[Sammelthread] Indie Games (PC Only)

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IndieGames the Weblog (also dein erster Link) reicht für die Menschen, die sich über eine breite Vielfalt erstmal grundsätzlich informieren wollen, auf alle Fälle fürs erste aus! Sind täglich um die 5-10 Beiträge, von Browser Games, über Flash, über Bundles bis hin zu Announcements ist da alles dabei. Hat auch nen klasse RSS Feed, der alles zur Verfügung stellt.
Wenn du aber erstmal ein paar interessante Indie Autoren gefunden hast und deren Arbeit noch näher beobachten willst, empfehle ich natürlcih, deren persönliche Seiten zu besuchen.
Beispiele dafür sind Edmund McMillens persönliche Seite (Super Meat Boy, Isaac), die verbleibenden Teile des Terraria Teams Starbound oder auch RetroCityRampage. :)
Indiegames.com finde ich persönlich irgendwie doof. Für meinen (ganz persönlichen) Geschmack, bekommen da Browserspielchen zu viel Aufmerksamkeit.
(Ja, steinigt mich bitte nicht. Ich weiß, dass über diesem Weg viele der heuten Top-Indie-Spiele groß geworden sind... aber ich mag es einfach nicht. Schon allein von der Performance.)

Naja..., ich persönlich bin täglich bei tigsource.com unterwegs. Auf der Hauptseite gibt es zwar nur unregelmäßig neue Beiträge, aber im Forum ist dafür umso mehr los. Devlogs, Neuankündigungen, Artworks, Mockups,... alles was das (meins zumindest) Herz begehrt =D.
Android Fans ohne Kreditkarte und/oder Indie Fans mit Android aufgepasst: INDIEGALA MOBILE ist da:
Indiegala Presents: INDIEGALA MOBILE! 4 Android gems you can't miss! plus 3 fantastic PC games!

Here are the games included:
Paying a minimum of $ 1,00 you can get 4 Android gems:

*CardinalQuest - by By Joshua E Day
An arcade-style dungeon-crawler: Choose your champion and begin your quest!
* Great Little Wargame - by Rubicon Development
Officially one of the BEST strategy games ever made!
* LegendsOfYore - by Coke and Code
Choose your character and adventure through the dungeons, gaining levels and experience to eventually become a hero!
* Smiles & Smiles HD - by Mike Kaszprak
Smiles HD is an award winning puzzle game that redefines the matching game genre.

Beating an average of $ 4,44 you can get also the PC versions of CardinalQuest and SmilesHD - plus other 3 great titles:

* Pitiri 1977 - by Malfador Machinations ( Desura key - DRM FREE )
A platformer, which is paying tribute to its classic predecessors – not only by its gameplay, but also by its background story!
* Turba - by Buka Entertainement ( Steam Key - DRM FREE )
Watch your favorite music come to life in a whole new way.
The blocks on the game board generate and move to the beat of the song you choose!
*Manor of the Damned - by Milestone ( Desura key - DRM FREE )
Destroy vampyres and beasts in this retro action RPG!

And music is also included!
Lullatone - Soundtracks for Everyday Adventures the journey in a relaxing electronic dream.
F-777 - Smash It The bad boy is back! And is ready to make some noise!

Actually the price to beat if you want to get the full bundle is $3.99 for 7 games! So Hurry! What are you waiting for?
( We remind you that the easiest way to buy IG bundles, if you are already a customer is from your profile because your email is already there )
Gamersgate hat auch wieder ein Indie Bundle im Angebot:
Indie games galore!
GamersGate has teamed up with a group of supremely talented developers to create the Indie Fort Bundle no. 2 - Six great games, one price! To make this week even more indietastic we've discounted a whole bunch of other great indie games, so don't miss the Indie Week!

