PS4/PS5/Vita The Games of PLAYSTATION

Strnaglehold PS3 Demo any day now und mit extras^^

Yes, we’re still working on the PS3 and PC demos. I can’t say exactly, but we should be done with them “any day now.” PC and PS3 are still really important to us, and to prove it we’ve slipped a little something extra into the PC and PS3 demo. You know, cause y’all rock for waiting for it.

Are we porting the 360 game to the PC and PS3? No, not really. We did most of our content development on the PC with a controller attached. That let us make quick changes and almost instantly see it in the game. But we’ve had all three versions of the game up and running in parallel for several months now, with a team of programmers dedicated to each system.

Two Worlds vielleicht doch auf der PS3?

8. Will this game remain console exclusive to Xbox 360?

To be honest, we’ve been more concerned about making the PC and 360 versions the best they can be, but there’s always a possibility! ;)

GRAW2 PS3 Review ich selber kann das Spiel auch nur empfehlen ;)

5 von 5 auf Gamespy

Easily the best combat experience available on the PS3 (with the possible exception of Resistance), Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 is precisely the game that military shooter fans must own. With astounding graphics (especially for the all-important and terrifyingly frequent explosions), a sweeping symphonic soundtrack, a surprisingly deep story and a smooth multiplayer experience, GRAW 2 proves that the PS3 can perform just as well as the 360 any day of the week.
Hier die volle Packung der aktuellsten Exclusivliste:

Released [13 Titles]
* Formula One Championship Edition
* Full Auto 2: Battlelines
* Genji: Days of the Blade
* Godfather: The Don's Edition, The
* MLB '07: The Show
* Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
* MotorStorm
* Ninja Gaiden Sigma
* Resistance: Fall of Man
* Ridge Racer 7
* Spider-Man 3: Collector's Edition
* Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
* Virtua Fighter 5 [Timed for 360]

Upcoming [87 Titles]
* ActiveDogs Project
* Afrika
* Agency, The [+PC]
* Airtight Project
* Angel Link [Working Title]
* Angel Rings [Working Title]
* Aquanaut's Holiday - Inner Mind Adventure, The
* Aqua Vita
* Battle Field Valkyrie
* Big Time Revenge
* Black Blade
* Coded Arms: Assault
* CyberConnect2 Project
* DC Universe
* Diseaga 3
* Driver 5
* Eight Days
* Ember
* EyeCreate
* Eyedentify
* Eye of Judgement, The
* Fifth Phantom Saga
* Final Fantasy XIII
* Final Fantasy Versus XIII
* Folklore
* Getaway 3
* Gradius
* Gran Turismo 5
* Gretzky NHL
* Haze [Timed Exclusive]
* Heavenly Sword
* Heavy Rain
* Home, PlayStation
* Hot Shots Golf 5
* Imabiksou
* Jaffe Exclusive 1
* Jaffe Exclusive 2
* Jaffe Exclusive 3
* Killzone 2
* Lair
* L.A. Noire [Confirmed]
* LittleBigPlanet
* Little House in the Plateau [Working Title]
* Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
* Metal Gear Solid Online
* Megazone 23: Blue Garland
* Metro 2033: The Last Refuge
* Mist of Chaos
* Monster Hunter 3
* My Summer Holiday
* Namco Bandai RPG Project
* Namco Bandai Sports Project
* Namco Bandai Shooter Project
* NBA '08
* Ni-Oh
* Project D
* Project Psychic [Working Title]
* Quantic Dream Project
* Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
* Railfan [Train Simulator Online]
* Railfan Touwan Koutetsu
* Record of Agarest War
* Rockstar Games Exclusive Franchise [PS.BlOG]
* Romance of the Three Kingdoms
* Redwood Falls
* Sega's Toshihiro Nagoshi Project
* SingStar
* Sky Blue
* Tears to Taira: Kakan no Daichi
* Tekken 6
* thatgamecompany Project #2 [untitled]
* thatgamecompany Project #3 [untitled]
* Time Crisis 4 [Including Guncon 3]
* Tomb Raider 8
* Trials of Topoq [Revelation]
* Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
* Unreal Tournament III [+PC] [Timed Exclusive]
* Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
* Wardevil
* Warhawk
* Way of the Samurai 3
* White Knight Story
* Yamasa DigiWorld DX
* Zipper Interactive Project
PlayStation Network Exclusives
Released [15 Titles]
* Blast Factor
* Calling All Cars!
* Cash Guns Chaos DLX
* flOw
* Go! Puzzle
* Go! Sudoku
* Gran Turismo HD Concept
* Gripshift
* Lemmings
* Mortal Kombat II
* Nucleus
* Piyo Tama
* Super Rub-a-Dub
* Super Stardust HD
* Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
Upcoming [17 Titles]
* Buu Buu Cocoreccho [Loco Roco]
* EchoChrome
* Elefunk
* Everyday Shooter
* Free Realms [+PC]
* Go! Sports Ski
* High Stakes on the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition
* High Velocity Bowling
* Nobi Nobi Boy
* Pain
* Pixel Junk Racers
* Snakeball
* SOCOM: Confrontation
* Soldner-X [onAXIS] [+PC]
* Toy Home
* Wipeout HD
MultiPlatform Unknown Exclusives [1 Title]
* Silent Hill 5
Unknown Exclusive/Rumored Titles [14 Titles]
* Digimon World Online
* Epic Project
* Final Fantasy VII
* God of War 3
* Hideo Kojima Project
* Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
* Kingdom Hearts 3
* Motorstorm 2
* Nine to Five
* Resistance: Rise of Man
* Sly 4
* TimeSplitters
* Twisted Metal
Ist Haze jetzt eigentlich PS3 exklusiv geworden oder nicht ???

