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Europa: Terraria erscheint nächste Woche mit Cross-Play
07.11.14 - Re-Logic gibt bekannt, dass das Actionspiel Terraria (PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360, PS Vita) am 12.11.14 in Europa im PlayStation Store erscheinen wird.
Die PS4-Version soll fast drei Mal so umfangreich wie die PS3-Fassung sein. Es gibt mehr als eintausend neue Gegenstände, einschließlich 10 neue Erze. Dazu kommen 4 neue Holzarten, 31 neue Bricks (Ziegel), 12 neue Flügelarten, 8 neue freundliche NPCs, uvm.
Die Entwickler haben auch auf das Feedback der Spieler gehört und Verbesserungen am Spiel vorgenommen. So kann man auf der PS4 z.B. mittels Dual Shock 4 Touchpad zoomen. Terraria bietet auf der PS4 auch Cross-Pay mit PS3 und PS Vita: Damit lassen sich Spielstände zwischen den drei Systemem austauschen sowie Mehrspieler-Einsätze plattformübergreifend austragen.
Für begrenzte Zeit erhalten Käufer der PS4-Version die PS Vita-Version gratis.
Koei Tecmo has released the second trailer for Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3.
The clip shows the game’s “if” scenarios, “godspeed actions,” battle techniques, character change system, and full character customization.
If you missed the notification, a demo for the game is currently out in Japan.
The game is due out for PS Vita and 3DS in Japan on December 4.
Watch the trailer below.
The latest set of The Irregular at Magic High School: Out of Order screenshots introduce Angelina Kudou Shields, who was confirmed last month to be appearing the game.
Warning: The following character description contains spoilers that go beyond the TV anime.
Angelina, nicknamed Lina, is USNA transfer student who first appears in the Visitor Arc of the light novel. Her magical combat ability is high enough to compete with Miyuki. In reality, however, she is known as Angie Sirius, the High Commander of Stars, a USNA military organization.
Also pictured are Mizuki Shibata, Azusa Nakajo, Suzune Ichihara, Kei Isori, and Shinkuro Kichijoji, as well as the “Cloud Ball” costume included with first-print copies of the game, and one of the four costumes included with the limited edition.
The Irregular at Magic High School: Out of Order is due out for PS Vita in Japan on December 25. View the new screenshots at the gallery.
wie es scheint ist der thread inzwischen komplett in kiera's hand.![]()
Arc System Works will announce a new game next week.
The Guilty Gear developer posted the above image on Twitter alongside the text, “New game announcement next week.”
Stay tuned.
Update: Looks like it’s going to be a localization of Fantasy Hero: Unsigned Legacy, a hack-and-slash RPG that launched for PS Vita in Japan this July.
Bandai Namco has released the first set of direct-feed screenshots of Sword Art Online: Lost Song.
The images showcase the world of ALfheim Online—or more specifically, Svart ALfheim, an new continent made up of several floating islands on which the game is set. The first island is called Vorklinde, floating grassland where you’ll find windmills and other large structures.
You’ll also see the game’s 360-degree flight action battles. Players wil be able to fight freely in aerial battles just like the TV anime. You can fight on the ground, as well, and the transition between sky and ground battles is said to be “seamless.” In dungeons, ground-based battles are prevalent.
Also shown are parties and playable characters. Players can bring two other characters of their choosing into battle with them. And Kirito doesn’t have to be among them. Lost Song gives you the option to choose which character you play as. Characters shown in the screenshots include Kirito, Leafa, Asuna, Silica, and Lisbeth.
Sword Art Online: Lost Song is due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on March 26.
Bandai Namco has released the first set of direct-feed screenshots of Sword Art Online: Lost Song.
The images showcase the world of ALfheim Online—or more specifically, Svart ALfheim, an new continent made up of several floating islands on which the game is set. The first island is called Vorklinde, floating grassland where you’ll find windmills and other large structures.
You’ll also see the game’s 360-degree flight action battles. Players wil be able to fight freely in aerial battles just like the TV anime. You can fight on the ground, as well, and the transition between sky and ground battles is said to be “seamless.” In dungeons, ground-based battles are prevalent.
Also shown are parties and playable characters. Players can bring two other characters of their choosing into battle with them. And Kirito doesn’t have to be among them. Lost Song gives you the option to choose which character you play as. Characters shown in the screenshots include Kirito, Leafa, Asuna, Silica, and Lisbeth.
Sword Art Online: Lost Song is due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on March 26.
The latest set of Gundam Breaker 2 screenshots show off the recently confirmed Blitz and Duel Gundams, both of which appear as playable.
You’ll also get a look at the game’s new “Weapon Build” system, which allows you to build weapons using materials gathered from defeating enemies. Weapons introduced include the rifle, double rifle, machine gun, long rifle, Gatling gun, and bazooka.
Gundam Breaker 2 is due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on December 18. View the screenshots at the gallery.
The latest set of Gundam Breaker 2 screenshots show off the recently confirmed Blitz and Duel Gundams, both of which appear as playable.
You’ll also get a look at the game’s new “Weapon Build” system, which allows you to build weapons using materials gathered from defeating enemies. Weapons introduced include the rifle, double rifle, machine gun, long rifle, Gatling gun, and bazooka.
Gundam Breaker 2 is due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on December 18. View the screenshots at the gallery.
Sinon and human-size Yui will appear in Sword Art Online: Lost Song, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals.
3D models for both characters are shown in the magazine, with Yui in her white one-piece dress as she appeared in the first arc of Sword Art Online, rather than the fairy form she’s most recently taken.
The magazine also introduces a new base city area called “Sky Capital Line,” where players will be able to make use of facilities such as the weapon shop & workshop, inn, and bar.