3079 €9.49
Fortix 2 €6.95
Aztaka €9.95
Dark Scavenger €4.99
DEMISE: Ascension €29.95
Intrusion 2 €7.89
+ Bonus Content for Bundle price: €4.99
You save: €64.23
Unte rIndie Week sind auch ein paar Interessante Preissenkungen verlinkt.
IndieGames the Weblog (also dein erster Link) reicht für die Menschen, die sich über eine breite Vielfalt erstmal grundsätzlich informieren wollen, auf alle Fälle fürs erste aus! Sind täglich um die 5-10 Beiträge, von Browser Games, über Flash, über Bundles bis hin zu Announcements ist da alles dabei. Hat auch nen klasse RSS Feed, der alles zur Verfügung stellt.
Wenn du aber erstmal ein paar interessante Indie Autoren gefunden hast und deren Arbeit noch näher beobachten willst, empfehle ich natürlcih, deren persönliche Seiten zu besuchen.
Beispiele dafür sind Edmund McMillens persönliche Seite (Super Meat Boy, Isaac), die verbleibenden Teile des Terraria Teams Starbound oder auch RetroCityRampage. :)

Die Seite ist klasse, hat (für mich) aber einen großen Nachteil. Als Einsteiger sind mir nicht nur aktuelle News und Ankündigungen wichtig sondern auch das aktuelle Angebot. Sprich, eine Datenbank aller Indiegames oder zumindest der wichtigsten und bekanntesten. Natürlich sollte man da filtern und sortieren lassen können wie man möchte (wird im normalfall aber immer so sein). am besten natürlich auch Auflistungen von Spielen die man kennen sollte weil sie so gut sind (oder ungewöhnlich).

der Hintergrund ist einfach der, dass ich als Neueinsteiger natürlich sehr viele gute spiele verpasst habe und statt in hunderten von Foren nach irgendwelchen Top10 Listen der User zu fragen wäre mir da halt ne Seite lieber in der ich mich selbst auch durchwühlen kann und da ist halt wichtig, dass die guten Spiele von den nicht so guten diffenreziert werden.

Daher hab ich die Links gepostet und gefragt ob die was taugen. hab bei den seiten nämlich ein bischen das gefühl gehabt, dass da einige Spiele gefehlt hatten, kann mich natürlich auch irren.

Den IndieGames Webblog werd ich selbstverständlich mitverfolgen :-). Das man die jeweiligen Seiten der entwickler besuchen muss um stärker in die Materie einzudringen ist klar nur fehlt mir da noch das nötige grundwissen (kenn z.b. nur sehr wenige Indie Entwickler).

wow, Starbound sieht verdammt geil aus :o. fand schon Terraria ziemlich geil. wird definitiv weiterverfolgt. auf Retro City Rempage warte ich schon seit es damals für die Wii angekündigt wurde^^

danke nochmals für die ganzen Tipps :-)
Perspective: First-Person Puzzler meets 2D Platformer

Wer sich für Resonance (Point'n'Click Adventure von den Gemini Rue Machern) interessiert, das Spiel gibts auf Gog, ODER man kaufts auf der Website von Wadjet und bekommt nen Gratis Steam Key (auf Steam ist das Spiel bis jetzt NICHT verfügbar)

Be Mine Bundle 3

Be Mine is back over at Groupees.com with their third bundle, containing Hamilton’s Great Adventure and the fourth, fifth, and sixth of the Avernum series, Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee and Abe’s Exoddus. Paying $6 or more will unlock Garshasp: the Monster Slayer.

The payment plant is pay what you want and is set to a minimum of $4.00. 20% of donations go to 4Nathalie.com (80% will go to 4Nathalie.com for every dollar contributed over $25). Games are available as steam keys or (for some of the games) DRM free downloads.

Indiegala VI

Hi Galapeople!
Indiegala Strikes back with 8 great games you can't miss! ( All Steam-Redeemable )

Pay what you want to get The Void , Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines and Commandos: Beyond The Call of Duty!
Pay more than the average to also receive Air Conflicts: Secret Wars , Cargo: The Quest For Gravity , Commandos 2: Men of Courage , Commandos 3: Destination Berlin , Ion Assault and ...
...ALL the bonus content that will unlock in the second week of the sale!