Ich poste einfach mal etwas aus der aktuellen Gamepro schrieb:
Das schöne an einer Insider Veranstletung wie der E3:Die Spiele werden nicht von PR-Leuten oder dürftig angelernten Messe-Hostessen vorgestellt, sondern meist von den Entwicklern selbst. Die kennen sich nicht nur bestens mit ihren Babys aus, sondern sind im Idealfall auch noch coole Burschen. Zum Beispiel Dave Doak, Chef von Free Radical (Time Splitters ). In seiner Präsentations Suite stehen die PC's "Shady" und "Sneaky", auf beiden läuft der Ego-Shooter Haze.
Äh Moment mal, ist Haze nicht ein PS3-Eklusivtitel?
"Haze gibt's in dieser Weihnachtssaison nur auf Playstation 3-mehr sage ich dazu nicht", grinst Dave. kann sich glaub seinen Teil zu denken ;-)
Ja, aber lief es jetzt auf zwei PCs ("Shady" und "Sneaky"), oder wie?
Ist bestimmt ne blöde frage, ich weiss :confused: aber lief es jetzt auf einer PS3?

Auf der E3 lief das Spiel auf 2 PC's unter Linux, darunter wurde Haze auch entwickelt, da, so die Aussage des Free Redical Chefs, PS3 DevKits zum Anfang schwer zu beschaffen waren.
Einfachste Erklärung für mich, das es jetzt zur GC auf einer PS3 lief, ist das es zur E3 noch nicht flüssig und Präsentationswürdig auf der PS3 gelaufen wäre....
Ich zitiere mal aus dem "PS3 LineUP für 2007/08/09" - Thread

"Wie wir soeben bei einer Präsentation des Shooters aus erster Hand erfahren haben, wird es keine Xbox-360-Version von Haze geben. Der Titel ist dieses Jahr noch PS3-exklusiv und wird voraussichtlich im November erscheinen, 2008 wird eine PC-Fassung folgen. Weitere Informationen zur Präsentation folgen heute Abend."

Huch was is denn da passiert!?
PSU: What is the primary advantage with the technologies for next-gen? Are there differences between the 360 and PS3 that you found aided you in the game?

Valve: We defintiely feel next-gen technology aided truly in our development process. You know---you have complexer AI, you have more characters to work with, an enhanced ability to work with the animations on a higher scale--all that stuff. The only difference between the 360 and PS3--which both as a collective helped us develop The Orange Box is definitely there.
For the 360 version of the game, we can probably say we are using around 93-94% of the console's power given our current optimization.
With the PS3, we can't exactly say what power cap we reached, since no developer really knows where the boundary is for the PS3. We can tell you that in terms of the whole game together on the PS3, we are not even using the SPU's and it is purely built on the graphics card and Cell. We're still optimizing for PS3 more because we can, which can explain the slight delay to you. But no worries, everything is going smoothly to put down any rumors.


WTF, die nutzten nicht die SPU's des Cells und können nicht einschätzten wie viel Power man nun von der Ps3 nutzt. Irgendwie gefällt mir das nicht. Die PS3 Version könnte somit nicht nur schwächer aussehen.

