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Kann es eigentlich sein dass es dieses Jahr keinen einzigen AAA Exklusivtitel für PS3 mehr gibt?
Final Fantasy XIV PS3 Update – Interview, New Details
When it was first launched back in 2010, Final Fantasy XIV for PC was criticized by players and the media, and eventually the planned PS3 version was postponed. Since then, Square Enix decided to reshuffle the leading developers of the game, with Naoki Yoshida now acting as Director and Producer. His challenge is to helm the 2.0 version of Final Fantasy XIV, which is a re-imagination of the original release. It will mark a new beginning for the game when it gets launched this winter, coinciding with the release of the anticipated PS3 version.
The game was not ready to be demoed publicly at E3 this year, but we got a chance to see a brief live demo behind closed doors of the game still running on a PC. It featured lush visuals, with a richly detailed character running through a forest area with dense vegetation and impressive lighting effects passing through foliage. It was something we definitely aren’t used to see in an MMORPG. “Right now it’s optimized for PC. We’re about 50% into the development of the PS3 version, but it’s pretty much how it’s going to look on the console as well,” explains Yoshida. “It uses the same new graphics engine we built just for this game. This summer we’ll have an opportunity to show the PS3 version.”
In the meantime, he briefed us on what to expect from the new version of the game. “We believe that Final Fantasy XIV 2.0 can be considered the next real Final Fantasy game in the series,” he adds. This re-release is based on three pillars that have also been the aspects the series is known for: high quality gameplay, great storyline and beautiful graphics. “And on top of that, there´s our MMORPG community, which will consist of both PC players and also the PS3 players all over the world.” Which means the game will be cross-platform, like FFXI before it on PS2 and PC.
Yoshida-san is quick to emphasize how the legacy is going to be a driving force for this episode: “We’ll have some Final Fantasy staples as well, like chocobos, moogles and summons. But what is a little bit different is that these summons are like demigods in this world, so they´re really powerful, and it’ll take cooperation of all the players to fight these battles.”
Of course, bringing an MMORPG to a console system means tackling some big challenges. “It is a thing that didn’t have been done a lot in the past, and we have to make sure that we design an user interface and control scheme specially for these players”, explains Yoshida. “And we’ll also be adding in-game tutorials and quests that will help players that might not be comfortable with MMOs, and when they play the game, they will feel like they’re playing a console game that just happens to be online.”
Things are looking promising for the second coming of Final Fantasy XIV, and PlayStation fans will finally have the chance to explore the lush visuals of Eorzea in this deeply-revised version of the title. Below, Yoshida-san goes deeper in some details of his project. And we can’t wait to gather some friends and ride some chocobos around those wonderful vistas.
Wipeout-Entwickler macht neues PS3-/PS Vita-Spiel
15.06.12 - Sonys Studio Liverpool (Wipeout-Serie) arbeitet an einem noch nicht angekündigten Spiel für PS3 und PS Vita. Das geht aus einer Stellenanzeige von Sony CEE für einen Audio Manager/Audio Lead hervor. Um was es sich für ein Spiel handelt, ist unklar.
CLICK (TheGamersHub: "Wipeout Dev Working on New Game")
hm... vielleicht wipeout für PS4![]()
Soll das irgendein Scherz sein, den ich nicht verstehe oder hast du nur "Wipeout-Entwickler macht neues Spiel" gelesen?
Da steht doch, dass es nen PS3/Vita-Game wird.
naja sie können doch schlecht sagen es kommt für PS4 wenn diese noch nicht angekündigt ist![]()
Naja, dann hätten sie aber wohl kaum explizit PS3/Vita in der Stellenausschreibung erwähnt, wenn es nicht zumindest auch für die kommt.![]()
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