Revolution - Fakes und Träumereien

Ist Aries ein Faker

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Findet ihr was unter E-mag bei google, ich jedenfalls keine seite die mit spielen zu tun hat. :hmpf:
naja, auf dem bild is ja nix wirkliches zu erkennen wo man später enttäuscht werden könnte wenns doch n fake is. von daher isses mir relativ schnuppe obs echt is oder nich... :neutral:
Paladin69 is considered to be a reliable poster over at the IGN boards. He's behind the entire website, I believe, (that's the campaign basically begging for Nintendo to support HDTV with the revolution) anyway, he claims that he received news that Nintendo is indeed going to support 720p on the Revolution.

This is huge news for a lot of fans because, if true, they will no longer have to worry about Nintendo missing the boat on an upcoming technology while their competitors support it.

Paladin69 wrote:
A couple of you may remember the conspiracy of deleted threads last week. I've been holding this back for a while, but we're so close I don't think it can hurt...they were deleted to prevent upsetting a certain someone who was actually going to give us coverage...never actually happened because he's quite busy. But anyways... I got some other new tidbits that you probably care more about anyway.

If what I'm hearing is correct, you'll see a Mario 128 demo displayed in action (if the controller is shown) and more MP3 on a video trailer (an extension of the e3 trailer). Nintendo had a lot more to show of both at last e3, but decided to pull it.

There will be some information, but full specs may not come yet though. Anywho 720p sounds like it's being provided as an option for 3rd parties if they want to take advantage of this ...something was beefed in order for this to happen (maybe a few MB's was added to the DRAM GPU, not sure) No word if Nintendo themselves will internally support HD. But I'm happy as a peach and it sounds like NOA pushed NCL for this as they were flooded with e-mails...**pats self on the back**

ROM pricing may be discussed as well as pricing for the upgraded versions of older games.

Sorry, I'm not saying anything more...(I was actually not told anything more) If I blurt this out anonymously, the person I heard this from won't get in trouble. There are indeed NDA's out so the media can prepare their articles.

So, IF this comes true, and you were one of the many people who e-mailed Nintendo with your concerns about their lack of HD support, congratulations are in order, it appears they might have listened.

Still seem kiddy :) ?

Ach ja, der Mann auf dem Bild ist Nintendo of America's Vice President, George Harrison :wink3: :


Und ich glaube kaum, dass ihn jemand in dieser Lage hat, um ihn mit Photoshop auf dem Bild einzufügen ...
Goodplayer schrieb:
Paladin69 is considered to be a reliable poster over at the IGN boards. He's behind the entire website, I believe, (that's the campaign basically begging for Nintendo to support HDTV with the revolution) anyway, he claims that he received news that Nintendo is indeed going to support 720p on the Revolution.

This is huge news for a lot of fans because, if true, they will no longer have to worry about Nintendo missing the boat on an upcoming technology while their competitors support it.

Paladin69 wrote:
A couple of you may remember the conspiracy of deleted threads last week. I've been holding this back for a while, but we're so close I don't think it can hurt...they were deleted to prevent upsetting a certain someone who was actually going to give us coverage...never actually happened because he's quite busy. But anyways... I got some other new tidbits that you probably care more about anyway.

If what I'm hearing is correct, you'll see a Mario 128 demo displayed in action (if the controller is shown) and more MP3 on a video trailer (an extension of the e3 trailer). Nintendo had a lot more to show of both at last e3, but decided to pull it.

There will be some information, but full specs may not come yet though. Anywho 720p sounds like it's being provided as an option for 3rd parties if they want to take advantage of this ...something was beefed in order for this to happen (maybe a few MB's was added to the DRAM GPU, not sure) No word if Nintendo themselves will internally support HD. But I'm happy as a peach and it sounds like NOA pushed NCL for this as they were flooded with e-mails...**pats self on the back**

ROM pricing may be discussed as well as pricing for the upgraded versions of older games.

Sorry, I'm not saying anything more...(I was actually not told anything more) If I blurt this out anonymously, the person I heard this from won't get in trouble. There are indeed NDA's out so the media can prepare their articles.

So, IF this comes true, and you were one of the many people who e-mailed Nintendo with your concerns about their lack of HD support, congratulations are in order, it appears they might have listened.

Still seem kiddy :) ?

Ach ja, der Mann auf dem Bild ist Nintendo of America's Vice President, George Harrison :wink3: :


Und ich glaube kaum, dass ihn jemand in dieser Lage hat, um ihn mit Photoshop auf dem Bild einzufügen ...