Lost Song is set on ALfheim Online’s Svart ALfheim, a legendary continent composed of several floating continents. Players will be able to move between continents via portals, according to the magazine.
The game will also support online play for up to four players. A scene with chat performed via preset phrases is shown in the magazine, but details such as how playable characters are delegated remain unknown.
Other random tidbits mentioned: Sword Skills will be available from the beginning of the game. And dungeons consists of enemies and treasure.
Sword Art Online: Lost Song is due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on March 26.
Phantasy Star Nova won’t just have Resonance of Fate, Star Ocean IV, and Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth collaborations. It will have a Valkyria Chronicles 3 collaboration, too.
Announced on a Niconico broadcast this morning, the Vakyria Chronicles 3 collaboration content will be released on December 24.![]()
Additionally, previously announced collaboration content was also dated. The Resonance of Fate content will launch on December 4, Star Ocean IV on December 11, and Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth on December 18.
Phantasy Star Nova is due out for PS Vita in Japan on November 27.
Sinon and human-size Yui will appear in Sword Art Online: Lost Song, the latest issue of Dengeki PlayStation reveals.
3D models for both characters are shown in the magazine, with Yui in her white one-piece dress as she appeared in the first arc of Sword Art Online, rather than the fairy form she’s most recently taken.
The magazine also introduces a new base city area called “Sky Capital Line,” where players will be able to make use of facilities such as the weapon shop & workshop, inn, and bar.
Lost Song is set on ALfheim Online’s Svart ALfheim, a legendary continent composed of several floating continents. Players will be able to move between continents via portals, according to the magazine.
The game will also support online play for up to four players. A scene with chat performed via preset phrases is shown in the magazine, but details such as how playable characters are delegated remain unknown.
Other random tidbits mentioned: Sword Skills will be available from the beginning of the game. And dungeons consists of enemies and treasure.
Sword Art Online: Lost Song is due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on March 26.
Ich werde mir bakd die ps4 holen und habe aber zweifel, ob das spieleangebot qualitativ schon gut Ist.
Ich habe alien isolation und tomb raider definitive version auf dem radar...
Sind die spiele empfehlenswert?
Was Ist sonst noch richtig gut? Ich spiele fast alles solang gut.
Fantasy Hero: Unsigned Legacy is coming to PS Vita via PlayStation Network in North America on December 2 and in other regions (South America and Europe) in Q1 2015, Arc System Works announced.
Find the action RPG detailed below:
The world was once at peace. Lush and vibrant, all forms of life lived in harmony.
Mankind lived at one with nature. They settled in the forest, raised families, and passed knowledge to the next generation. They did not live the most prosperous lives, but their survival was a testament to mankind’s willpower, and they enjoyed the blessings of the forest.
—Until the Decoders came.
They appeared without warning the day the sky broke open with a blinding light. Some looked like the children of man and beast. Others, like the rocks themselves came to life. With their claws, fangs, and mysterious powers, they slaughtered the innocent. Razing forests and entire villages, the Decoders seized control of the world in a single night. Violence and fear reigned. Those who managed to survive the rampage escape and lived in fear of discovery.
Twelve years later… Brave heroes make their last stand against the Decoders to return peace to the world.
Choose one of four heroes to save the world, each featuring a different playstyle: slashing, wrestling, shooting, or punching with giant robot fists!
Enhance or remodel weapons to create deadly combinations.
Fully voice-acted heroes, supporting comrades, and enemies come to life as the story unfolds
Complete your party with up to 4 player local co-op
Explore the world further with new missions available as DLC.
Re-color your characters with Character Color Packs DLC, including colors inspired by Guilty Gear and BlazBlue
Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late USA Termin
14.11.14 - Aksys Game gibt bekannt, dass das Prügelspiel Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late am 24.02.15 in den USA veröffentlicht wird.
In wenigen Tagen bringt Nippon Ichi Software das ungewöhnliche Spiel Oedo Blacksmith (Great Edo Blacksmith) in den japanischen Handel. Der Protagonist hat nur ein Jahr seines verbleibenden Lebens Zeit, Geld zu verdienen, um damit die Liebe eines Lebens zu entdecken und zu versorgen.
Um seine Finanzen zu verbessern, erkundet er Verliese und sucht dort nach Materialien, aus denen er später seine Waffen produzieren kann. Seine Waren verkauft er anschließend, um die Damen und die angeheuerten Söldner zu bezahlen. Seine Gesundheit ist angeschlagen und aus diesem Grund kämpft er nicht alleine gegen die gefährlichen Monster. Die Soldaten, die ihn begleiten, sind weiblich und hierbei muss er darauf achten, dass seine Herzensdame nicht eifersüchtig ist.
Wenn ihr euch von Durarara!! Relay ein erstes Bild machen wollt, dann solltet ihr nicht den Trailer von Kadokawa Games verpassen. Das Video zeigt euch einige Eindrücke aus dem Geschehen. Das Spiel bietet eine originale Handlung, 3D-Grafik und die Synchronsprecher der Animeserie. Das neue “Relay-System” erlaubt den Wechsel zwischen den Charakteren in jedem Kapitel. Die Geschichte startet im Januar im Stadtviertel Ikebukuro, als Mikado, Masaomi und Anri an einer Eröffnungszeremonie für das dritte Semester an ihrer Schule teilnehmen.
Der Titel wird am 29. Januar 2015 in Japan für PlayStation Vita erscheinen.
famitsu schrieb:Phantasy Star Nova (PS Vita, Sega): 9 / 9 / 9 / 9 - (36/40)
famitsu schrieb:Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi (PS Vita, Idea Factory): 9 / 8 / 8 / 8 - (33/40)
Great Edo Blacksmith (PS Vita, Nippon Ichi): 8 / 7 / 7 / 8 - (30/40)