Revolution - Fakes und Träumereien

Ist Aries ein Faker

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Mr A.P hat wieder geposted :o :o :

Time, What a Killer

Holy hell, I really let this one die, didn’t I?

It was never the intention, I plain and simply forgot. Then again, having this blog was definitely not a life priority. I do have my work, my social life, and my family. Apologies to those who were expecting something. Actually, I'd be surprised if people still read this, but hey, there’s no harm in posting again.

The reason I've come back was I had recent meeting with a bunch of tech-heads from Nintendo. They were showing me some new Revolution stuff (yes, NEW stuff), and afterwards I was reminded of this blog and how I had left it. Anyway, I'll speak a little bit about what I got to play around with and what I learnt.

I want to touch on the graphics side of things for a minute. In my personal opinion graphics does not equal gameplay, but it can help it. Take Splinter Cell for example; with a terrible shadow engine the game would be less enjoyable. Take all the horror games out there. With blocky boring and highly unrealistic graphics the "scare" would not be as intense. Shooters that require shooting over a long distance require decent resolution. So, as you can see, I think graphics can help and enhance some gameplay, but they are not a defining feature.

The Revolution is not as powerful (tech wise) as the PS3 or Xbox360. It’s that simple, and it is a fact. The difference is quite considerable actually, but the reality is you’re not going to see the latter two consoles being used to their full potential for a very long time, if EVER.

These fellows from Nintendo discussed development costs. The Revolution is massively cheaper to develop for, which in my opinion is a huge advantage. The PS3 and Xbox360 are so stupidly expensive developers are not always going to want to develop the most amazing looking games for them.

During the meeting I actually got to chat with a couple of guys from Retro Studios. They were helping to point out how the console can be used in games. I must say, Metroid Prime 3 is really rather interesting. The controller is being used extremely well, and after their little teaser presentation I was secretly drooling for more.

At the end of the meeting I did pop out some important questions, one of which was relating to the online service and how well the consoles technology is capable of dealing with high bandwidth and such. I can assure you all, from what I know, the online service is pretty much flawless. The perfect gaming service really.

Anyway, I'm incredibly tired, so I'm going to go to bed.

Goodnight bloggers.
UPDATE - 2:30 AM Eastern
by Chris Playo

The Internet forum, Gaming Age is speculating that further details about the Nintendo Revolution will be made available on Wednesday August 24th. For those who do not know the significance of the date, both the GBA and the GameCube were discussed on that day.

However, news regarding the Revolution may have come a little sooner than expected. On the forum, a user posted a French article regarding the graphical capabilities of the console.

Apparently the Revolution will utilize a new form of a polygon currently referred to as a NURB or nonuniform rational B-splines. These NURB's are said to be able to generate very detailed graphics within an enormous scope.

In addition, NURB's are known to be much more efficient than standard polygons. It is much easier on a machine to generate an image in terms of NURB's rather than traditional polygons. This fact regarding the new type of image formatting fits very well into Nintendo's design for the Revolution.

Given the inherent design of NURB curves, the Revolution could be substantially smaller and less powerful than the competition but would still be comparable.

Please remember that this information has not been confirmed by any official source. However, for a detailed history of NURB's check out this page. GC Advanced will keep you updated regarding this developing story.
Das hätte ich auch sagen können :rolleyes:

The Revolution is not as powerful (tech wise) as the PS3 or Xbox360. It’s that simple, and it is a fact. The difference is quite considerable actually, but the reality is you’re not going to see the latter two consoles being used to their full potential for a very long time, if EVER.
Das mit den Nurbs klingt interessant.
Der King of Gamers hat wieder einiges vom Stapel gelassen:
Crystalis: Kingdom Quest is in development for the NES Revolution.

This game is going to be an exclusive to Nintendo. Online details are still mum at this point.

Look for this game to take place much like its predecessor in a post-apocalyptic medieval style quest.

This game will be nothing short of huge, complex, time-consuming,difficult, designed for the elite of gamers and best of all:

100% Crystalis.


A Revolution is coming!

Are you ready to Revolt?
The end of the day the beginning of Tomorrow
The end of the road is coming for gaming as we have known it. The future holds a much brighter path. The beginning of change.

The Rebirth of Nintendo.

