Hello Everyone!
Taken me awhile to get to the Blog Today.
Lots of people from all over the industry have been stopping by the Blog Today!
They all want to know what I will be posting next!
Some people are so desperate that they are sending me fake pictures of the Revolution and say show them this.
My favorite was this Fake Zelda Picture I was just sent. It looked horrible! So Xbox 360ish.
It looked horrible and is not worth posting. So I wont.
Dont worry the Next Picture I post will undoubtedly be a SCREENSHOT of the Revolution. It may be a VIDEO of in game action! Or at at least show you what it is Capable of. I like the idea of posting a VIDEO of what it can do in Real Time for your viewing pleasure!
I will show the REALTIME IN GAME VID, if Nintendo lets me!
Not that I work for Nintendo or anything. So Nintendo can I SHOW THEM SOMETHING?
I mean I can show you guys all kinds of cool things about the Revolution but I just want to take it up a notch.
The thousands of Gamers that come to the site everyday deserve it.
To bad I dont single handedly run Nintendo. Cuz if I did, I would do the marketing just like it is right now.
Stay Tuned.
The King of Gamers has a TREAT in store for all of you fanboys.
I have things I can show you now. However, it is not my first choice. Though it is impressive.
Very Impressive. However I would like to show all the Fanboys the Vids and Screenshots!
Be Patient.
More is coming Soon! Very Soon!