Leider gibt es ja kaum Berichte zu den Versionsunterschieden.
Valve macht überhaupt nicht die PS3 Version der Orange Box. PSU ist sowieso mehr als eine fragwürdige Quelle ich sage nur Sony kauft Rockstar. :-P

WTF, die nutzten nicht die SPU's des Cells und können nicht einschätzten wie viel Power man nun von der Ps3 nutzt. Irgendwie gefällt mir das nicht. Die PS3 Version könnte somit nicht nur schwächer aussehen.

Leider gibt es ja kaum Berichte zu den Versionsunterschieden.

hieß es nicht immer beide versionen wären völlig ident? oder verwechsel ich gerade etwas?
Valve macht überhaupt nicht die PS3 Version der Orange Box. PSU ist sowieso mehr als eine fragwürdige Quelle ich sage nur Sony kauft Rockstar. :-P

Ja das ist richtig. Ich meine EA UK arbeitet mom an der PS3 Version. Portal (PS3) gab es auch schon zu sehen. War glaube ich wärend der E3 zu sehen. Weiss ich nicht mehr genau.

Na ja, ich glaube die PS3 Version wird wohl leiden. Keine SPU's, kein Valve...also nix gut.
Ja das ist richtig. Ich meine EA UK arbeitet mom an der PS3 Version. Portal (PS3) gab es auch schon zu sehen. War glaube ich wärend der E3 zu sehen. Weiss ich nicht mehr genau.

Na ja, ich glaube die PS3 Version wird wohl leiden. Keine SPU's, kein Valve...also nix gut.

Ich glaube es ist sogar das EA Harry Potter Studio welches die PS3 Umsetzung macht allerdings sind da wohl einige Ex Criterion Mitarbeiter dort am werkeln. Nur dieses Interview ist einfach unglaubwürdig.
Ja das ist richtig. Ich meine EA UK arbeitet mom an der PS3 Version. Portal (PS3) gab es auch schon zu sehen. War glaube ich wärend der E3 zu sehen. Weiss ich nicht mehr genau.

Na ja, ich glaube die PS3 Version wird wohl leiden. Keine SPU's, kein Valve...also nix gut.

Ja, das Team welches die PS3 Umsetzung von HL2:OB übernimmt sind die Harry Potter Entwickler, und bei den letzten Harry Potter Spiel war die PS3 Version die technisch stärkste und die Versioln die als erstes als Testmuster an die Mags rausging.

Mal sehen ob man das als positiv werten kann.......
Die PS3-Version wird schon alleine aus dem Grund schlecht, weil der Valve-Chef Gabe Newell sicher nicht sein Gesicht verlieren will. Er sagte ja, daß die PS3 ein Disaster ist und am besten von Sony eingestampft werden soll. Der wird sich schon darum bemühen seinen Behauptungen eine praktische Grundlage zu schaffen...
Hier ist mal nen Interview mit NCSoft

Soft Touch

Ellie Gibson 08:00 (BST) 28/08/2007

NCsoft Europe boss Geoff Heath on the Sony deal and more.

Last month, Sony used its E3 conference to announce details of a new deal with MMO developer and publisher NCsoft. So far the company's titles, which include Guild Wars, Lineage II and City of Heroes, have only been published for PC - but now NCsoft games are set to appear on PSP and PlayStation 3.

Following the E3 announcement, met up with NCsoft Europe boss Geoff Heath to find out more about the deal. How long has the deal with Sony been in the works?

Geoff Heath: It's been quite a long time. I think the reason is because we wanted to make sure both of us did the right deal. NCsoft has been going now for ten years, always in the PC business, and we knew we needed to be in the console business - but it's always been with the right partner and doing the right deal.

What is it that makes Sony the right partner?

They tick all the boxes. Their technology works for us, and all the ways their doing their store and their billing and so on means we can do exactly what we need to do, and it fits very well.

Are you concerned that the current installed base of PlayStation 3 is lower than Xbox 360?

We're already in the PC business so it's not like we're starting from scratch. We've got a lot of faith in PS3; it will, over a period of time, be very successful.

What about the price point? Should Sony cut the price in Europe?

A lot of people forget that when the PS2 came out eight years ago, even if you built inflation into it... If you spend USD 500 on a PS3 you're getting USD 500 worth of Blu-ray kit, so the rest of it's free.

But that's if you're in the US, where they've had a price cut and it's USD 500. In the UK, it's USD 850; that's quite a big difference...

I let Sony worry about it [laughs].

What can you tell us so far about the games you'll be bringing to PS3?

Our biggest problem, which is a nice one, is that we've got loads of games - I think we've got something like nine MMOs in development and about 20 free MMOs, the ones you don't pay subscriptions for - so we've got tons of products in development. We can't realistically do all of them for PS3, plus the fact that we've got existing IP.