Actually the price to beat is $5.99 to get the full bundle

for 8 Steam games plus all the bonus content that will unlock in second week!
But price is raising! So Hurry! What are you waiting for?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Erst im April wurde Orcs Must Die! 2 angekündigt. Auf der offiziellen Website hat der Entwickler Robot Entertainment jetzt den Erscheinungstermin des Action-Strategie-Mix veröffentlicht. Demnach ist das Release-Datum von Orcs Must Die! 2 bereits der 30. Juli 2012.

Der Vorgänger Orcs Must Die! erschien erst im Oktober des vergangenen Jahres. Auch im zweiten Teil schlüpft der Spieler in die Rolle des Zauberers und muss Reihe um Reihe an Orcs ins Jenseits schicken. Diesmal gibt es zudem einen Koop-Modus, bei dem ein zweiter Spieler die Rolle einer Zauberin übernimmt und den Helden bei der Orc-Jagd unterstützt.

-Quelle Gamestar.de
Es ist heiß, die Sonne scheint und der Steam Deal ist noch nicht gestartet. Wenn ihr vorm Rechner sitzt, fühlt ihr euch, als würdet ihr gleich zerlauf. Beste Zeit für einen neuen Indie Deal! :D

Indie Royal: the Summer Bundle
Minimum: 3,53€

Harvest: Massive Encounter
for: steam (pc, mac), windows, mac, linux, desura
The Journey Down: Chapter One
for: windows, mac, linux, desura
Serious Sam 2
for: steam (pc)
Gundemonium Recollection
for: steam (pc), windows, desura
for: steam (pc), windows, desura
Hitogata Happa
for: steam (pc), windows, desura
Acceleration Of Suguri X-Edition
for: windows, desura
Dino Run SE
for: windows, mac, linux, desura
SPECIAL BONUS! Each bundle includes a AirMech Steam PC Beta key, a hot F2P action-RTS with exclusive in-game item, the Indie Royale Companion Pet.
MUSIC BONUS!: For those who pay $8 or your currency equivalent get Pixeljams Volume 1, a $5 value featuring tunes from top electronic artists like Miles Tilmann, Datasette & Mark DeNardo, + Dosh.

The Indie Royale game bundle site tempts you to stay inside during the warm summer months with the Summer Bundle, featuring eight brilliant independent games available at a bargain, fluctuating price.

First up is award-winning arcade real-time strategy game from Oxeye Game Studio, Harvest: Massive Encounter, co-created by current Minecraft lead coder Jens Bergensten, and downloadable for Windows, Mac and Linux on Steam, Desura and DRM-free. In this RTS/tower defense title making its first-ever bundle inclusion, offering battles of epic proportions with a unique style of resource management and exploration. According to IGN, "Harvest is a tower defense game with a goal of achieving high scores rather than a congratulatory, 'You've triumphed! The galaxy is safe again,' followed by a 'Game Over.'" So it's a perfect way to while away the summer days inside!

Next up is a brand new update of a classic point-and-click adventure game from SkyGoblin Games,The Journey Down: Chapter One available for Windows, Mac and Linux on Desura and DRM-free. Play Bwana and his trusted sidekick Kito who struggle to make ends meet at their run-down gas station, as they embark on a spine-tingling adventure far from home and into a twisting plot of corruption and danger. Kotaku describes The Journey Down as a "delightful change of pace... (the) Afro-Caribbean setting is one that's very rarely used in video games, and comes with a great palette of colors and art to pull from."

Also making a bundle debut is the long-lost Serious Sam II, Croteam's twitch-tastic 2005 shooter sequel, brought back by Devolver Digital in 2012, and now available for Windows on Steam. IGN said of the game at the time of its release: "The action is fast and intense from start to finish. You'll have tons of beasts to blast and a wide variety of vibrant levels to run through" - and that's still just as true now!