The NES is coming whether you believe it or not. With it comes the last 20 years of gaming. Furthermore it ushers in the future of gaming where we will no longer be constrained by the old way of playing but opening up to new exciting ways of entertainment.

Nintendo changed the face of gaming in the 80's. They will do so again.

Gaming has gotten dull and boring. Nintendo is answering that call once again and will bring us a Revolution.

Nintendo bringing back the NES kind of reminds me of Michael Jordan. When Jordan wore the number 23 who was elite. However when he wore the number 45 who was subpar. Nintendo has been wearing the number 45 for to long. It is time for Nintendo to put back on the right jersey and put a slam dunk "get out my way fool" to Microsoft and Sony.

The NES is back. It is the one dominate name that puts fear into the enemy. Its name is legendary like that of Excalibur. And like Excalibur it will conquer and free its people who are under the tyranny of Microsoft, Sony and the old way of playing.

The NES will cause a Revolution and lead us to the future of gaming.

That future is now.


A Revolution is Coming!

Are you ready to Revolt?

Still seem kiddie?
Earthbound is going online!
A new Earthbound is in development for the NES Revolution. It will be a very large game focusing a lot on single player mission with some undisclosed online aspects.

Get ready Earthbound fans for the game of your life! However you may have to wait as this game is still early in development.


A Revolution is coming!

Are you ready to Revolt?
Fight Fans are you ready?
Lets Get Ready to Rumble!

Actually lets get ready for ...who is that little guy?

Oh yeah..duhh.. Little Mac!

That is right Little Mac is back at it again hitting the heavy bag in PUNCH-OUT!

He is getting ready for Glass Joe, King Hippo, Piston Honda and the rest of the Gang.

However their will be no code to the final fight for Mr. Dream. So typing in 007-373-5963 wont work this sirrree.

You are going to have to fight your way to the top! Soda Pop you gonna get knocked out!

But watch out for the wind up from Super Macho Man! YIKES!


A Revolution is Coming!

Achja, an alle die GTA:SA gespielt haben: Erinnert ihr euch an den Verkäufer im Ammunation? Der sagte immer "The Revolution is commin´".
Ein weiterer Hinweis im N-Game? :lol:
NURBS... klingt lustig... aber wenn man bei Wikipedia mal nachschauen will, wird man auch nicht schlauer.^^

Edit: Weil's mir gerade recht langweilig ist, hab ich mich noch ein bisschen umgeschaut: schrieb:
NURBS sind eine bestimmte Form sogenannter Splines. Ein Spline ist eine Kurve, die durch mehrere Punkte im Raum exakt definiert ist. Mit einem Netz aus NURBS lässt sich eine Fläche definieren. Diese Darstellungsweise hat den Vorteil, dass sich sehr komplexe Flächen über verhältnismässig wenige Punkte definieren lassen. Um die Fläche darzustellen rechnet der Computer diese dann in Polygone um. Man kann sich den Unterschied zwischen NURBS- und Polygonenflächen ähnlich dem von Vektor- und Pixeldarstellung im 2D-Bereich vorstellen. Sie eignen sich besonders für gekrümmte Flächen, da diese auch bei starker Vergrösserung nicht „kantig“ werden.

Ich schau mich dazu noch ein bisschen um. Auch wenn es nichts mit der Revo zu tun haben sollte, ist es trotzdem sehr interressant...
Yo Leutz Amazon Frankreich will wohl mit aller Gewalt auf sich aufmerksam machen und hat einen Termin und einen Preis für Nintendos Next-Gen-Konsole veröffentlicht

Der Revo soll für unglaubliche 299 € auf dem europäischen Markt erscheinen und zwar genau am 15. Juni 2006.

Von Big N gibts aber noch nichts offizielles und ich glaub auch nicht dran.
Das mit Amazon-Frankreich habe ich schon hier geposted. Müsste vielleicht zwei Seiten zurück liegen.