Die Frisur passt haargenau :o :o :o
Es kann eigentlich kein Fake mehr sein :o
Ich hab auch ´ne Mail zu Nintendo geschickt

Er hat auch die gleichen Ohren und die gleiche Nase :o :o :o
Lang lebe Goodplayer! :love3: :goodwork:
Cr0p4c schrieb:
Goodplayer schrieb:
Paladin69 is considered to be a reliable poster over at the IGN boards. He's behind the entire website, I believe, (that's the campaign basically begging for Nintendo to support HDTV with the revolution) anyway, he claims that he received news that Nintendo is indeed going to support 720p on the Revolution.

This is huge news for a lot of fans because, if true, they will no longer have to worry about Nintendo missing the boat on an upcoming technology while their competitors support it.

Paladin69 wrote:
A couple of you may remember the conspiracy of deleted threads last week. I've been holding this back for a while, but we're so close I don't think it can hurt...they were deleted to prevent upsetting a certain someone who was actually going to give us coverage...never actually happened because he's quite busy. But anyways... I got some other new tidbits that you probably care more about anyway.

If what I'm hearing is correct, you'll see a Mario 128 demo displayed in action (if the controller is shown) and more MP3 on a video trailer (an extension of the e3 trailer). Nintendo had a lot more to show of both at last e3, but decided to pull it.

There will be some information, but full specs may not come yet though. Anywho 720p sounds like it's being provided as an option for 3rd parties if they want to take advantage of this ...something was beefed in order for this to happen (maybe a few MB's was added to the DRAM GPU, not sure) No word if Nintendo themselves will internally support HD. But I'm happy as a peach and it sounds like NOA pushed NCL for this as they were flooded with e-mails...**pats self on the back**

ROM pricing may be discussed as well as pricing for the upgraded versions of older games.

Sorry, I'm not saying anything more...(I was actually not told anything more) If I blurt this out anonymously, the person I heard this from won't get in trouble. There are indeed NDA's out so the media can prepare their articles.

So, IF this comes true, and you were one of the many people who e-mailed Nintendo with your concerns about their lack of HD support, congratulations are in order, it appears they might have listened.

Still seem kiddy :) ?

Ach ja, der Mann auf dem Bild ist Nintendo of America's Vice President, George Harrison :wink3: :


Und ich glaube kaum, dass ihn jemand in dieser Lage hat, um ihn mit Photoshop auf dem Bild einzufügen ...

Die Frisur passt haargenau :o :o :o
Es kann eigentlich kein Fake mehr sein :o
Ich hab auch ´ne Mail zu Nintendo geschickt

Er hat auch die gleichen Ohren und die gleiche Nase :o :o :o
Lang lebe Goodplayer! :love3: :goodwork:

Na, das war doch der ultimative Beweis :D ! Ich habe doch gewusst, dass ich diesen Typen schon mal gesehen habe ... Und zwar zur E³ :) .

Ach ja, was erwartest du von der E-Mail? Es wird sich dann eh wieder ein nichtsahnender Typ vom Kundenservice melden, der von nichts weiß :) .

Naja, King Dea hat wieder was geschrieben:

"You seriously think nothing big will happen at TGS?"
Nope. Like I explained, it just wouldn't make sense for Nintendo considering their current position. They're going to reveal something, but I still doubt it will be a complete showing of the Revolution.

"Did you find anymore detail on how Revolution can send old NES and SNES games to DS via wi-fi. Is this true?...Is the franchise you are working on have anything to do with Crystalis?"
No, and no. Sorry.

"You're saying that if I were playing WaveRace Revolution, the controller would physically move my hands around in accord with the waves on the screen?"
Exactly. If the jetski gets thrown to the left, your hand would be forced to the left.

"How does the controller "re-zero" itself. Let's say I start the game with the controller on my lap (standard console position). If I then need to move the controller down, is there a way to pause and "re-zero" the center point? Will games require that you hold the controller in a specific place prior to starting a level?"
It doesn't quite work like that. It wouldn't be strong enough to say, move your arms a meter to the left or right.. It would be better described as a jabbing movement. The controller can't tell where your hands are. Some people's hands would move less simply because they are stronger, and some moreso because they couldn't hold it still. I'm also guessing there'd be a control for the feedback's strength, but either way it won't need to know how far it's moved your hands.

" What are the specs of the video card and how do the kits compare to the 360 and ps3?"
By the way, when I said "high end", I meant in terms of retail level consumers. But from what I rememeber the specs look something like this.
G5 2.8Ghz 64-bit (PPC970)
512 MBs RAM
2x X850 GPUs (or what looked like them.. but there is two)
Obviously this is well below the level of the 360 and PS3 kits, but I guess it's just cost-cutting and the important part of the SDKs is Nintendo's API.

