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ZOE 3 oder snatcher announcment am Launchtag von MGS4?^^

DAS hier kommt vom MGS4 event in Japan, der gerade eben zu ende gegangen ist.

But wait! There's more! Just before telling everyone to leave, a voice appears in the background hinting at a surprise on launch day. "Akihabara, New York, LA -- worldwide live broadcast."

Then the same voice mentions some sort of project, along with the word "sequel."


We're not sure what Konami and Kojima are hinting at, but we hope they let us know, at least about the launch day surprise, some time before 6/12.


In the OPM review Kojima says that ZOE3 is "quite near" their priority list.

edit 3333: Mittwoch ist Konami gamersday^^

Lastly, in case you didn’t know, Wednesday night is Konami’s “Gamer’s Night” in SF – an event where we invite the press to come and check out Konami’s product lineup. There will be many long awaited and surprise announcements, special guests, and much more. Stay tuned right here on the PS Blog

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
snatcher/policenats remake oder fortsetzung.
oder nen neues game in dem stil wäre der hammer schlecht hin.

nen neues ZOE aber auch.
Boston (eCanadaNow) - Reports state that Bioshock is finally set to hit the Sony PS3 this coming September.

The latest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM) along with other sources have stated that the PS3 version of Bioshock will release this coming September.

The PS3 version of Bioshock wil include all of the previously released downloadable content, as well as improved visuals over the Xbox 360 and PC version.

PS3 owners have been clamoring for Bioshock on their next-gen console ever since it launched on the Xbox 360, and it appears it is finally ready to happen.
Wird wohl fix sein, mal sehen...
snatcher/policenats remake oder fortsetzung.
oder nen neues game in dem stil wäre der hammer schlecht hin.

nen neues ZOE aber auch.

Policenauts von Kojima war damals echt ein Kracher (in der damaligen Zeit) - habe es aber nie selbst gespielt!!!

Aber ein ZOE ist erstmal AUSGESCHLOSSEN!

Hoffentlich bekommt Kojima die Produktionskosten von MGS 4 wieder rein...
policenauts ist immer noch nen kracher!
zumindest in japan!
da wird das spiel immer wieder nachgepresst, weils so beliebt ist!

ich habs leider auch noch nicht gespielt!
hab ne version hier zuhause, aber warte noch immer auf den release der übersetzungs-patch von, aber die haben probleme mit dem einfügen der englischen texte ins spiel!
übersetzt ist das komplette script schon seit über nem jahr!

und warum schliesst du ZEO 3 aus?

naja, ich schliess es aber auch erstmal aus! beides!
denn im neusten interview mit kojima zu mgs 4 sagt er, wer will nen aktion spiel mache, was komplett neues, was noch keiner gesehen hat!
PSU schrieb:
Missing PS3 titles - Have you seen me?

Remember when the PlayStation 3 was first kicking off and developers were announcing their first line up of exciting new titles for the console? Some titles that may ring a bell included Killzone 2, Motorstorm, Project I-8 (which later became Resistance: Fall of Man), and Metal Gear Solid 4.

Now the reason these titles are familiar are that they have either already released or have at least been shown or talked about over the past few months. But what about the mysterious games that were announced, even shown in some cases, but since have dropped off the radar? Are they still in production? Have they been canned or shelved? provides a look at the games that have drifted into the forgotten realm as we speculate or offer confirmation on their current status.

This is part one of a multi-day feature, so stay tuned for part two shortly.

The City of Metronome:


Developed by Team Tarsier, The City of Metronome was a next gen title for the Xbox 360, PC and PlayStation 3. The game had somewhat of a dark,Tim Burton-like feel, where players would given the chance to explore winding alleys, skewed rooftops and crowded apartment buildings.

The unique gameplay element this title utilized was the ability to record sounds and use them for various tasks during the game such as fighting enemies or solving puzzles. Also, through the right usage of certain sounds you can confuse citizens, seduce them, or just change their mood and behavior.

The game showed potential with its eerie visuals and imaginative gameplay, however like this feature suggests, it slipped away into the shadows.

View the trailer here:

Where is the title now?

In June 2007, Tarsier told that the game had been set on the back burner, however in a recent talk with one of the game's developers, it sounds like they are still interested in moving forward with The City of Metronome.

"We got some funding from Nordic Game late last year. That will allow us to get back and hopefully do some awesome Metronome stuff that will get publishers interested," wrote Tarsier developer Björn Sunesson.

"We are currently super busy working on an unannounced PSN game with Sony...nothing Metronomey until that one is out."



Published by SCEI, Eyedentify was a new PS3 exclusive built specifically for the PS Eye. Using the voice recognition technology and the PS Eye, players would communicate with two female operatives to complete objects. Details on the game remained relatively tight lipped; however when the game was announced at E3 2005, SCEI was able to show a trailer of the game and how players would utilize the new PS3 camera.

