3DS Senran Kagura Shinku [MarvelousAQL]

Senran Kagura 2 Story Prologue Waxes Poetic About Good And Bad Ninjas

Earlier this year, Marvelous AQL gave Senran Kagura fans much to look forward to when they announced a bunch of new games in the series. The big one was, of course, Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson, which recently had its official website launched.

The site sheds some light on the story of Senran Kagura 2. Here’s what the prologue says:

Ninjas are like shadows, the true shadows. Ninjas are like flames, deep crimson flames.

No matter how much the times change, the work of people will not change.

The ninjas that live on the dark side of the world, are still needed today.

Due to differences in ideology, “good ninjas” and “bad ninjas” are destined to fight.

However, humans are an existence that have always had both good and bad within them.

Only those who aren’t considered human can escape from the spell that creates this contradiction.

This all comes from the trails of the fight between good and bad.

And nobody has yet to find the whereabouts of the quietly burning “deep crimson”…

Okay, then! The above is a look at some of the characters who’ll be joining in on the action of Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson.


In addition to adventure mode and costume destroying features, the game will feature a new Action Mode. You can check out some footage out in an earlier report.

Finally, here’s another look at the new “Pair Battle” feature, where you’ll be pairing up your favorite characters to take on hoards of enemies while performing special tag-team combos. You can also check out the two new characters who’ll be appearing in the upcoming game, here.

Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson will be released on August 7th, 2014 for Nintendo 3DS. A limited edition version of the game will come with five mini-figurines and more.


Read more stories about Nintendo 3DS & Senran Kagura 2 on Siliconera.

Neuer Trailer, sieht spitze aus, Tamsoft scheint wirklich intensiv an der Technik gearbeitet zu haben, wirkt butterweich und damit meine ich nicht nur die Framerate. :v:

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Spiel gerade Burst! Macht super Spaß gerade, wenn man im Frantic Modus alles mit übelster Geschwindigkeit weg fetzt!^^

Freu mich auf jedenfall schon auf Shinku!^^ Wird ja wohl hoffentlich auch zu uns kommen. XSeed scheint ja ganz zufrieden mit den Verkäufen zu sein!^^
Bin auch bei Burst dabei, der Umfang ist super spiel schon 12 Stunden und hab die Hälfte der ersten Kamapgne geschafft. Frantic nutz ich aber nur wenn ich schon überlevelt bin da ich da zu schnell verliere sonst. Wenig Abwechslung aber ich spiels nur am WE mal 2 Stunden :)
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