Und die Sache mit NURBS habe ich auch schon vor ein paar Tagen gelesen. Ich habe mich darüber auch mit MuhMuh unterhalten. Das interessante dabei ist, dass man mit dieser Technik bessere Grafiken erzeugen kann als mit Polygonen, wobei diese Technik auch weniger Rechenleistung benötigt, da viel weniger Elemente benötigt werden. Für einen Kreis, der aus Polygonen besteht und der sehr gut aussehen soll, benötigt man vielleicht 50000 Polygone. Mit NURBS braucht man nur ein Teil. Hier noch ein Beispiel, was mit dieser Technik möglich ist:


Und das hier habe ich auch gefunden:

"First, remember Nintendo told us every pieces of the puzzle were in our hands
We (vent_d_est an I) have set some elements together it it seams like we understood what the revolution will finaly be.
We found a spanish game developer speaking about the revolution and the surrealistic ideas of the gamers due to the lack of official informations.
First, he insists on the fact that the controller will be much more simple than what we all expect.Miyamoto already said that he found the actual pad designs too complex.The revolution pads should be simples and entirely set-able.
According to him, Nintendo will use the revolutionnary technology : Cube-mapping
This technology allows to generate incredibles and overdetailled graphics, more precise than any actualy known graphics.It's no more about a 2d Picture but as In Real Life, looking like real 3d (beware, we don't talk about stereoscopic 3d)"

Maybe have you seen some movies of the ATI conferences were developpers presented the cube-mapping saying it would revolutionize the audiovisual industry. Nintendo also talked during this conference, saying they were going to explore a new path, a new way to develop.
To explore these possibilities, the architecture of the console has to be completely different of what ps3 and xbox360 ones are
What follows is only speculation. according to this develloperr, the GPU Hollywood should be specialy made to emulate traditional 3d and make it a 'cube-maped' one. Nintendo said emulated games should be a little improved.
the CPU Broadway would be a single core with 1 Gb Ram
The developpement should then be easier for two reasons :

-a single core is much more simple than a multicore to program(ps3 & 360 use multicores), what John Carmak comfirmed last week
-Programing in cube maping is easier than traditional 3d, as its easy to simply improve gr'aphics with it"

pingumask, not pinguman ^^'
well the guy who posted it says that the cubemaping makes HD useless but i don't think so, i saw Nurbs rendered on a computer and on a tv, the rendering was really better on the computer and whats the main difference between comp screen and tv screnn ? resolution what'z the main difference between classic and hd tv ? resolution too

i think hd would be usefull to improve rendering, but maybe nintendo doesn't want to use it just cause not much people have a hd tv (hd tvs still cost much)
it's been sometimes said that the revolution could be conected to a computer screen, i think thats a better idea, computer screens have better resolutions and are much more accessibles than hd tvs

i was thinking about one thing... everybody thinks the revolution comes from the pad but it has never been said so by nintendo. Nintendo said they wanted to wait until production of both ps3 and xbox360 started before unveiling the cool stuffs about the revolution.
if the "révolution" came from the pad, it would still be time to change plans after production stars, but if it comes from deep within the console, as the cupe mapping does, then sony and cro$oft would be completely stuck

The Revolution controller will have a simple setup, just some special features:

one directional pad, select, start, A and B buttons, one L trigger and one R trigger.

The special:

gyroscopes to control games, an LCD screen

Despite what people have said, the screen is not a touch screen, but a regular screen like that on a GBA or the DS top screen. What this is for is a unique multi-player game, as to where over a Wi-Fi signal from the Revolution console itself, sends the game to the control screen. This is done from a Wi-Fi switch on the back of the controller and also a switch on the Rev. which will change the option from TV to controller. This makes it possible to switch to controllers if the player wants to see something on TV, or a family member needs to see something "A console for the whole family" the signal is picked up in the Wi-Fi radius, you can play anywhere in the house or out, if signal strength is good.

The option will be available for players to have their own view on the game (the patent referring to a "fixed point") or regular split screens on a television.

