Revolution - Fakes und Träumereien

Ist Aries ein Faker

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warum is jeder hanz und franz jetzt insider und hat den controller schon gesehn außer uns hier? :lol:
Link's adventure schrieb:
jack_the_rat schrieb:
warum is jeder hanz und franz jetzt insider und hat den controller schon gesehn außer uns hier? :lol:
wir hams einfach nich drauf :lol: :cry:

Dazu musst du...
- ...ein Verwandten haben der bei Nintendo arbeitet
- ...bei Nintendo putzen und eigenartige Zettel finden auf denen alles mögliche draufsteht
- ...einer sein, der vom einem/r Nintendo Mitarbeiter/in geliebt wird
- ...einen Anruf Satoru Iwata bekommen, der dir alles über Revo erzählt, da er denkt das du Myamoto bist und die falsche Nummer gewählt hat
- ...japanisch können
- ...einen Sohn haben der Nintendo heißt
- ... ein bisschen bekloppt sein! :hmpf:
Etwas interessantes aus dem Gamespot-Forum:

Hello Nintendo-Fans,

I am a graphical designer and marketing expert at a company which is currently working at the CI for Nintendo's new console.
I won't tell you my name here, because I am not really sure if I am allowed to show you the following pictures.
Our company often shows new creations before they are officially presented to the public, in order to improve our portfolio.
So I think we won't get problems with Nintendo if I give you access to some of our work done for them.

Because of security reasons, the pictures don't show the latest status of the CI.
But except of some small improvements you won't miss anything important.

The first picture shows some general graphical elements, like the logo or the header for the covers.
The logo is nearly in it's final version, only the "multiplayer-indicators" will be redesignd.
Notice the official "N-WiFi"-Logo!

The next pictures show some various ads for print-magazines.
They are in a very early version because we just started designing them.
Don't expect them to be in their final condition, there will still be a lot of changes done at them.

They don't show any parts of the new console (called "N5") because Nintendo wants to publish the ads before the console is completely revealed.

If you want to know something related to this work - just ask them.
But be sure, I don't know much more about Nintendo's new console than you.
The only thing I know about the N5 which you probably didn't hear of yet:

The design of the prototype console shown at E3 wasn't the final one.
Well, nothing new about that, but I can tell you that Nintendo is currently working with the designers at Apple to create a much more sleeker and stylisher console.
The Mac mini looks great, I think we should expect a comparable design.

I have quickly made a mockup of this idea, this is the way the final console could look like:

I hope I was able to provide you some new interesting information concerning Nintendo's new console.
Of course all of us - including me - want to know what the revolutionary aspects of the N5 are.
I am quite sure Nintendo will give out new details by the end of this year, but the complete revealing won't be before E3 '06 I think.

And one more thing: It is still possible, that Nintendo changes the name of It's new console again.
Currently the probability that Nintendo keeps the name N5 is about 98%, but you never know...

Alright, this post is finished and I told you everythnig I wanted to tell.
If you want, I can show you some older concept logos for the N5/Revolution/Nexus (the first codename).

Ryan J. - Graphical Designer
Sehr interessant :rolleyes:
Diese Werbeplakat Fakes sind aber alles andere als hübsch geworden, da muss sich glaub ich jemand mehr Mühe geben.

Aber na ja, dann kommt der iplay wohl doch noch. ^^
Ist aber ziemlich ziemlich klein <.<
Ehm warum spricht der nicht enfach von Nintendo Revolution und nicht N5 :hmpf:
Aber mag ja sein das er diese Logos macht :)
Meinst du den iplay mit ziemlich klein? Das Bild anklicken könnte dann eine Überraschung für dich parat haben. ;)
Nein ich mein die Konsole xD

@ Graphic Designer:
Einige Einzelheiten bei den Logos usw. deuten darauf hin das der Typ ein Mann seines Fachs ist. Und außerdem will er auch nichts mehr zeigen ist ja das einzige was er sagt. Vielleicht haben wir hier mal keinen Faker ;)
Nintendo-5! :D
Wäre logisch, ist ja Nintendo's fünfte Heimkonsole.
Oder zählt der Virtualboy auch? ôo
Das kling alles Plausibel, kann aber trotzdem fake sein.
Hier noch etwas:

Hey, of course the mockup is based on a Mac mini, I just wanted you to show how the final console could look like.