Also included in this bundle a four-pack of top imported Japanese shmups from Rockin' Android, starting with all three games from Platine Dispositif's 'Gundemonium' trilogy, available for Windows on Steam, Desura and DRM-Free: Gundemonium Recollection, GundeadliGne and Hitogata Happa. These three games, which span both horizontal and vertical scrolling, offer remarkably complex, yet flexible gameplay as you enjoy bullet-hell shoot-'em-up gameplay in a cartoonish steampunk universe. Notably, DIYGamer says of the collection: these games "have huge replay value. They're score-attack games, intended to be played dozens of times on a variety of modes and mastered thoroughly over time."

The fourth game from Rockin' Android is Orange_Juice's Acceleration of Suguri-X Edition, available for Windows on Desura and DRM-Free. According to GameSpot, this game "offers a delicious mix of arena fighting and bullet-hell chaos." By mixing a shmup and competitive arena fighting, Acceleration of Suguri-X Edition offers a depth-filled game, inspired by Japanese titles like Senko No Ronde, and featuring eleven levels of gameplay, a techno-trance soundtrack and schoolgirls who duke it out over who gets to eat the last pudding on earth. What more could you ask for?

Finishing everything up, the bundle also features Dino Run SE from Pixeljam, available for Windows, Mac and Linux on Desura and DRM-Free. This pixel-heavy indie classic is presented in a Special Edition, enhancing the Flash original with speed runs, extra multiplayer maps, hats, and other notable upgrades. Based off a pixelated prehistoric world, escape the inevitable doom wave of extinction by controlling a speedy raptor across tar pits, crumbling hillsides and meteorite showers while gobbling up anything that gets in the way.

As a one-off bonus, the bundle also includes another chance to get your hands on a Steam Windows Beta key to hot F2P action-RTS AirMech, with bonus in-game item: an exclusive Indie Royale "Fleur de Lis" Companion/Pet for your AirMech! Excusive to the Summer Bundle, this is one of the very first cosmetic items for AirMech. AirMech is still in closed beta on Steam right now, making these codes very difficult to come by, so many thanks to Carbon Games for partnering with us to offer these keys to all our valued customers.

Finally, those who pay $8 USD or their currency equivalent during the Summer Bundle will get 'Pixeljams Volume 1' compilation - featuring tunes from top electronic artists like Miles Tilmann, Datasette, Mark DeNardo, + Dosh - normally a $5 value on its own. This collection of new and old tracks from the Pixeljam team (Dino Run) offers up nine tracks of pure bleepy joy. Included in Pixeljams Volume 1 is the Wiretap EP (Kate Simko + Miles Tilmann) and a goodie bag of images, animations and other PixelJam-related stuff.

Also don't forget that Indie Royale just launched its Collection feature. This is a page where Indie Royale purchasers can earn loyalty rewards, manage keys for already-purchased bundles, and add already-completed bundles to their Wishlist for possible bundle reappearances! More info on the Indie Royale Collection is available via this blog post.

More information on the Summer Bundle, including real-time statistics and its current price, is available at its official website or via its Facebook and Twitter pages. And a final reminder - the more buyers, the more the price will increase, unless kind buyers drop the price, so grab the bundle now while the price is still low!
Die Gundemonium Recollection sind doch alle 3 Titel auf Steam. Da sie nur als Dreierpack auf Steam verkauft werden, gibt es nur einen Code, der dir alle drei Titel in deine Liste "beamt". ;)
Und der Desura Key, der dort steht, schaltet Gundemonium einzeln frei.
Hab grad Platforminesentdeckt:
- A unique platformer with exploration, RPG and shooter elements set in a huge and hostile underground world.
- 6 to 10 hours of gameplay to finish the main quest.
- an infinity of world randomly generated for extended longevity (thousands of seamlessly streaming screens to explore).
- discover hidden chests, collect loot dropped from enemies including a gazillion of randomly generated firearms.
- pretty and humorous looking 16 bits graphics.
- customisation lets you generate thousands of different characters.
- a soundtrack mixing ambient atmospheric musics with remixed chiptunes of the classical masters.
- challenging but never impossible: find a place that's too hard? step back a bit, upgrade and come back to kick some.

