listen to your team’s desires, and choose your path to victory from the ever-evolving repertoire of skills, spells, and combo attacks that they want to use.
Touching Gameplay: Connect with the girls. Uncover each of their unique personalities through oneon-one motivational sessions with a unique use of the front touchscreen and rear touchpad. Fulfill the girls’ special requests to discover more about their interesting and often dark pasts.
Criminal Girls, Reborn: This Playstation Vita update will mark the first time a Criminal Girls game makes its way to the US, and with English text! The update also brings previously unplayable characters into the fray—Miu and Himekami—and includes brand new scenarios and levels to challenge your prison smarts. It also revamps the much lauded motivational gameplay with updated artwork, and brand new Live2D graphics and effects.
Sony Bend arbeitet an neuem PS Vita Titel: Ist etwa ein Sequel zu Uncharted Golden Abyss in Arbeit?
Quelle: Areagames.de
Gestern erfuhren wir, dass man in Sword Art Online: Lost Song auf bekannte Gesichter treffen wird. Die Figur Philia, die ihren ersten Auftritt in Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment feierte, kehrt in die Serie zurück. Allerdings unterscheidet sich ihr neues Aussehen deutlich von ihren vertrauten Zügen.
Philia gehört in dem Rollenspiel zur Rasse der Spriggan und ist eine Schatzjägerin. In den Schlachten arbeitet sie multifunktional mit ihren Dolchen und unterstützender Magie. Ebenso erhält Klein, einer der ersten Freunde von Kirito, eine Rolle in Sword Art Online: Lost Song. Er gehört zur Rasse der Salamander. Sein Charakter in ALfheim Online verwendet ein Schwert als Waffe, wie man es von ihm aus Sword Art Online gewohnt ist.
Sword Art Online: Lost Song erscheint am 26. März in Japan.
The latest Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth media blast details character Rie Kishibe, the Royal Knight Digimon Crusadermon, and how players will be able to Digivolve their Digimon.
Get the details below.
Rie Kishibe
The Operating Officer of Kamishiro Enterprise, which oversees the EDEN project. Though she has a mellow, yet magnanimous disposition and puts on a considerate air towards other people’s thoughts and feelings, deep down she has complete confidence in her decisions and therefore rarely actually listens to anybody else’s suggestions.
A holy knight-type Digimon and “Royal Knights” member who is king of all Knightmon. It’s deeply involved in the incidents occurring in the real world, but its goal is unknown. Rather than categorize Crusadermon as good or evil, it is true to its own thinking of the word “justice,” and as such is not labeled. That said, if “rule by force” brings peace, then Crusadermon finds value in it. But there is also an unparalleled ruthlessness to the execution of its missions, and it has no mercy for the weak.
Scan, Collect, and Convert Digimon
When you encounter a Digimon in the field, the Digimon Scanner will automatically begin and scan the Digimon. If you accumulate over 100 percent of the Digimon’s data, it is possible to convert that data in the Digi-Lab, and watch it go from a Digi-Egg to Digimon. The larger the percentage you scan, the more that will be added to the converted Digimon’s base abilities.
As Digimon get stronger, they will Digivolve. Their levels and skill points will increase as you win battles, allowing them to Digivolve into a variety of other Digimon. Digivolution for each Digimon is possible by meeting certain conditions. For example, Greymon can evolve into MetalGreymon, MetalGreymon (Virus), Megadramon, or SkullGreymon, and each has their own conditions the player must meet.
Rare Digivolution
Typically, a Digimon Digivolves simply by leveling up and reaching that point naturally as a matter of consequence. However, there are rare digivolutions that can occur through other methods, such as repeated Digivolving and de-Digivolving to break through level caps, as well as by training up latent skill points. Some evolutions require a particular item.
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is due out for PS Vita in Japan in spring 2015.
PlayStation 3 remake Downtown Nekketsu Koushinkyoku: Soreyuke Daiundoukai All-Star Special will launch in Japan on February 11, Arc System Works announced.
The publisher also detailed three new elements:
1) Create your own character and use him in single-player mode. Customize its name and appearance (hairdo, hair color, face parts, and skin color). Keep winning and you’ll level up, in turn learning new special attacks.