"oh hay i was just wondering how FPSs on revolution will control... analog to move, trackball to look/aim? trackball to move, gyros to look/aim? analog to move, gyros to aim?... i think it would be very awkward to try and turn around in a FPS using gyro controls"
You can't use the gyros for precise movement such as aiming. You would use the trackball the same way you use the right stick at the moment.

"My question is, Do you know if the Freeloader Disc will work on the Revolution? In other words, Will I be able to play all my NTSC US Gamecube games on my shiny new PAL Revolution?"
I honestly don't think this would be possible.. Although it depends on how the console emulates GameCube software.

"If you're so busy why do you have over 99 hours worth of Battlefield 2 played since june?"
That's not me. I don't use the name King Dea often. It's a private joke (although it did come around whilst I was playing Counter-Strike).

"Do you think that the Revo will be compatible with the successor to the GameBoy (not the DS, or Micro)? If it uses a GC optical disc, it would be an awesome feature. Really, what I'm asking is this: is the GC disc support a sign of the next GameBoy? Why can't they just have GC games for download?"
Yes, I think that it will be compatable with the next interation of the Gameboy, but no I don't think that GameCube support has anything to do with it. GameCube games are simply too large to transfer over the internet, add to that the fact that they are still readily available in stores, it was a wise move to simply use the original discs.

"How much data will the discs store, are they dual layered DVDs as well? can they hold as much or as more then 9GB?"
From what I've heard it should be around 8GB.

"How many buttons total are there on the controller? and will it be more comfortable than the Xbox 360s?"
I count 13 (and once again, no, Nintendo have not stated that they've removed buttons from the controller). And yes, it certainly looked more comfortable.

"Is it costing Nintendo alot of money to produce the Revolution? I thought they would have the cheapest console this time round, but that seems not the case..."
I think it's probably cost them a lot in terms of research and development (they seem to have made a big deal about the expense being worth it when addressing their stockholders), but Nintendo are obviously willing to bet on the Revolution to bring returns to them. I guess the high pricing of both the 360 and PS3 will give them some more stretch when it finally comes to pricing the system, too.

"Will there be a hard drive made for the system at some point? How can you save all those downloaded games on memory cards, you'd run out of space eventuall, a hard drive is essential don't you think?"
Not made for the system, but you'll be able to use normal USB HDDs I guess. And no, 512 MBs can store a lot of NES games, so I think it should hold out fine.

"How will the USB connections be used, ie external peripherals etc?"
I am guessing that's how things like mice, cameras, the Wi-Fi router, ethernet converter, etc. will be connected.

"What colour was the controller you saw?? including colour of buttons analog, track ball etc?"
I've said this before, but the controller was white, the buttons/stick gray, and the ball a glossed white colour.

"I have issue with this comment, after reading it again, could youplease clearify what you me we have memory constraints building engines."
Sorry, I added that in case someone asked me why I knew straight away how much memory the system had.. It's not a case of having to stretch to fit into 512 MBs, in fact it's far from it.

"Also, is the "rehashed" game the new sonic game for the PS3 and 360, and maybe revo? Is the 360 and revo exclusive game the current franchise one?"
No, and no.

"WHat type of game is the new IP. I know if you can tell us the controller you can at least tell us if it is an FPS, RTS, TBS, RPG, Action, Adventure, or a fighter?"
It's a FPS with some RTS action in it.

"When you were asked, “What things can the Revolution do that the Xbox 360 and the PS3 can’t do?” You said, “It will offer unique immersion, control methods, games and communities.” Explain what you mean by “unique immersion”."
Isn't temperature changes depending on game stimuli enough immersion for you?

"Does the Revolution support custom soundtracks in games?"
Somehow I don't think it will (with only 512 MBs of built in memory), but it is a feature I'd like Nintendo to included.

"Is “Revolution” the final name of the system?"
No, but I don't know the final name yet. It's still very much a code name however.

"Have you seen the starting menu of the revolution? I mean like the xbox menu that says xbox live, music, memory, options etc."
No I havent, we haven't seen a final version of the console, sorry.

"In short: What genre do you think will be the mainstay of Rev's library?"
I don't think the control scheme will specificly alienate or enhance any particular genres moreso then others. It will definitely enhance games that are notoriously better on PC systems because of the accuracy of mouse movement (for example, FPSs and RTSs), but other then I don't see it changing the balance of released games more then any other. It's just going to enhance the existing dynamics of gameplay more then anything.