Coming soon on PC

RPS Artikel:
Bordercraft Diablo Story: Platformines Mixes All The Games

So, Platformines. It has many, many things going for it: loot and levels that are entirely randomly generated, art that’s inspired by retro chic but not reliant on it, a construction-based metagame, plenty of charm, and of course, a just-launched free beta. So I watched a trailer and thought to myself, “Gee, I can’t wait to rigorously put the beta through its paces side-by-side with this cup containing the blended remains of Borderlands, Diablo, Terraria, Minecraft, and Cave Story.” To be sure, it’s a promising place to start, but I’m not sure Platformines has entirely figured out where to take it.

Platformines is odd. It clearly knows that its direct inspirations did great things, but I’m not sure it knows exactly what made them great. So the beta started off by letting me customize my character in all sorts of silly, delightful ways – especially with hats, because those are all the rage right now. And then it bombarded me with tutorial screens for all the simplest things, because everyone plays games these days, but – paradoxically – apparently no one’s ever played a game before. Before too terribly long, however, the hub area gave way to the colossal main cavern, which was randomly generated. Guns, similarly, were birthed into the world in a messy soup of random stats.

That giant randomized cave, though? There was hardly anything to it. Platforming, for instance, wasn’t a challenge – nor was it used to create interesting battle scenarios, ala Cave Story. Instead, it simply served as a means of movement ever onward and upward. Areas, meanwhile, were full of uninteresting, same-y enemies, loot, the occasional spike trap, and little else. Swinging platforms livened things up a bit, though, so there’s definitely hope for hopping that – taken on its own – felt fairly satisfying.

My rhythm, however, quickly devolved into “Kill dudes, collect stuff, fill inventory, warp back to hub and sell stuff, repeat.” In Platformines’ defense, the world’s full of hub portals, so the constant back-and-forth never got annoying. But it also never really hooked me. The basic mechanics of shooting just didn’t feel particularly amazing. Guns, especially, came off as wooden and hollow, with enemies’ HP meters serving as the only indication I’d actually done anything.

Further, the flow of combat became extremely awkward as soon as I took a couple hits, as I had to pause and scroll through my inventory to use health items. During more hectic moments, this killed the excitement (instead of, you know, my enemies) and left me vulnerable to more punishment the second the pause screen disappeared back into its mighty menu dimension. I have to commend Platformines, however, for minimizing frustration by throwing me right back into the thick of things post-death. That, at least, is a basis for enjoyable challenge – assuming something’s done about combat’s terminal obsession with “red light, green light.”

Weaponry, too, currently suffers from “so close, yet so far away” syndrome. Instead of following in Borderlands’ footsteps and infusing weapons with all sorts of wild fire, lightning, and poison effects, Platformines’ beta seems content to simply raise and lower base stats like damage, range, and the like. There was, in other words no reason for me to say “Hallelujah” when it started raining guns. After all, the end result would just be more of the same. Granted, the trailer makes it seem like there might be a bit more to the gun selection as time goes on.

So there’s definitely potential here, but Platformines just needs to do more with it. More level variety, more weapon effects, more enemy types, more things to build than just one tediously prearranged drill, etc, etc, etc. It’s a solid, lavishly produced foundation that seems determined to create legitimate challenge while steering clear of frustration, but I’m hoping this one bakes in beta until it’s cooked all the way through. On the upside, the beta’s totally free and available to everyone, so you can give it a shot and offer some feedback, if you’re feeling so inclined.
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