Revolution - Diskussionsforum 2

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@Master H & kenshiro & V-King

hier wird ein vergleich von halo2 und pdz gemacht, wobei das pdz bild von einem ur-alten dev-build stammt ?

aber überhaupt: hier is doch das nintendo forum, was haben hier also diskussionen über xbox und xbox360 zu suchen ?
-> einfach ins war oder xbox forum gehen, da wird auch passend drauf geantwortet.

bin zwar kein mod, aber ich denke ich darf euch ruhig darauf hinweisen, dass, wenn ihr über die xbox (+360) diskutieren wollt besser im entsprechenden forum aufgehoben seit.

V-King schrieb:
CHISCO schrieb:
leute ihr dürft nicht vergessen, dass die x-box mittlerweile bis zum erbrechen ausgereizt wird und die x-box360 im vergleich dazu noch gar nicht!
Zeig mir ein Spiel, das die X-Box (1 wohlgemerkt) "zum Erbrechen" ausreizt o.o

wie soll ich dir das zeigen? aber ich denke man kann davon ausgehen wenn eine konsole schon mehrere jahre am markt ist, dass die programmierer wissen wie man viel/das letzte rausholt! es haben ja schließlich nicht nur haubentaucher für die x-box programmiert, sondern auch namhafte firmen!

man muss einfach realistisch bleiben!

aber lieber wieder BTT!

ich freu mich wahnisnnig auf den rev.! wird ne feine sache und uns ALLE in den bann ziehen!!

also das is doch kein uralt bild, sieht doch heute genau gleich aus, ist ja ahuptsächlich der character im bild

also, btt

Ich glaube, dass im Endeffekt die Revolution auf normal TVs nicht wirklich groß unterlegen sein wird
Das Thema ist Revolution und nicht Xbox oder Xbox360, wenn ihr vergleichen machen wollte dann macht das im War Forum
mia.max schrieb:
@Master H & kenshiro & V-King

hier wird ein vergleich von halo2 und pdz gemacht, wobei das pdz bild von einem ur-alten dev-build stammt ?

aber überhaupt: hier is doch das nintendo forum, was haben hier also diskussionen über xbox und xbox360 zu suchen ?
-> einfach ins war oder xbox forum gehen, da wird auch passend drauf geantwortet.

bin zwar kein mod, aber ich denke ich darf euch ruhig darauf hinweisen, dass, wenn ihr über die xbox (+360) diskutieren wollt besser im entsprechenden forum aufgehoben seit.


warum beziehst du mich mit ein? hab nicht auf dem bilderthread geantwortet, sondern im allgemeinen.
Hier ein sehr schöner Kommentar aus dem GamingAge-Forum:

Arsynic schrieb:
I think Ninty should keep the "Revolution" name. I mean, a next generation console with last generation technology...that's Revolutionary indeed. </sarcasm>

In an industry where Tony Hawk and Madden (the bastion of all that is wrong with this industry) still sell millions of copies, original games will fall by the wayside. Nintendo will learn this the hard way. Nintendo's vision is too good for the industry as it stands now. If I were Nintendo, I'd just wait for the inevitable industry crash to hit and then revitalize it.

This industry works like a forest. The big trees form a canopy over the forest that doesn't allow light to pass through and nurture the smaller foilage that the animals feed on. So they die. So the forest floor is left with dry, dead foilage that's no good for anyone. Then a lighting storm comes, strikes a tree and the whole forest burns down. This revitalizes the forest and allows for new growth. The foilage comes back, the animals feast and all is good until the trees get too large again and the whole cycle starts again.

We have a few big trees like EA, Ubi Soft, Activision, Square-Enix, Namco, Konami, et. al. that steal all of the sunlight from the smaller developers who make the most revolutionary stuff. However, if it's not Tony Hawk or Madden, it gets no advertising dollars and therefore no exposure and stays in the niche. However, the industry needs these new ideas to survive. However, these smaller devs are choked out and either close their doors or get on the cookie-cutter-shit bandwagon. Then the industry gets dry and stale and eventually collapses. That's going to happen soon, I don't know when, but soon. People are going to get sick of playing the same old shit over and over again.