"the days of controller to console to TV are over"

"not a console, not a handheld, a whole new platform"
Das mit Amazon-Frankreich habe ich schon hier geposted. Müsste vielleicht zwei Seiten zurück liegen.
Ich habs eine Seite vor dir gepostet :P

Hab kein Lust die ganzen Texte zu lesen. Irgendwie bin ich mir sicher, dass ich darin sowieso nichts neues lesen werde :hmpf:
The Revolution Really Is In The Controller
Written by Matthew Gallant

Monday, 22 August 2005
I feel really awful about last week, so to make up for it here's something really good: enough with the fake 3D Studio-rendered Nintendo Revolution controllers— enough. Here's the scoop on what the big deal is.
It's revolutionary in the same two senses that controller rumble is/was revolutionary: first, it's kind of actually not a huge deal, but controllers will eventually all have it because it is pretty neat; and second, it involves revolving. Simply, the Revolution controller will provide resistance to being tilted. No doubt this is done by some application of a tilt sensor such as the one in WarioWare: Twisted combined with rumble technology.

After all, rumble is just done by some off-balance widgets inside the controller spinning really fast. If they were balanced, they could provide enough rotational inertia— the same thing that makes bikes and motorcycles harder to tilt the faster they're going— to perform this trick.

The "could" is why Nintendo hasn't come out with it yet. Yeah, they say they don't want it to be copied, which is valid because I'm sure it will be, just not anytime soon. What's really happening is Nintendo is trying to make this work with wireless controllers, finding the optimal tradeoff between spinning the widgets fast enough to produce a good, strong effect and keeping the controller from eating batteries too quickly. Oh, and it has to be cheap and reliable, too.

Why this isn't just another Revolution rumor: I'm hurt, I really am. You think I would do that to you? Well, even if you don't believe me this time, I'm betting you will in the future. So there.


Hört sich beim ersten lesen nicht sehr spektakulär an.

Aber es wäre simpel und sehr intuitiv.

Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, dann handelt
es sich um eine Dreier- bzw. Zweierkombinatin:

1. Neigungssensor
2/3. Stabilisator/Rumble-Feature

Wenn man z. B. bei einem Rennspiel in einer Linkskurve nach
links lenkt, neigt man den Controller nach links. Um so stärker
man einlenken will, umso stärker neigt man den Controller.
Und ebenfalls: Umso stärker man einlenken will, umso mehr
Widerstand erzeugt der Controller gegen das Geneigt-Werden.

Hört sich einfach und genial an. :D
So Kippsensoren wären garnicht so abwegig siehe den Tilt Sensor in den GBA Spielen aber so tol könnt ich mir das nicht vorstellen. In Mini Spielen ala Wario Ware ist es ja schön und gut aber bsp. weise in Metroid :oops: Nein danke.
Genau die Idee mit dem Stabilisierungsding und Forcefeedback a la Gyrotwister hatte ich schon bei der E3. :o
Ich müsste mal bei Nintendo arbeiten. :D
Wenn das stimmen würde was Goodplayer da gepostet hat, dann hätte ich meine Traumkonsole gefunden.

I want to believe!
Mal was zu den Nurbs:

Nurbs haben derzeit noch kaum Vorteile gegenüber einer Dreiecksdarstellung.

Erstmal ist die Menge der darstellbaren Körper begrenzt(er).
Außerderm verschlingen die Kontrollpunkte einer sauberen Nurbs-Darstellung ungefähr genausoviel Speicher wie Vertices. Der Rechenaufwand ist im Gegenzug wesentlich höher, was logischerweise bei Echtzeitanwendungen schlecht ist und demnach momentan bei Spielen nur wenig Sinn ergibt. Nurbs lohnen sich aber eigentlich erst mit Raytracing, da es hier sogar sehr viel besser ist, als Massen von Dreiecken, um etwas rund zu bekommen. Nur wird das noch Jahre dauern.

Interessant ist, das ähnliche Techniken schon verwendet wurden, wie z.B. TruForm bei der ATI Radeon 8500... Bisher erst mit bescheidenem Erfolg.

Mal was zu diesem Satz:

"Maybe have you seen some movies of the ATI conferences were developpers presented the cube-mapping saying it would revolutionize the audiovisual industry."

Kann mir jemand erklären, was an Cube-Mapping revolitionär sein soll???
Diese Woche wird uns also Nintendos Gyroskop-Controller vorgestellt, der die Videospielwelt 'revolutionieren' soll :rolleyes:
Ach, übrigens, hat sich unser weltbester Hacker eigentlich gemeldet??? Ich dachte, er hätte so revolutionäre Infos! War wohl mal wieder nix, oder? Und das "bald was passiert", wissen wir ja schon seit Monaten...
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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