P.S. Here are some older logos we've created for Nintendo.
Some of them are quite ugly, others show interesting ideas.

Und hier:

I see on a picture that there is a logo that say nexus, it that the old name of the revolution?

Yeah, so to speak.
Nintendo experimented with several names for the successor of the GameCube and came to the dicision that "nexus" would sound good.
So they let us create some logos with the name to see how it would look like.
At this time, there were no plans of integrating any "revolutions" in the new console.
Also kleiner soll der Revo ja noch werden haben sie auf der E3 gesagt aber ich glaube weniger das er so ausehen wird wie dort oben ^^
Hier noch was:

I don't know whether the Nexus-fake was an coinsidence or if someone had leaked information.
In fact Nintendo had the idea to use nexus as name years before this fake was published.
It was - I think - in the year 1998 when Nintendo made the first plans for the cube-sucessor.

Here are some more logos, most of them were immediately rejected after they were finished.

The Revolution logo with the two O-discs was designed by Nintendo themselves afaik.
It was just thrown together as fast as possible before the press conference.

Der Nintendo Nexus, den ein Fan gemacht hat, war nicht echt.


Und hier noch was:

Very well done graphicdesigner, very well done indeed. Would you happen to know anything about the ON video which was created? If you are involved with Graphic Designs, perhaps you may have come across this video before or know anything about it.

Again, great work on what you and your company (if you are a company or consultant) have created.

Well, the ON-video is a really good fake - but nothing more.
The person who created it is a great 3D and graphics artist, that's for sure.
But if the video was an official one, our company would have had at least the order to create some "Nintendo ON"-logos before such a complex video is created.
Goodplayer schrieb:
Hier noch was:

I don't know whether the Nexus-fake was an coinsidence or if someone had leaked information.
In fact Nintendo had the idea to use nexus as name years before this fake was published.
It was - I think - in the year 1998 when Nintendo made the first plans for the cube-sucessor.

Here are some more logos, most of them were immediately rejected after they were finished.

The Revolution logo with the two O-discs was designed by Nintendo themselves afaik.
It was just thrown together as fast as possible before the press conference.

Der Nintendo Nexus, den ein Fan gemacht hat, war nicht echt.


Und hier noch was:

Very well done graphicdesigner, very well done indeed. Would you happen to know anything about the ON video which was created? If you are involved with Graphic Designs, perhaps you may have come across this video before or know anything about it.

Again, great work on what you and your company (if you are a company or consultant) have created.

Well, the ON-video is a really good fake - but nothing more.
The person who created it is a great 3D and graphics artist, that's for sure.
But if the video was an official one, our company would have had at least the order to create some "Nintendo ON"-logos before such a complex video is created.
Jepp das Ding ist sogar noch von 2003 :lol: .
Also wenn er wirklich echt ist, dann sickert ja ziemlich viel durch, was ich mir nicht vorstellen kann.
Das Revolutionlogo mit dem geschwungenem R wurde doch oft bei Fakes benutzt.
Hmm der Herr schreibt ziemlich ruhig und gelassen. Ich könnte ihn sogar ernst nehmen. Er sagt nicht so einen Scheiss wie "believe" oder so..

Und er schreibt nicht das er etwas weiss und es nicht verrät.

N5 würde mir wirklich passen, Nexus finde ich wieder zu abgehoben.

N5 ist auch stärker als Xbox 386 und PS3. ;) Wobei vielleicht will man sich ja absetzten von der Konkurrenz und dann keine Zahlen verwenden?

Ich glaub das ist kein Faker.

Der iPlayer ist ja ein "Mock-Up" also ne Atrappe, also ein fake, das hat er selbst gesagt.

Was mich interessiert: Zusammenarbeit mit Apple? Hat da JEMAND NACHGEDACHT?
Ja, der behauptet auch nicht solche seltsamen Sachen und behaputet von sich auch nicht irgend ein Insider zu sein... Und er hat nichts wirklich unrealistische sgesagt, kann echt sein, dass der bei so ner Firma arbeitet
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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