View the tralier here:

Where is the title now?

Considering that E3 2005 was over three years ago, one would assume that either SCEI or SCEA would have given us an update on the titles current production state, especially when the PS Eye was released. So far the only update on the titles existence was a post by Jeremy Dunham, Editor in Chief of IGN's PlayStation Team, in June 2007.

"I called up some friends at Sony to see if they knew what's up and the scary part? Nobody there even remembered what the hell Eyedentify was, nor did they remember the trailer from two years ago. If it makes you feel any better, though, that doesn't mean that the game is cancelled. As one of our pals over there said, "If it's coming out of the Japanese studio then we wouldn't find out much about it until it's time to lift the veil.""

Our guess is that the game was an early concept that died and since the hype was going to other titles such as Resistance: Fall of Man, Killzone 2, and Motorstorm...Sony felt there was no need to announce anything official. The balls in your court now, Sony – time for an update, wouldn’t you say?

Stay tuned tomorrow for our next games on the list of forgotten games.

Mich würde auch mal interessieren, was mit Infamous los ist (E3 08?).
BioWare arbeiten an nem PS3 Spiel.

gamasutra: this(mass effect) was originally a project on the Xbox with Microsoft, but it's now with EA on PC. That isn't a prelude to saying, "Come to PS3," because that's your business, and I know you know what you're doing, but have you guys worked with the PS3 at all? Or have you studied it as a development platform and whether it's worth moving into, whether it's for this project or another?

RM: We haven't announced any future plans on Mass Effect, as to what the future holds. We're just focused on PC, in terms of what we're talking about. But we're working actively with the PS3 now, yeah, and the 360 as well. And we're exploring Wii, and the DS we're rapidly working on as well.

gamasutra: That's right. You're working on Sonic for DS.

RM: We are actually working on PS3 stuff. I think we said that before a bunch of times. That's something we're rapidly exploring. We haven't said what we're working on, but we're excited about the platform. I think it's a great platform
Es wird langsam mal Zeit, dass es mal was neues zu Eight Days, Afrika und The Getaway gibt!

Wobei ich eigentlich nur auf Eights Days warte während sich Afrika noch gar nicht abschätzen lässt, und bei The Getaway die Befürchtung besteht dass es wieder mal vermasselt wird.
Es wird langsam mal Zeit, dass es mal was neues zu Eight Days, Afrika und The Getaway gibt!

Wobei ich eigentlich nur auf Eights Days warte während sich Afrika noch gar nicht abschätzen lässt, und bei The Getaway die Befürchtung besteht dass es wieder mal vermasselt wird.

In allen Punkten = Zustimmung!!! :shoot4:
(wohl ich von Eights Days- ausser einer genialen Grafik irgendwie kaum etwas erwarte)
Eight Days hat damals bei mir die selbe Erwartung ausgelöst wie Uncharted: Sieht klasse aus, könnte ein spaßiges Action Game werden. Und dazu steh ich bis heute..:-)
Eight Days hat damals bei mir die selbe Erwartung ausgelöst wie Uncharted: Sieht klasse aus, könnte ein spaßiges Action Game werden. Und dazu steh ich bis heute..:-)

E3 08 wird, denke ich, viele Fragen beantworten. 2009 wird wohl die absolute Line-Up Bombe von Sony kommen, das hat selbst Shane Kim zugegeben.
E3 08 wird, denke ich, viele Fragen beantworten. 2009 wird wohl die absolute Line-Up Bombe von Sony kommen, das hat selbst Shane Kim zugegeben.

Wollen wirs hoffen, denn eigentlich sollte ja 08 das Jahr der PS3 werden. :P (Was es für mich auch ist, aber Andere sind wohl eher enttäuscht und/oder finden das 360er Line-Up besser).

Da hat man auch noch mit mehreren Titeln gerechnet von denen jetzt kaum/garnichts mehr zu hören is (Eight Days, WKS, Afrika etc.). Und auch mit Titeln wie GT5 (nagut, das is schon länger her :P) + KZ2 hat man 2008 gerechnet.

Aber wenn diese ganzen Games dann wirklich über das Jahr 2009 verteilt erscheinen, dann wird das nächste Jahr noch besser. :p
Das 2008er Line-up ist nach wievor ne wucht

MGS4, Resistance 2, Motorstorm 2, Little Big Planet, Siren, Socom Confr., GT5Pro, Valkyria, Wipeout HD, Naruto vll noch WKS, Africa, Eight Days und Tekken 6.
Das ist imo der Konkurrenz überlegen, wenn auch nicht deutlich.
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