Maybe Nintendo realizes this and Revolution could possibly ride out the eventual collapse of the industry and take it in a new direction. Fuck the establishment. Perhaps we're all dead fucking wrong. Perhaps it has nothing to do with better visuals, better sound or better physics. Perhaps it has everything to do with game mechanics and ideas. Perhaps its the way we think about games that need to change. Nintendo's vision is that the next generation has little to do with having better graphics. However, that's how our jaded asses have been programmed to think over the years. Shit, if a console doesn't have better graphics, better sound, and better physics then it's not "next gen" in our view. However, the shit that we fail to realize is that the thing that seperates games from music and movies is that we "PLAY" them. It's the interaction that distinguishes games from the other mediums. So why has graphics become the benchmark in a medium where GAMEPLAY is the unique identifier? Who knows. Graphics should be the benchmark for movies and sound should be a benchmark for music. How backwards have we become?

Do we judge a music album based on the music video? Hell no, that doesn't make sense since it's the SOUND that matters. Do we judge a movie by how good the soundtrack is? Hell no, that doesn't make sense since it's the VISUAL PERFORMANCE that matters. Do we judge games primarily by how good the GRAPHICS are? Yes we do. In a medium where graphics should take a backseat to interactivity, the majority of us have been trained like Pavlov's dogs to salivate at graphics and put gameplay in the backseat. Case in point: The whole MGS4 "unveiling" (or the whole PS3 unvieling for that matter). Like little trained monkies we jumped up and down at these graphics and claimed that "The next generation is here!" That's stupid. I'm stupid. We're all stupid. We've all been duped. Now most of us are all but ready to write-off a console that could be just what this stale fucking industry needs just because it doesn't meet our bastardized benchmark of what constitutes a "next generation" console, namely better graphics. We're a bunch of marketing tools for lazy developers who'd rather get rich by just improving visuals, animation and physics while giving us the same gameplay experience as the Playstation.

That's like McDonalds adding one more piece of bread to the Bic Mac and calling it the "Next Generation of Burgers." Then they brainwash consumers into believing that a real next generation burger is taller than the rest. No matter that it tastes the fucking same as the regular Big just looks better. That's the way the game industry has trained us. We now believe that next generation games are games that primarily LOOK BETTER than previous games. The evidence is that companies like Sony get away with showing reels and reels of game movie footage (whether or not they are real-time or not is moot) and we get excited as if graphics are the foremost benchmark of a next generation console. It's a fucking joke and this thread proves it.

But then again, it's called VIDEO games. So I guess the visual aspect of it all does play an important part. But should it be more important than the interactive aspect. It is called video GAMES, you know GAMES that are played on a video screen. However, it seems that Sony/MS main aim is to make game VIDEOS.

So I guess this is what seperates the next generation of consoles. We have Nintendo with it's VIDEO GAME machine and Sony and MS with their GAME VIDEO machines. Let's just agree to create that distinction so that we don't confuse ourselves.
Mittlerweile findet man regelmäßig Entwicklermeinungen in den News und die Anstrengungen neue, kreative Überschriften zu finden erreicht langsam seinen Höhepunkt.

In einem Interview mit der EDGE wurde Eric Chahi, der Erfinder des Spiels Out of this World (Another World in Europa) unter anderem zu den neuen Konsolen befragt und wie man es sich schon denken kann ist er sehr vom Revolution und seiner Steuereinheit angetan.

Was ist das Aufregendste an den neuen Konsolen?

"Das räumliche Interface des Revolution, weil das Interface die Schnittstelle zwischen dem Spieler und dem Programm ist. Jegliche Verbesserungen in diesem Gebiet sind besser als Milliarden von Polygonen."

Zu seinem neuen Projekt, welches sich noch in einer sehr frühen Phase befindet wollte er keine weiteren Auskünfte geben. Ein System würde ebenfalls nicht genannt aber nach den Äußerungen...


Dann streitet euch mal weiter.
Hallo bin neu hier !!

Ich habe schon öffters gelesen dass viele sagen der NREV Controller habe viel zu wenige Buttons für normale Games.

Aber wenn man den Controller normal (Fernbedienung) hält hat man doch:
1. A
2. B
3. Steuerkreuz hoch
4. Steuerkreuz runter
5. Steuerkreuz links
6. Steuerkreuz rechts
(+Steuerkreuzkombos [7.(hoch, rechts) 8.(hoch,links) 9.(runter,rechts) 10.(runter,links)])
-->macht schon mal mindestens 6 Buttons zum spielen mit einer Hand.

mit Analogstickerweiterung:
7. Z1
8. Z2

und dann noch die vielen anderen Möglichkeiten, wie z.B.
-eine kurze Drehung nach rechts oder links(wie ein Schlüssel im Schlüsselloch) schon eine andere Waffe,
-eine leichte Bewegung nach vorne schon öffnet sich eine Tür, oder
-ein bewegen vom Bildschirm weg "geh in Deckung" Aktion
--> die Möglichkeiten sind doch "fast" unendlich groß.

