PS3 Starhawk

jaaaaa, das wichst ordentlich rein!! am liebsten würd ich gleich loszocken... most wanted.

STARHAWK?? :win: !!!

Gebt mir zumindest meinen Beta Fix. Das Spiel ist, untertrieben gesagt, der virtuelle Orgasmus jedes Gamers. :hehehe2:
Dieses Spiel macht mich wirklich an.
Das einzige Spiel in letzter Zeit, bei den ich mir 100% sicher bin, dass ich es kaufen werde.
Das Video gefällt mir, klasse action auf dem Bildschirm. Würde am liebsten sofort ein paar Runden spielen.
neues gameplay-video aus der single-player kampagne:

ui, da freu ich mich x ausnahmsweiße sogar auf die single-player kampagne. und im 4er coop machts sowieso noch mehr spaß. besonders, dass man durch das mehrmalige spielen vom selben level mit verschiedenen taktiken immer wieder punkte bekommt ist super. (die single-player punkte zählen auch für den mp mit).

- space battles confirmed, sony's pr-guys wollen es aber noch nicht zeigen lassen
- man kann im weltall bauen

space- :bandito: s FTW
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Schade ich hätte nur zu gern schon was davon gesehen, hoffentlich bekomm ich die Beta noch dieses Jahr. *bettel* :kneel2:
sieht hammer aus!

und da ich warhawk ausgelassen habe (wo ich aber sehr viel positives von gehört habe), ist starhawk ein 1 day!
Bei Gametrailers war es übrigens Uncharted 3!
Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht welches Game ich nun intensiv zocken werde im MP, Resistance 3, Starhawk, BF3, Uncharted 3 werden mir sicherlich alle gefallen (die Vorgänger haben mir schon sehr gefallen)! Vorallem da jetzt alle drei aufgezählten Sonytitel sogar Splitsreen MP bieten, das wird ein Fest dieses Jahr soviel steht schon mal fest :D :D :D

Sony :win:
Ein paar interessante Aussagen von Dylan Job zu Starhawk!

We had some pretty brutal stuff in Warhawk. Our Design Team is evaluating all of our awards, trophies, etc to make sure they are not “fair” and that act of unlocking them promotes good and beneficial gameplay and teamwork for the rest of the Starhawk players. I’m sure there will be a few random fun ones though thrown in good measure ;-)

Difficulty:I think when players talk about wanting the game to “not be as hard as Warhawk”, I think there are actually 2 key underlying factors. Both of which are completely TRUE!

#1) A better difficulty ramp. In Warhawk, there were some ranks, some awards that were just really damn hard to get. Way harder than the other ones. These were spikes and spots bad curvature continuity on the XP graph, medal difficulty, etc.

#2) It was too easy for an unskilled player to get spanked by an Ace. This was bad because that unskilled player was never really given the opportunity to “safely” learn and improve at the proper skill.

The Design Team is making sure that the awards and rank-ups are much more thought out than what we did for Warhawk. And trust me because my office is right outside the Design Department, they love, LOVE to debate and discuss this stuff.And on the second point, the Starhawk servers track and maintain all the player’s SkillScores so that the Match Maker *and* the Server List are aware of the player’s skill relative to all the other players out there. This makes the Match Maker better and allows players who prefer the Server List, to be aware that some servers may just be too challenging.

Dual-login and split-screen:#1) We are still evaluating the dual PlayStation Network login for split-screen so I can’t give you a definitive YES right now, but there is a good likelihood.#2) Short answer is YES, Split-Screen can be used. We are going to be taking a different approach than what we did on Warhawk though. Our current thinking is that all servers will allow you to play split-screen however you must be on the same team UNLESS…the player who created the server specifically enabled the “allow split teams option” which allows Rifters and Outcast to play on the same PS3.

More on dual-login:Dual PSN logins for split-screen is a big deal and we just want to make sure we can support it properly before we commit. Are there things that we want to do in Starhawk that it can’t support? Or vice versa? Do we store a player’s customization info on the PSN so when he logs into a split-screen, he is automatically displayed with his character and vehicle customizations? Do we store control configs on the network so that he automatically gets all of his options when he logs in to split-screen too? There are all kinds of things like the ones I’ve mentioned above that we are evaluating. We’ll keep you posted!

Jet bike:They are really fast and agile. Great for blitzing into a base, making a flag run, or getting out ahead of other players to stake your claim on some spot of land with Build&Battle structures.

Tank:There is a “tank” and its very cool. But you’ll have to wait until we unveil that vehicle and then let us know if *you* think its cool — Don’t just take my opinion on it!

Objective line:The objective line helps players know where to go. In fact, we currently don’t display the line if you are driving someone with the flag — and that is something that we need to fix!

Space battles:The team is working really hard on them they are incredibly fun to play on. We’re playtesting another Orbital Space map this afternoon and I’m really looking forward to it!

On the inclusion of Zones and Observer Cam:Oh yes. In fact, the designers have some really cool ideas for how we’re going to sweeten up Free for All (Deathmatch) mode in Starhawk too!

Co-op mode:Starhawk does have a really fun Co-op Mode that is separate from the campaign were 4 players are Rifters and there mission is to hold and defend a Rift Claim as the server sends wave after wave of Outcast units to try and take over the Rift. Co-op Build&Battle is really fun.

Title screen:There is very little “shell” in Starhawk. The game boots up to a real-time scene of Emmett Graves on the planet of Dust, in front of his home town of White Sands. And then, when you press start, the logo melts away and the game smoothly starts.
Wie im Opening gestern zu sehen ^^

Story behind Emmett and his brother:We have talked about Emmett and his brother both being infected, but Emmett’s brother was fully infected and became Outcast. But… he retains a bit of his human cunning and leadership which is why he has become the Outlaw and leader of a warband in the New Frontier. Think of Emmett as mostly human but with a bit of Rift Mutation and his brother, the Outlaw, is mostly Rift Mutation with a bit of human.

Release date:We are always tracking a release date internally but the SONY Santa Monica team is really great about making sure quality comes first so we don’t want to formally announce anything until we’re all 100% happy with it. And we still have some work ahead of us ;-) Now does that mean we’ll release Starhawk “Whenever we want to” ? No, not at all. We have a release date that we’re working towards and things are tracking well for us right now but at the end of the day, we always have to be flexible on release date.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
hab mich schon gefragt wann du endlich was dazu schreibst ^^

Würd dir Beta auch schon gerne jetzt haben, klingt alles einfach nur pervers :D
hab mich schon gefragt wann du endlich was dazu schreibst ^^

Würd dir Beta auch schon gerne jetzt haben, klingt alles einfach nur pervers :D

die sommerzeit dämpft bei mir immer den zockerdrang und auch den hype ein wenig.... und dazu bin ich mir sicher, dass es noch ne video/bilderflut von der comic-con geben wird. da werd ich dann mit den superlativen nur so um mich schmeissen bis cw wackelt.

leider hab ich auf ne exclusive closed beta gerechnet (für platinum besitzer :brit: ). gab damals ein paar gerüchte in die richtung. ne open beta wird sicherlich später kommen. denke herbst...verdammt
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