Sony TGS Sammelthread

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Sorry bin jetzt bischen empfindlich und sehe im ersten Bild beim Drachen Kanten und bei anderen Bildern wo die zwei Drachen im Luft kämpfen, die sind nun so auch nicht der Überhammer.
Aber will sowieso Videos!

Zu dem wie kann man es echt schaffen kein resistance, DMC, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword etc zuzeigen!!!!
mal ein paar quotes^^

The single level at TGS alone takes up 4 Gigabytes of data. We are using every ounce of that due to streaming of our textures. Sure you could chop them all down to tiny sizes and we would fit, but then again, it would not be the same game. In addition to all the textures and geometry, we also do have video on the disc, and all of that is in native 1080p resolution. Thanks to Blu-Ray we don't need to worry about that and can still fit the whole game on a single disk.

Lair is not upscaling or cheating to get to 1080p, we are natively running at the full 1920x1080 progressive resolution. Earlier this year we were quite skeptical if that would be possible, but the final kits really were a revelation in terms of power. Sony delivered what they promised and after a bit of tweaking we had the game up-and running. One thing that did help us was that our engine always was heavily reliant on data streaming, so the larger frame buffer memory never was an issue. By now half of our staff has 1080p monitors, and believe me, the 720 guys are jealous.
aus dem neogaf

I've just walked around the booths for about 40 minutes, looking for most of the big PS3 games. I've still have to see a few, and of course these are just impressions of what I saw other people playing and it will have to be confirmed while playing with a pad. The first videos should be online in about one hour or a bit more.

Devil May Cry 4: No surprise here, this is some typical Capcom goodness. Fans of the series won't be disappointed as the gameplay and the camera system looks a lot like what we had in DMC3, but of course the graphics took a severe upgrade. Very smooth moving too.
MGS4: The trailer is running on a loop at Konami's booth. It looks as hot as ever, obviously, but I was a tad badly surprised by the framerate from time to time.
Lair: The gameplay sequences in flight in the mountains look really good, but once you get close to the castles and the humans on the ground it looks a bit weird. I you do not like HDR effects you will hate that game with a passion as they are almost overdone. The framerate is also very jerky.
Motorstorm: I had never seen this game running in real life before, and what I saw was quite disappointing. The physics are excellent, but the framerate is all over the place, and worst of all the speed sensation was totally lacking. This is one game I really want to go back and check out again as I simply couldn't believe my eyes. I hope it was only that the 4 people playing at that time didn't know what they were doing...
Gran Turismo HD: Now this is something I never think I'd saw, ever. Imagine a Gran Turismo games being shown with slowdowns? Well, this is happening right now on the moutain track at least. Something must be wrong with the demo units.
Virtua Fighter 5: A perfect arcade port, already running at a perfect 60 fps on a lot of demo stations. Very good looking.
Virtua Tennis 3: Another perfect port, running on 1080p screens and looking very very sharp. Replays and closeups are running at 30 fps though.

That's it for now. I'm very surprised by the number of games really lacking in the framerate department. The devs still have a few weeks to optimize their games for launch though, so hopefully everything will be fine in the end.

For the moment I'm mostly covering the PS3, 360 will have to wait until some issues have been resolved with Microsoft.
Darji schrieb:
NOCHMAL dafür ist die MESSE da nicht die PK^^

Die PK ist aber auch nicht dafür da über eine 3/4 Stunde über Belangloses für den Kunden zusprechen und nicht mal irgendwas spielbres kurz vorzuführen ist auch ziemlich schwach.

Nene da kann man nicht viel gutes an der PK finden und die E3 PK war da noch tausendmal besser.
7:22: A question on why HDMI only is in the high level version of the PS3 only. Kutaragi explained that if they put the HDMI in the lower version, they were worried that some would complain about having something they don't want. However, HDMI penetration has come faster than expected, Kutaragi says. He asks if people want HDMI in all models. Everyone in the audience say yes. He then confirms that all models, including the 20 gig version, will have an HDMI port.

7:25: Now a question on the price. Kutaragi says the Japanese media and retailers have complained about the cost of the system. He then confirms that the price for the 20 gig model in Japan will, including tax, now be below 50,000 yen ($427). This model will include the HDMI port. He doesn't give the exact price.

HMMM very nice HDMI in der core version und preis cut ^^
McBain schrieb:
aber ich kapier nicht wie sony das verbocken konnte. die haben devil may cry& lair spielbar am start,wieso zeigen die sowas nicht?
Dafür ist ja die Messe da. Aus unserer Sicht wäre es natürlich toll, wenn man auf der PK alle Highlights am Stück presentiert hätte. Ich glaube wir Spieler fixieren uns zu sehr auf die PK's, in der Hoffnung, das alles tolle dort schon zu Beginn der Messe gezeigt wird. Ich werde in Zukunft meine Erwartungshaltung an PK's völlig ändern. Hauptsächlich blabla und mit etwas Glück handfeste neue Infos und ein paar nette Spiele. Das wars.

Interessante Passagen aus dem Lair-Interview:

Zum Thema 1080p schrieb:
First of all, we are not only rendering some part of Lair in 1080p. The whole game is in 1080p native, from front-end to all in-game bits. [...]Lair is not upscaling or cheating to get to 1080p, we are natively running at the full 1920x1080 progressive resolution. Earlier this year we were quite skeptical if that would be possible, but the final kits really were a revelation in terms of power. Sony delivered what they promised and after a bit of tweaking we had the game up-and running
Zum Thema Blu-Ray schrieb:
The single level at TGS alone takes up 4 Gigabytes of data. We are using every ounce of that due to streaming of our textures. Sure you could chop them all down to tiny sizes and we would fit, but then again, it would not be the same game. In addition to all the textures and geometry, we also do have video on the disc, and all of that is in native 1080p resolution. Thanks to Blu-Ray we don't need to worry about that and can still fit the whole game on a single disk.

EDIT Ach mist, Darji hat schon fast die gleichen Passagen gequotet.. ich bin zu langsam! ^^
wieso hat der das nicht auf der pk gesagt?

ist zwar keine bombe,aber sogar die billig version nen hdmi anschluss?damit ist sogar die 499€ version gleich auf mit der xbox360


wenn lair wirklich in 1080p gezeigt wird,dann sind die oben beschriebenen framerate einbrüche aber LOCKER zu berzeihen imo,solang es bei 720p nicht ruckelt und 1080p ja praktisch nur bonus ist
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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