Revolution - Fakes und Träumereien

Ist Aries ein Faker

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MuhMuh schrieb:
Ich glaub wohl kaum das das so sein wird. Wie soll ein Tablet als Controller benutzt werden? Und sowas als kleines Feld auf dem Controller bringt wohl eher wenig.

Ja, währe vieleicht gut für strategiespiele aber für viele games ungeignet
na ja aber es wär wirklich alles dabei, wie eine kamera, force feedback, touch-sensoren...

...wie sich damit wohl super mario bros spielt?
sollen die da nen prolligen typen hinsetzen der dennen das erklärt? :lol:

Die brauchen schon nen schwulen für so ein schwuler programm :D :P
was hast du gegen das programm?
für ein vektorgrafik programm sieht das ziemlich praktisch aus...
...das is ja noch cooler als mein wacom :o
Neue interessante Sachen aus dem Gamespot-Forum:

My studio (Criterion) just recieved development kits for the Revolution console. I haven't gotten to work with them and don't know if I will get to any time soon. But I just through that I would let you all know that Nintendo is getting its dev. out to 3rd party. I will let you all know if I hear anything at all new (if I'm allowed to post it).

Das ist von dem User "Unknown411" und wurde am 12.8. geposted.


Hier noch etwas:

Okay, just got off work and I was talking to my boss at work and he gave me some really bad news for Nintendo fans. He told me that mant companies are getting fed up with Nintendo's secrecy about the Revolution (this includes EA, Capcom, Silicon Knights, Activision and now even Ubisoft). Even ATI is fed up with their secrecy on the final chip design. WTF is wrong with Nintendo I mean if all these companies are getting fed up with Nintendo who is next??? My boss said that EA has decided that if they are not let in on the loop of the final Revolution design and components next month than EA will officially announce that it will not be supporting the Revolution console. WTF!!!!!!!!!!! Who's with me, lets try and petition Nintendo to reveal the console and controller before this crap happens...

Das war vom 30.7. .

Und hier noch etwas:

Revolution vs. PS3. From someone who has worked with the PS3 dev. kits they are not what they are cracked up to be and will undeliver. I see a lot of dimishing returns on those games within the first three years and 5-6 year development cycles to atain the kind of promise that was shown at E3. Who the heck is going to buy a PS3 for that price when a quarter of this country dosen't even have health insurence? Is this simply a system for the elitists or middle-upperclass. I really don't see a whole lot of moms and pops flipping the big dollars to get one of these when 360 will be $300 and Rev. a little less or about the same. I really don't see a reason for the so-called system wars though other than to have more and more people label themselves and put themselves into a group with no real reason. Its one thing to be loyal to a company and to gaming but you really have to ask yourselves if you are defending a person or company or the principal of gaming. I am a game developer and I'm not a fanboy. I can say for me I don't make a lot of money and I am definately not going to shell out $400 for one machine regardless if it has Blu-Ray crap. Hey, I mean I think regular DVD resolution is more than good enough for me. Don't be so dumb to label yourself to a particular company or machine. Be open to all avenues and ideas and try to have an open mind. This is in part why this world sucks so much as people always want to label themselves and fight for meaningless causes. BE AN INDIVIDUAL...and who again is going to buy a PS3 for $400?

Ich versuche, noch mehr zu finden.


I see everyone here so worried about the specs of Rev. size, cube-mapping, blah, blah, blah...

But let me ask you something: has Ninty EVER launched the weakest console?

Has Ninty ever not had at least 2 games of the year in any given generation?

Has Ninty EVER completely let us down.?

These are the only real relavent questions to the next-gen, that is all we should care about for Ninty to carry the legacy torch one more gen.
Wenn EA Nintendo's neue Konsole nicht unterstüzt hat Nintendo ein Problem...
BTW: 30.8? Wir haben den 14.8....
Hab's ausgebessert.

Hier noch etwas:

Even if RE5 dosen't come to the Rev. it wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen. First of all the BEST RE games were ALL directed by one man...Shinji Mikami (RE1, RE2, RE4). Every other RE game that wasn't directed by him failed to capture the finese and pure polish and brillant gameplay. And now that RE4 was ported to the PS2 with significant downgrades graphically and less context sensitive cut-scenes (they will throw in a couple new weapons but who cares). Shinji Mikami said that he was VERY unhappy with his masterpeice being diluted and ported to an inferior console solely for more money. Guess what, Shinji Mikami is NOT directing the new RE5 and will have nothing to do with its development, for the reason stated above. So I would bet my entire bank account that RE5 WILL NOT surpase RE4 in anything but graphics. They will probably use the same old gameplay engine (judging from the trailer and screenshots) and only beef up the graphics times 20. So its really not a big deal to me if Rev. dosen't get this one because Mikami will not be on the case. What do you think...


Hier noch etwas über ihn:

@OLKMED: You are wrong, the man who directed PD & Goldeneye007 was named "Martin Hollis" who left Rareware because of Microsoft buying rare and started his own studio called "Zoonami" look it up, do some research being posting things.

Anyway, I'm just a low level peon of Criterion I do beta testing, audio effects sometimes, and a whole lot of basic geometry for the games. I have only been in the biz for three years now so I'm not allowed access to a lot classified info like Rev.
MuhMuh schrieb:
Wenn EA Nintendo's neue Konsole nicht unterstüzt hat Nintendo ein Problem...
BTW: 30.8? Wir haben den 14.8....
Ja, EA ist wie immer ein entscheidender Faktor im Konsolen geschäft. Bin mir zimlich sicher dass das sich nicht sehr schnell ändern wird.
Hier noch etwas interessantes:

Basically yeah, after I had been reading some rumors and heard that someone was fired from our studio for a digital camera I got very interested in seeing if any shred of these rumors were true since I know about as much as you all do.

