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Duncan schrieb:Die Aussage triffts am Schluss:
Braucht Nintendo wirklich noch Werbung für den REV? Ich mein die Fans haben nun genug gehypt und umsonst Werbung gemacht.
Duncan schrieb:- Battalion Wars 2 (Kuju Entertainment)
- 1 unbekannter Titel (Kuju Entertainment)
- Smash Brothers Rev
- Metroid Prime 3 (Retro Studios)
- FF:CC 2 (Square Enix)
- Unknown FPS (Midway)
- Unknown Title (Suda 51)
- Unknown Title (Glover Studios)
- Killing Day FPS (Ubi Soft)
- Unknown RPG maybe Golden Sun REV (Camelot)
- Pirates of the Carribean: Dead mans chest (Disney)
- Zelda Revolution
- Mario Revolution
- Kid Icarus Revolution (Miyamoto arbeitet derzeit Eng mit den Verantwortlichen von Kid Icarus zusammen)
- Animal Crossing Revolution
- Madasgar (Activision)
- Raid over the River
- Fifa 07 (EA)
- Madden 07 (EA)
- NHL 07 (EA)
- Tiger Woods 07 (EA)
- Unkown Title (Next Level Games)
- Unkown Title (Next Level Games)
EXCLUSIVE: Next Level Games
Developer of Super Mario Strikers working on Revolution?
by Robert Hiskey
February 3, 2006 - Since our launch at the beginning of the month, we've been hard at work trying to provide some of the best Nintendo coverage on the internet. In addition to updating multiple times each day with the latest news, we've been working behind the scenes to forge relationships with companies inside the industry. This week, our work finally paid off. In our first exclusive news story, we reveal some new details about the current development projects of Next Level Games, developer of the critically acclaimed, GameCube exclusive title, Super Mario Strikers.
While the spokesperson we heard from couldn't divulge any super-specific information, she explained that the company currently has two games in development. Considering that Next Level Games has only developed two titles (NHL Hitz Pro, Super Mario Strikers) since it started in October 2002, this was a bit of a surprise. Upon further inquiry we learned that the company currently has two development teams, one of which worked on Super Mario Strikers. This leads us to believe that while Strikers was being developed, the other team was already hard at work with one of the unannounced titles, while work has probably just begun on the second new game.
Unfortunately, we could not get confirmation on the target platforms for either of the two titles in development. However, it seems likely that at least one of them, and possibly both, are being aimed for next-generation consoles considering the fact that they still haven't been announced. It also seems that there is a strong possibility of one or both games appearing on a Nintendo console, as we were told that "we [Next Level Games] are in close contact with Nintendo," and Nintendo certainly must've been impressed with the quality and commercial success of Super Mario Strikers. According to the person we spoke with, "it was definitely a compliment for us when Nintendo picked Next Level Games (after a four month prototype) to develop Super Mario Strikers the first Mario sports title developed in North America, all other sports titles were developed by Japanese companies (ie Nintendo, Camelot or Namco). There definitely was a welcome challenge in meeting the high standards of the well-known Mario characters and respected franchise and we created a great working relationship with Nintendo." Surely, it sounds very likely that the two companies might collaborate again in the future.
In addition to asking specifically about Revolution, we inquired about the developer's more general plans for the future. When we asked if Next Level Games preferred to work on sports titles or it just so happened that their first two games were in the sports genre, we were told that the company would indeed like to work on games of various genres. According to the spokesperson, "It is possible that what we are currently working on are not sports title as the scope of our capabilities is greater than just the sports genre. On that note, if we were working on another sports type of game(s) it doesnt necessarily signify that we prefer this genre over others. Weve made great games in the past and we will continue to do so in the future, regardless of genre." While Next Level's only two games so far have used licensed properties and characters (from the NHLPA and Nintendo), they would like to create games with their own original characters in the future, but are content with licensed franchises as long as they can make a game that's fun for everyone to play. "We are enthusiastic about creating great games overall whether that means through respected franchises or our own characters or real athletes."
According to the spokesperson, "Were directly receiving a lot of unsolicited positive feedback [about Super Mario Strikers]...people love the game." She's right; it was one of my favorite GameCube titles in 2005. We'll have our full review of Super Mario Strikers posted in the next few days, and we'll keep you posted if we receive any new information about the company's current projects. In the meantime, check our 50+ exclusive screenshots from Super Mario Strikers.
Becks schrieb:rofl. Das ist die Dorfdisco-Assi Version.![]()
Rodimus-power schrieb:
Nund noch ne´fake - Interface![]()
PresidentEvil schrieb:und noch ne´fake - Interface
Schmedi schrieb:gibts die ganzen fakes auch irgendwo als einzelne bilder dass man sich die ma in ruhe angucken kann??