Revolution - Fakes und Träumereien

Ist Aries ein Faker

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Ja, ich meinte das: Project N-Game via etj for Nintendo of America SeriousGamer007 entity of N-Game provided by ............. Nintendo Believe Campaign search engine optimization etrafficjams

Hm, ok. Also nix besonderes. :)
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kane schrieb:
Ja, ich meinte das: Project N-Game via etj for Nintendo of America SeriousGamer007 entity of N-Game provided by ............. Nintendo Believe Campaign search engine optimization etrafficjams

Hm, ok. Also nix besonderes. :)

Das könnte wirklixh bedeuten, dass er wirklich für die arbeitet. Das ist ja nicht erst seit gestern dort, sondern schon viele Wochen.
10 to the 12th Power times 4

ich denke das soll irgendwas mit 10 vor zwölf, bald ist es soweit heissen...
"...wouldn't it be possible to get more info on the controler out of the way, and then answer any questions?"
I've told you what the controller is, there's really not too much more to say about it.
"Also, was the person who claimed he was your co-worker lieing, or do you REALLY work with him?"
That person does not work with me.

"Are there any revolutionary accessories that the Revolution will have other than the main controller? Does the small size of the system have any special purpose? Can the Revolution be connected to any display device other than a normal TV? Here is the big question. What things can the Revolution do that the Xbox 360 and the PS3 can’t do?"
- Probably, but apart from the camera, keyboard and mouse that I've mentioned, I don't know of any... If that was an attempt to get me to reveal the On peripheral, it was a bad attempt. It does not exist.
- Apart from giving the console a "sleek" look and feel, and improving Nintendo's "cool" status among all kinds of gamers (as opposed to the FisherPrice-Purple colour from this generation), then no.
- A computer monitor.
- It will offer unique immersion, control methods, games and communities.

"Can you still use a computer monitor or did they change that?"
Yep, you can still use it. The image will either be displayed in a 480 resolution (which monitors can still do), or the image will be scaled up. The Revolution won't natively output more then 480p.

"Now that we are getting closer to the official revieling of the revolution can you tell us more about how powerful it is? Have they finished the chips or do you know anything about it's graphical abilities compared to 360, PS3? Also, what has been the internal response to the system within your company? I mean, which system are you guys really excited about? Please don't cop out and say all three."
- The chips, reportedly, are complete. We've been told that the final SDKs should arrive in the next two weeks. Before TGS anyway. I don't know the specs of them though, sorry.
- I've seen some Revolution games running on the beta hardware, and they certainly look damn pretty. One game in particular looked identical to it's 360 counterpart, if not better.
- Personally, I am interested in the PS3. It's potential performance is incredible, it's all a matter of utilising all of those cute little SPEs properly. But honestly, after speaking with a few development houses, most of them seem to be interested in either the Rev or the 360.

"will the revolution come with a headset in box, and there are rumbles of nintendo doing advanced voice recognition for rev games with this. also do you have any more info on the controller and any idea of games coning out for the system."
- Nope, the controller has the microphone.
- I've told you about the controller, but yes, I have now seen some games in action... I can't really tell you what they are, as it may be traced back to me somehow... But I'll tell you that my company is resurrecting a legacy series... And the game looks incredible.

"Have you seen any software running on the revolution other than the demo you talked about? Do you have any exclusive info, or rumors, about any of the games getting made?"
See above... But, I'll have a listen out and try to pick up some waves of games being made by other companies.

"What do you have to say about the new nintendo paramount blog? is he lieing or is he telling the truth."
Link? I haven't heard of this blog yet.

" it like it had a GC controller as a base but with moderations and added on parts?"
In a sense, yes.. but also no. Technically it is just a GC controller with "extras", but it's hardly because Nintendo is lazy. It's more out of necessity that the design is modelled this way.. How else could new features be added while at the same time making it compatible with 4 generations of consoles?

"Hi..What are the two eyes next to the page title???!!!"
Nothing. They came with the pre-made design for the site.

"Oh & do you know any ways the DS will hook up to the revolution, as I read they would "react to each other in ways never thought possible"..Can't remember who said that but I'm sure it was someone from Nintendo.. And... Is the Revo going to be easy to develop for as Nintendo said?..I noticed quite a few high-profile guys have been giving the Xbox360 quite a bit of stick."
- Not as such. Nor do I know where that quote came from.. But I guess it could still be applied to the game and movie streaming from Rev to DS.
- Yep. The Revolution's development environment is both simple and easy to use, and powerful. Nintendo have simplified it to a point where NES style games could be made from scratch easily, but have made sure it's powerful enough to compete with the big games like HL2.

"Do you know when the Revo will be revealed? There are many rumours about the TGS but nothing official."
Somehow I don't think that everything will be revealed at the TGS. It's just too soon, the hype would die down before the 360's launch. My bet is that specs will be released, possibly Nintendo's plans for homebrew games, and maybe even a teaser trailer or two. As far as a complete unveiling, my guess would be directly against the 360 launch, as there is no longer Zelda to compete with it either (which I consider a good move, as TP would hardly stop the 360 in it's tracks..if at all).

"for the Revolution will you be able to download Rare Ware's games like Conker Bad Fur Day,Banjo Kazooie,Donkey Kong 64,GoldenEye,and Perfect Dark? or at least the Donkey Kong games?"
I'm not sure, but if I remember correctly, Nintendo actually own the distribution rights to those games, so the possibility is there.

"Would it have feed back as well? I.E. would it know when your thumb is on it? This is a rather important detail, that will either help your credibility or dash is like waves against the shore..."
Feedback? No. I don't even think it's possible for a trackball to exert force on a it?
"What do you think about the PS3 and 360's high price tags?... Also, do you think Nintendo is really working to fix it's real problems?... Oh yeh, one last thing, do you think Nintendo is taking the steps necesary to attract the 3rd party support this next round?"
If Microsoft and Sony want to expand the video game industry and introduce more customers (always a good thing, more customers = more money), then they are going the wrong way about it. The high price tags will absolutly push potential buyers away, but in all honestly there's still a lot of hardcore gamers out there willing to drop a lot of money for some new tech. Nintendo on the other hand, are looking to get the jump on them both with a cheaper console, which is going to attract a lot more sales. For example, a mother shopping for her son for Christmas, isn't going to look at the power of each console, she'll go for the cheaper one... I mean, look how sales for all three consoles picked up after a hundred dollar drop.. If Sony or Microsoft make a drop to match Nintendo, they will go ahead and drop theirs even lower... Big positives for Nintendo in this round.
Nintendo are obviouslt making a damn good attempt this time around to get the image right. If the sleek, sexy, black console doesn't prove that, Nintendo's latest games should. Geist and TP are perfect examples...and why did you think that the only Rev footage we've seen (yes, I know it's not strictly Revolution video, but still) is MP3? Maturity.
Absolutely. Nintendo are trying to build tight ties with a lot of big 3rd party developers, and I know for sure they've convinced ours as to it's wonders. It'll be a hard road, especially after the GameCube's dismal effort, but I believe it will happen. Having Capcom, Namco, and Square-Enix on board is enough to convince me.
"If you didn't plan on responding before Sept. 16 what's the point of your recent update. Hurry up with the info already. Please."

Keep them coming.

King Dea

Von King Dea. Ich habe auch eine Frage gestellt ...
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