Was haltet ihr davon?? Wirklich zu wenig Buttons????
To take away confusion

Many diffrent rumours have turned up lately with almost all of them fake or incomplete. I will make an exception in this post, with as purpose to take away confusion many fans seems to have now.

Metroid Prime 3
First of all, the so called "Metroid Prime 3" leaked pictures. Since it's fanmade and not related in any way with Nintendo's Metroid Prime 3 game I'd like to confirm to you it's fake, not real, so in other words, doesn't excist. Even thought I'm involved in any way with the development of Metroid Prime 3 or other Nintendo projects, I've seen a presentation running behind closed doors not even that long ago. The visuals I saw there are alot better than this. Now ofcourse you want me to give you an exemple of how good they did actually look. I'm not allowed to, so I can only tell you Metroid Prime 3 does have the visuals of a true Next-Gen game.

Gamecube-based development kits
Nintendo gave us many diffrent development kits to work with. We've received many upgrades on both hardware as development tools. Keep in mind however Revolution development is very similiar to Gamecube development. The first "real" development kits we've received from Nintendo actually was a Gamecube development kit with Revolution controller tools/support. That was however, more than one year ago and those development kits have been replaced many times already.

Now I've read IGN claimed to have heart from an annonymous studio current Revolution development kits are just slightly faster/better than the xbox hardware. This is funny, because this is both true and fake.
Why you ask?

Two months ago our studio aswell was still working with a Revolution development kit that had slightly more power than the current xbox. Less than a month ago however, we've again received upgraded development kits. Now I suspect ( no I'm actually positive ) this studio talked with IGN just before Nintendo handed over new development kits. It's also posible by the way, as I'm not sure how big this annonymous studio is, hasn't received the upgraded development kits as of yet. Mostly of the time the "big" studio's receive upgraded development kits a few weeks before the small ones do, because it's not a cheap job to replace development kits every time.

The most up to date working Revolution development kit has alot more power than the previous one. I can even confirm to you the newest development kits are the first development kits that includes prototypes of both Hollywood and Broadway. The previous versions didn't have those included.

Now if you look at the current specs of both Hollywood and Broadway ( which I will not provide to you, so do not ask ), we're not talking about a slightly upgraded xbox, but pretty powerfull hardware. Revolution's power is not underpowered compared to xbox 360. I can't speak for Playstation 3, because I've no acces so any stuff involved to Playstation 3 development.

However, Xbox 360 has more power than Revolution, but Revolution isn't underpowered.

But I suppose you all remember what Mr.Iwata said at e3 2004. "The time when horsepowers made the diffrence is over". Hollywood and Broadway are so well designed and have such incredible libary of techniques and tools ( and I'm currently talking about prototypes, so who knows what will happen in the final development kits ), which approves Mr.Iwata's statement. Development for Revolution is easy and cheap compared to compitors consoles.

I do however understand why Nintendo will probably never release the specs about Revolution. If you know the specs you will become so confused, because you would think there's no posibility Revolution is able to perform visuals of the level you will see with the given specs. Reality if diffrent and Nintendo made it posible.

Cheap development costs, easy development, cheap hardware, low consumer price, very high performance and even be able to make money out of it.

Launch Date
I do nothing about the provided Thanks Giving launch date in America. Now even thought we're an European located company we do plan a American release. So this is even new news to me. I will take contact with Nintendo later this week to get this straight, because it would be very annoying to receive a "deadline" throught the media.

HD Support
Well since Nintendo confirmed it already, it's not really a surprise. Nintendo Revolution will not feature HD Support, and there fore we do not have development kits providing this feature. Does it matter? In my personal opinion it doesn't because what Nintendo will offer to compensate HD is even better than HD. The third revolutionary aspect, will be the feature which will provide you the replacement for HD as I've said before.

Ubisoft Readies Shooter
An unnamed title? Cool, let's guess the name!

You don't have to worry about all the rumours. Most of them are fake. Leaked ingame pictures from a Nintendo game? Common, there isn't any company better secured than Nintendo. There's a bigger chance you will see the first "leaked" Revolution screenshots from a third party game, if there will be a real leak in the future that is.