"Why shouldn't they reveal a lot at TGS?"
I've made my arguement on this point, but another thing you need to think about, is that Nintendo won't reveal the console at an event where they can't show any of the games for it.

"Do you think that Nintendo will at least reveal the controller before the launch of the Xbox 360?"

"hey, someone asked about what they heard of the controller, and you said it was all true apart from the no gyroscopes thing. this included the snes button layout as being true, yet in the drawings you did and i re-did, the layout is more like the gamecubes. so which of the two is it?"
He asked about the original controller. The controller for the alpha SDK had a SNES layout and gyroscopes.

"so do you think nintendo will keep the kidney buttons?"
Yes, I do.

"In a recent IGN article about the revolution, they mention the codename for the revs gpu is "hollywood". In another part of the article, it mentions how the rev will be able to play "hollywood" dvd's. Is there any significance to this, or am i just thinking WAY outside the box?"
Can you even see the box from there?

" What are you gonna tell us if, when the controller is revealed, it looks and plays nothing like you first saidit would?"
I guess that's up to the people who read my blog to trust in what I am saying. I know what I saw, I don't really care if no one appeciates what I am doing here.

"Are you working on a game called Gumshu? It's an old NES title and I saw a "supposed" image of it for the Revolution over at Nintendo Centrum."
That's not one of our games. If I recall correctly, Gumshoe is a Nintendo product. I don't work for Nintendo.

"I'd like to know your answers before we know PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE update! With a cherry on top!"
You're welcome.

King Dea
Hört sich alles recht realistisch an.
Aber 2 X850 sind einfach nur eine Verschwendung...
Also mit den Specs wäre ich vollends zufrieden...^^ Selbst wenn nur eine GraKa drin ist. ;)
Auch der Gedanke mit der USB-HDD gefällt mir... wobei SD-Karten für den Durchschnittsspieler wohl reichen dürften. :D
Naja... jetzt kann ich wenigstens wieder ein bisschen träumen. :P
Darkeagle schrieb:
wat wie jetzt? doch hdtv? is das bestätigt? kein bock mir alles durchzulesen ^^
Nein, kein HDTV, sondern HDV, man! Du blickst aber auch gar nix :rolleyes: .
HDV=High Definition Visor. Kapito?

Boerkel schrieb:
Selbst wenn nur eine GraKa drin ist

:o :o :o Dann ist das N64 also nie der Dolphin gewesen, sondern der Revolution :o :o :o. Doch warum sie jetzt anstelle eines Delphins eine Krake eingebaut haben, verstehe ich nicht. Was soll der Scheiß?! :rolleyes:

Moses schrieb:
wie sollen die bitte da reinpassen
Was, da sollen eine Krake UND ein Delphin eingebaut werden? :o Ich werd verrückt. Hoffentlich zerfetzen sich die beiden nicht. Ich verstehe Nintendo echt nicht mehr! :rolleyes:

NeSS schrieb:
Hört sich alles recht realistisch an.
Aber 2 X850 sind einfach nur eine Verschwendung...
Wie bitte!?!?!?! 2 x 850 Kraken und Delphine in das kleine Gehäuse? Also, jetzt haben sie ja wohl total den Verstand verloren! :evil:
:mad6: Die sollen lieber gucken, daß sie mit ihrem Donkey Kong-Reggie klar kommen, anstatt solche Meeresbewohner in ihre Konsole einzubauen. So ein Schwachsinn aber auch :x .
wie die darein passen sollen die 2 x850er ganz einfach du darfst nicht immer in pc dimensionen denken wo man ne steckkarte braucht hier wird einfach der chip integriert und es ist wohl kein prob 2 so kleine chips drauf zu hauen und dann an einen speicher anzubinden

eins muss man dir lassen

es macht immer wieder spaß deine beiträge zu lesen :goodwork:

Danke, danke.^^ Ich schicke euch meine Bankverbindung, damit ihr mir das Geld überweisen könnt. Jeder Lacher 5eur, 2 x 850 x 5eur = :o!
Wow, das Entertainmentgeschäft boomt. Junger Vater!
also ich hab nur was von 720p gelesen :-? ;) ... an den visor glaub ich immer noch nicht :hmpf: ... wie seriös isn die aussage mit hdtv?
2x X850XT Crossfire? :lol:

Mehr passt dann aber nichtmehr in das gehäuse, und lüfter hätte auch keiner mehr platz, also wohl wasserkühlung? -Die Wasserkühlung alleine würde soviel kosten wie die Basisversion der XBox 360, soviel dazu :rofl3:
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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