So, really our nice problem is to distill down to probably three or four titles, initially, that would do for PS3. We're working with Sony on which ones they are.

So the first batch will be comprised of three or four games?

Initially, yes. There's no limit, no minimum and no maximum; it's just the titles that between ourselves and Sony would be right for PS3. And some of our products would be great for PSP.

How will your approach to console gaming differ to your approach to PC gaming?

It's too early to say, but clearly there's no point just reiterating what we've done on PC on PS3. We've got to do something that's going to be special to that platform.

I think there is a difference between PC and console players but there's overlap as well. Our view long term is that people who have traditionally only played on PC will actually now start transitioning to PS3. Once they figure out what PS3 does, I think that take-up will get greater and greater.

You have a range of payment models for your PC games - free MMOs, subscriptions and so on. Which will suit PS3 best?

All of them. Looking at the way they've positioned the PS3 it's going to appeal to casual gamers all the way through to hardcore gamers, and NCsoft's plan over time is to cover all these people.

After you'd taken the decision to enter the console game market, why then decide to go platform exclusive?

Where Sony were taking the PS3 and where our business was going was an absolutely good fit, so that's what we decided to do. We continue to talk to all the other console people - we're not cutting of anything with anybody. But in terms of what Sony's vision is and our vision is for online gaming on console, it's a good fit.

So are you saying the games you're going to make will just be for PlayStation, but you might make other games for someone like Microsoft?

No. If you think of our core business being PC, we need to be in the console business. It's not something we're going to charge into. First of all we've got a very sound business on PC, so the idea of going into console gaming is to grow our business, not to replace it. We took a lot of care and time to figure out that doing a deal with Sony was the right thing to do, and that's why we're there.

Is there a chance that you might bring out your first MMO on PS3, and that same game could appear on Xbox 360?

No. If we put it on PS3, it will only appear on PS3.

So the PlayStation games will be exclusive to PlayStation, but you might develop different games for different platforms?

No. We've got a load of stuff in development, primarily for PC. We will, with Sony, select the ones that we think are applicable to do on PS3. Those are the ones we will do for PS3, and they will be exclusive to PS3. But they will also very likely be on PC, but not any other console.

Might you develop other games for Wii or Xbox 360?

We have no plans.

Let's talk about your PC business. How has Guild Wars been performing, for example? Has it done as well as you expected?

It's done better than we expected. We've got over the three and a half million mark, the four million mark is imminent, so we're doing incredibly well. This was a franchise that didn't exist two years ago. People talk about Guild Wars now as if it's been around 20 years; it's an amazing success.

But World of Warcraft has double that number of players, and unlike with Guild Wars, they're paying to play... How can you not look at that business and say, 'Hang on, we're letting people play are game for free; they're charging USD 20 a month and they've got twice as many subscribers...'

With Guild Wars, if you look at the history, we've got Lineage I and II, which outsold everything by miles. So we try to cover the whole cross section of different players. Guild Wars was an area we'd never been in before, which was people could buy a box and then play forever, and it's worked.

We love World of Warcraft because it's grown the market incredibly; it's found a whole load of new customers. Eventually they will, and they do, have a certain amount of churn, where people stop playing it. Where do they go? Us.

You've also got City of Heroes and Villains, which unlike many MMOs doesn't have that fantasy theme. Has it proved as popular as Guild Wars?

They've all worked fine. I can only talk European subscriber numbers, but our subscriber numbers for Lineage II and City of Villains are still going up. We're not losing players. And every time we put out a new Guild Wars it sells more than the last one.

So are you going to follow the same model with PlayStation - i.e., are we going to see MMOs on PS3 that aren't necessarily in the fantasy genre but might be sci-fi or comic book style?

We're going to have all sorts of stuff. I'm sure some of them will fail, but we can't keep recycling the goblins and the swords.

I think that will grow the market. There's 2 million people playing Guild Wars, but there are 198 million people in Europe with PCs and broadband who aren't playing Guild Wars. So I say, let's go get them.

Geoff Heath is CEO of NCsoft Europe. Interview by Ellie Gibson.

WOW, nen interessantes Interview. Aoin, Tabula Rasa etc. können ohne weiteres für die PS3 erscheinen. Ich hoffe NCSoft bringt auch ein paar MMO 4 Free für die PS3.

Edit: Aoin Seite hau ich mal rein ^^

Aion: Tower of Eternity

Udn heir ien paar Artworks. Auf der Seite findet man weitere^^




Edit: Und mal Tabula Rasa

Tabula Rasa
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