War ace echt?


I mostly know about the current gen games in development and I have worked on both the 360 & PS3 dev. kits so I do know a lot about those but for some reason Nintendo hasn't really shown anything. I'm not going to hassle any of my higher ups for info though because I enjoy my rep and my job. But if I hear anything I will try and post it here if anything.


I believe the most probable thing Nintendo will do with the Revolution is first change it's name. They will probably release the console with specs a little-moderately more powerfull than the 360 (so the 2 1.8 G5 proc., 600MHz ATI chip sounds about right) maybe implement panoramically-composited depth-mapped cube-mapping and have a VERY competitive machine. For the controller the wavebird design sounds right also they could still very well incorporate the gyroscope and haptic force feedback into that model so don't worry. And a little wishfull thinking makes me hope that they incorporate some kind of "ON" type visor add-on somewhere down the line. That is what I think will most likely happen when all this dust settles but it really all comes down to the games. I have a strong feeling that the "Revolution" is partly a love letter to developers to makes games cheaper and faster with identical production value. They already have Zoonami and Free Radical signed from what I've heard and no one really knows what those guys have been doing for the past couple of years. So we should expect great things from those developers( you know the original creators of Goldeneye007 and Perfect Dark). Anyway we all need to look at the Revolution logicaly and expect something logical. Let me know what you think.

Zoonami, ich komme :) !


Okay, I thought I should clear up some misunderstadings about the industry and the Revolution logisticness. First of all I hear a lot of people saying "well...nintendo is the only one who makes profit" and "nintendo has billions and billions of dollars to fall back on just in case the Rev. flops". Well, these both are true and untrue. If Nintendo totally loses this war than its shareholders will likely abandon it. Just a little reminder if Microsoft lost all its shareholders than Microsoft wouldn't be worth sh$$, same for Nintendo. They really need to get back at least 38% market share to be able to keep shareholders interested. If shareholders lose all interest Nintendo loses its foothold and loses the ability to compete( at least in America and the console front). They were very smart to not try and compete graphically with the PSP because once they are ready to release the new GameBoy (with better graphical quality than the PSP) Sony will not have the resources or time or money to counter that (good buisness move, Sony is already starting to turn its head on the PSP). Now for the logic to Rev. it would be suicide at this point to try and sacrifice graphical fireworks for innovation, the rules with handhelds are very different than they are with consoles. There has to be a certain standard set graphically for it to compete and attract the mass public. They will probably release a console with graphical fidelity matching on par with the other two and add some really neat and innovative features in the controllers, console and development process. That is what I think being someone who works in the biz and knows the politics of the industry. Let me know what you all think.
Klingt sehr vernünftig, was der Typ schreibt.
Selbst wenn er ein Faker ist, dann hat er doch einige Dinge angesprochen die ich nur bestätigen bzw. wo ich zustimmen kann (Preis, Verhalten von Nintendo, das Fanboytum...)
Er ist deffinitiv pro Nintendo, aber nicht so übertrieben wie Fanboys es sind (sprich Seriousgamer xD). Ich mag mehr solche Leute in der Szene(lol!) xD
aber wenn man liest EA, Capcom, Silicon Knights, Activision, Ubisoft, springen vom Rev ab, dann klingt das verdammt ungut.:shakehead:

Ich kann mir aber nicht vorstellen, dass Nintendo das einfach so hinnimmt.
Es sei denn sie zaubern plötzlich 10 exclusive entwickler aus dem hut.
Nel schrieb:
aber wenn man liest EA, Capcom, Silicon Knights, Activision, Ubisoft, springen vom Rev ab, dann klingt das verdammt ungut.:shakehead:

Ich kann mir aber nicht vorstellen, dass Nintendo das einfach so hinnimmt.
Es sei denn sie zaubern plötzlich 10 exclusive entwickler aus dem hut.

Er spricht nicht davon das sie jetzt abspringen, er spricht nur davon das u.a sich EA wohl bald vom REV abwendet wenn die nicht aufhören mit der Geheimniskrämerei!
Duncan schrieb:
Nel schrieb:
aber wenn man liest EA, Capcom, Silicon Knights, Activision, Ubisoft, springen vom Rev ab, dann klingt das verdammt ungut.:shakehead:

Ich kann mir aber nicht vorstellen, dass Nintendo das einfach so hinnimmt.
Es sei denn sie zaubern plötzlich 10 exclusive entwickler aus dem hut.

Er spricht nicht davon das sie jetzt abspringen, er spricht nur davon das u.a sich EA wohl bald vom REV abwendet wenn die nicht aufhören mit der Geheimniskrämerei!

wo ist der Unterschied zwischen abwenden und abspringen :-?

was der typ nicht angesprochen hat, ist, dass zoonami keinen publisher für ihr erstes spiel gefunden haben. sie wollten zuerst exklusiv für nintendo entwickeln, haben dann aber bei vielen firmen "gebettelt", dass jemand ihren tetris/music-maker hybrid verlegt. bis jetzt gibt es allerdings noch keine einzige firma die das tut.

die ps3 ist übrigens auch nicht gerade die non-plus ultra konsole für entwickler, toby (einer der bosse von rockstar vienna siehe burnout 3), hat in einem gespräch erwäöhnt, dass man die einzelnen zusatzprozessoren die der cell chip anbietet nicht sehr intensiv nutzen wird, da es zu lange dauern würde programmierer an den optimierungen werkeln zu lassen...
Der Typ redet mir zu viel und dazu auch noch uninteressantes Zeug. Vielleicht ist er kein Faker vllt. auch nicht aber das denke ich mir bei jedem. Gut zu klingen ist nicht schwer. :hmpf:
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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