I hope this will be the only and last time I needed to provide a news post which isn't the purpose of this blog. However if there will be such "breaking fake news" in the future which I can confirm fake Ill probably do that, with as purpose to stop fake annoying hype. Don't expect me to do if often by the way.

You know the purpose of this blog. Discussing gameplay idea's for No End Soon. The meeting where we're going to discuss some of the idea's you people gave us will be coming thurseday. So ill update you on how it went thureday evening or friday morning.
erstmal servus!!

nachdem wir ja noch nicht wissen, wie der/die revolution funktioniert, ist es schwer zu sagen, ob die buttons ausreichen! außerdem soll es ja möglich sein den gamecube bzw. einen neuen alternativen controller anzuschließen!

am besten wir warten mal ab!
wollen wir den text mal auseinandernehmen!

I'm not allowed to, so I can only tell you Metroid Prime 3 does have the visuals of a true Next-Gen game.

wurde auch schon indirekt gesagt, dass nintendo etwas große sdamit vor hat!

Two months ago our studio aswell was still working with a Revolution development kit that had slightly more power than the current xbox. Less than a month ago however, we've again received upgraded development kits. Now I suspect ( no I'm actually positive ) this studio talked with IGN just before Nintendo handed over new development kits.

das wäre zumindest eine plausible erklärung

Revolution's power is not underpowered compared to xbox 360.


HD Support
In my personal opinion it doesn't because what Nintendo will offer to compensate HD is even better than HD. The third revolutionary aspect, will be the feature which will provide you the replacement for HD as I've said before.

Das ist unsere Vermutung schon ausm anderen thread

Natürlich ist diese Seite mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Aber ich erkenne keine Schönrederei, die alles verteidigt, sondern eher jemand, der sich durch schlechte News nicht unterkriegen lässt und dafür Erklärungen gibt, gerade so als ob er es besser wissen müsste.
Ich wünsche mir, dass zumindest ein paar Gerüchte war sind!
Eigentlich hört sich das ja ganz nett an, aber die Sache mit dem alternativen HD hört sich für mich äußerst schwachsinning an und zudem macht der Typ einige Rechtschreibfehler und wieso sollte ein Entwickler aus Europa MP3 gesehen haben?
Metroid Prime 3
First of all, the so called "Metroid Prime 3" leaked pictures. Since it's fanmade and not related in any way with Nintendo's Metroid Prime 3 game I'd like to confirm to you it's fake, not real, so in other words, doesn't excist. Even thought I'm involved in any way with the development of Metroid Prime 3 or other Nintendo projects, I've seen a presentation running behind closed doors not even that long ago. The visuals I saw there are alot better than this. Now ofcourse you want me to give you an exemple of how good they did actually look. I'm not allowed to, so I can only tell you Metroid Prime 3 does have the visuals of a true Next-Gen game.

Wenn das stimmt, dann scheiß ich auf das was ich gesagt habe.!!! :) Das muss es doch sein!!!!!! träum*
JethroTull schrieb:
....und wieso sollte ein Entwickler aus Europa MP3 gesehen haben?

Wieso nicht? Dürfen das nur Entwickler aus Japan oder den USA? Was ist mit Ubisoft. Zum Text allgemein: Das ist wieder so eine Sache mit Glauben und nicht Glauben. Ich übe mich einfach in Geduld. Am 9.ten Mai ist schluss damit.
klingt vertrauenswürdig und ich sehe keinen Grund warum er scheiße ins netz stellen sollte, aber trotzdem, auch ich und viele andere könnten so einen text schreiben
Canada schrieb:
JethroTull schrieb:
....und wieso sollte ein Entwickler aus Europa MP3 gesehen haben?

Wieso nicht? Dürfen das nur Entwickler aus Japan oder den USA?

So hab ich es natürlich nicht gemeint, sondern vielmehr, wieso überhaupt einer das Spiel gesehen haben soll.
Es sei denn, Nintendo nutzt es bei den Entwicklern zu Demonstrationszwecken.
dito, ausserdem wissen wir doch alle, das wir solchen quellen nicht glauben schenken sollten, erinnert sich den keiner mehr an die controller fakes ;)
Solange es nichts Offizielles ist, enthalte ich mich meiner Stimme :P :)

Und wieder heisst es: Abwarten und Tee trinken (von mir aus auch Kaffee^^)
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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