2) Over 100 characters will compete in this athletic meet. Plus, a new team and characters will appear.
3) Unlock brand new special attacks. Ones that could only originally be used in the multiplayer battle royale mode can now also be utilized outside it.
Visit the game’s official website here.
D3 Publisher has released the first full set of screenshots and details for its 2015-due open-world gal game Natsuiro High School: Seishun Hakujo.
Get the details below.
Welcome to the freedom of the island, to the freedom of school
Somewhere in Japan is a small island known as “Yumegashima,” where a transfer student arrives to attend its only school, “Yumegashima High School,” on July 7, 20XX. The player will spend the next three months as a second year student at Yumegashima High School, before changing schools again. The gears of fate will begin to turn from the first day the player begins school, kicking off by meeting the over-familiar, but frivolous and helpful Shigeyuki Tsuzaki (Shige for short), and will go on to introduce 29 other classmates in Class B.
This includes an unexpected reunion with his now-grown childhood friend Megu Mikazuki. She takes him along somewhere, but… what’s this? Meg takes the player to the school’s journalism club, which is danger of bung dismantled, and forces him to join as the only boy in the club. So he becomes their cameraman. The rest of the club consists of four girls, who are cute, but come with their oddities. As for third years, there’s the blunt president Kaoruko Shoji and motivaed vice president Yayoi Ogami. As for the rest, there’s the first year hostile man-hater Tamaki Shimabukuro, and your second year childhood friend Meg.
On this island overflowing with wonderful scenery, and full of love, friends, scoops, and mysterious incidents, players can fully enjoy the freedom of a high school life. How the player decides to spend their summer school life is up to them. There are 300 people on the island of Yumegashima, and 150 quests for the player to carry out. You’ll deepen your relationship with the girls of the journalism club. Or, follow a story of friendship with your fellow classmates. After three months, it will be your time to leave, but what kind of ending will you receive?
The girls of Yumegashima High School’s journalism club
The activities of the journalism club include conveying a variety of news to everyone in Yumegashima and Yumegashima High School. However, it cannot deny that it’s fallen to a shortage of members, and if they don’t have a fifth member by July, it will no longer remain officially active. But the protagonist ensures their continued operation by joining. In September, the school will host a cultural festival involving a series of research presentations that each member participates in, with topics varying based on their own findings and research. But even though the player has ensured club operations continue, the other members remain on edge about their prospects and are hesitant to get too excited as the cultural festival approaches.
Let’s introduce the girls:
Megu Mikazuki (voice by Shiori Mikami) – The protagonist’s childhood friend, Megu and the protagonist used to play together every day from ages 3 to 5, until the latter had to move away with his sickly father who needed treatment. Though she’s naive and well regarded by boys and girls alike, amassing a large number of friends as a result, her overly helpful nature can, at times, be a hindrance. When her temper flares up, she has a tendency to stop paying attention to what’s around her and listening to what other people have to say, instead quick to jump to her own conclusions, but fundamentally, she’s a self aware person that people can count on. As such, she can be responsible to a fault, preferring to not burden others with problems and make do on her own however she can, although this obviously brings about its own share of issues at times.
Kaoruko Shoji (voiced by Rie Murakawa) – Kaoruko is the president of the journalism club and daughter of the corporate giant Shoji Group, which is run by her whole family. A serious, studious person with top grades and a strong sense of responsibility, she doesn’t like bringing up her worries with other people and prefers to not be the topic of conversation with others. She thusly maintains a certain level of distance with others, she prefers to remain professional in her conduct and get business done, rather than cozy up to people. Still, she’s fully aware that she can be a difficult person to approach and wants to change that aspect of herself. Perpetually unsatisfied with how things currently are, she’s always looking forward to the next big thing, but not to the extent that she’ll irrationally pursue things.
Yayoi Ogami (voiced by Juri Nagatsuma) – Yayoi is the journalism club’s vice president. Her life is in service of the island’s residents and is the first child and elder daughter descended from a family of priests and priestesses at Omiwa Jinja, making her highly respected and widely loved by her people. Though she can relate to others well and has a friendly disposition, her sensibilities can make her a bit dense and difficult to understand. Nevertheless, find something that interests her and she’ll talk endlessly about it. She can also be stubborn and direct on occasion as well. She refers to Tamaki as “Tamabukuro,” but bears no ill will towards her.
Tamaki Shimabukuro (voiced by Aya Suzaki) – Tamaki is the only first year student who’s a part of the journalism club. She’s shy around people and has a distaste for guys especially, due in large part to their insistence on calling her “Tamakin” over the years. She only opens up to those she feels really comfortable around, idolizing Megu in particular like an older sister. Perhaps due to her feeling uniquely close to Megu, she’s not particularly keen on the protagonist despite his and Megu’s relationship, often adopting a hostile stance towards him. While she’s seemingly spoiled on the outside, she prefers to not be indulged too much, feeling it can be manipulative. This makes her want to become an adult, although her idea of adulthood is to simply get married and have a family, leaving her with much to learn about life yet. For all her faults, people can’t help but like her. She’s long since gotten tired of Yayoi calling her “Tamabukuro,” though.
Take on quests and help the people
There are more than 150 people on the island of Yumegashima who need your help. Every one of them is troubled with something and will request you help them with a special job. Talk to everyone to pinpoint these quest holders. After receiving a quest, you can check it at any time on the Quest List.
Don’t miss your shutter chance
As a cameraman for the journalism club, you should not let your shutter chance escape as a photograph subject could appear at any time. The first step as a socially aware photographer is to take pictures of the lives of the island’s people, however, you should do it without being a nuisance. But if you’re aiming for that panty shot, crawling along the floors of the town, police notification is inevitable.
Bandai Namco hat neue Videos zu Godzilla für PlayStation 3 veröffentlicht. Es handelt sich um “Charakter-Videos”. Ihr seht zwei verschiedene Godzilla-Formen in Aktion. Das Spiel ist missionsbasiert und man übernimmt natürlich die Rolle des 50 Meter hohen Riesen, der Gebäude zerstört, was das Zeug hält. Dabei orientiert man sich in Sachen Special Effects absichtlich ganz nah am Film, auch was die Kameraführung angeht.
Godzilla erscheint am 18. Dezember in Japan!
Wenn ihr für das Wochenende keine weihnachtliche Stimmung benötigt, sondern Mystery und Horror vorzieht, solltet ihr euch die beiden neuen Videos zu Higurashi When They Cry Sui nicht entgehen lassen. Der Publisher Kaga Create arbeitet an einer Fassung für PlayStation 3 und PlayStation Vita.
Die neue “Complete”-Version des Spiels wird alle Szenarien der bisherigen Versionen enthalten und zusätzlich Sprachausgabe. Dazu gibt es drei neue Songs, eine neue Skip-Funktion, eine spielbare Umsetzung des einst nicht spielbaren “Hajisarashi”-Kapitels und neue Kostüme.
A PS Vita game adaptation of the TV anime Saki: The Nationals is in development, it was announced on a Niconico special broadcast this morning.
The game is due out around summer 2015. Further details, such as a developer and publisher, were not announced.
Thanks, Games Talk.
Our latest look at The Irregular at Magic High School: Out of Order, Bandai Namco’s upcoming PS Vita adaptation of the popular anime, introduces the game’s multiplayer mode, which is playable by up to four people via ad-hoc.
Multiplayer includes the following three modes, branded in the game as new interface C.A.D. lessons (thus the lengthy names):
“Normal Match” (also known as “Interference Intensity Measurement”) – A free magic battle between characters. When a character’s health reaches zero, they’re KO’d. The player responsible for the required number of KOs is the winner. The required number of KOs differs depending on the amount of players. For two players, three KOs are required. For three players, four KOs. And for four people, five KOs.
“Territory Collapse” (also known as “Operation Structure Measurement”) – A target match where players are tasked with destroying the cores that appear in the field to gather points and attain the highest score. When all the cores are destroyed, the player with the highest score wins. There are no health bars in this mode.
“Psyon Flag” (also known as “Operation Velocity Measurement”) – A capture-the-flag-like mode where players are tasked with acquiring the flags from the “Psyon Flag” points on the field. When all the flags are acquired, the player with the most flags is the winner. There are no health bars in this mode.
Watch a few videos of the game’s multiplayer mode below, via Dengeki Online. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.