Wii Resident Evil - The Darkside Chronicles

Die Grafik kann überzeugen und das "mitgewackel" der Kamera hat schon was. So wird man besser ins Spiel versetzt. Auf der anderen Seite kann dieses "mitgewackel" der Kamera ziemlich störend sein. Das wird wohl Ansichtssache sein. Ist das Glas halb leer oder halb voll?

Die Synchronisation finde ich auch ziemlich klasse. Wird man auch mitten im Spiel diese Zwischenrufe hören oder gab es diese nur im Trailer? Das würde die Atmosphäre deutlich verstärken.

Die Wackel-Kamera lässt sich AFAIK abschalten und die Zwischenrufe und Dialoge wird es auch im Spiel geben.
ich frag mich ob das spiel auch so umfangreich wird wie umbrella chronicles.. also ob es wie bei uc auch nebenmissionen wie mit hunk, rebecca, richard aiken, ada etc geben wird... so viele charaktere fallen mir aber nicht ein mit denen man lücken füllen könnte
ich frag mich ob das spiel auch so umfangreich wird wie umbrella chronicles.. also ob es wie bei uc auch nebenmissionen wie mit hunk, rebecca, richard aiken, ada etc geben wird... so viele charaktere fallen mir aber nicht ein mit denen man lücken füllen könnte

das hier baut direkt auf UC auf, was das spielprinzip betrifft. wird also das selbe in besser und umfangreicher sein. außerdem hat man UC in 8(?) Monaten entwicklelt. das hier ist jetzt schon länger in entwicklung obwohl das gerüst schon lang stand. UC war damals auch einfach nur, um die wii-ler mit nem RE abzuspeißen und um zu sehen, wie erfolgreich das wird. das hier wird direkt als nachfolger gebracht.

also ich glaube, in der hinsicht brauchst du dir keine sorgen machen. wenn es Capcom schafft, das spiel wirklich "schlechter" hinzukriegen als UC wäre das imo ultra-peinlich :sorry:
Ich hoffe mal, dass DSC wirklich nur 3 Hauptszenarien hat, statt 4 wie UC, und diese aber deutlich stärker mit Bonusmissionen und Story-Details aufarbeitet.

Jedenfalls ist der neue Talking Evil-Blog erschienen:

The Presence of Horror

When talking about Darkside Chronicles, the first word that comes to mind is “presence”. By that I mean experiencing something that feels like it could actually exist. After completing Umbrella Chronicles we gave a lot of thought to what kind of sequel we wanted to make, and the word presence really captures the theme of the game.

Even though it was the first title in this series, I was able to achieve quite a lot with Umbrella Chronicles. It serves as a great overview of the entire Resident Evil series and provides arcade-style shooting gameplay that is easy for anyone to pick up and enjoy. It was a really cool experience that the user had total control over, and I’m really proud of that achievement.

Of course, there were certain things I want to see done better this time around. Many aspects of the game I want to improve can be summarized with that word, “presence”. We will put that feeling into the game while retaining all the above-mentioned points.

Darkside Chronicles is a horror themed / Arcade shooter.

One of the things I love about Resident Evil is its horror aspect. Resident Evil puts the player in a desperate situation, forcing them to survive by using limited ammo and health-restoring herbs wisely, as well as occasionally forcing players to run to survive. I want to use that tension to make the player feel like they are really there.

In Umbrella Chronicles, a strong feeling of presence was one of my team’s goals in making use of a first-person perspective. Umbrella Chronicles was a very complex game in many ways, and we did a good job, but I still think that we could have nailed the horror aspect of the game a little better. As a developer, looking back on your last project and accepting its shortcomings is the best kind of feedback. It helped me realize that there was still a lot I could do with this type of game system.

I used a lot of the feedback from Umbrella Chronicles to help perfect that feeling of presence in this game.

The camera was the first thing that we worked on. The viewpoint of a person who is surrounded by horror and wrapped in tension is not steady like a movie camera, but rather moves quite violently. In order to convey that tension and sense of presence more effectively, in certain places we used a camera that really moves as if it were attached to a person’s face.

One other thing that we focused on was the presence of your partner. Seeing your partner being grabbed by zombies on-screen or watching monsters sneak up on them really highlights the fear of being attacked.

We also paid special attention to the in-game voice and used it to great effect. We recorded screams, death rattles and confused voices which our voice actors pulled off wonderfully. Not only that, we added many more layers to the voice acting, including panting and shortness of breath as well as a high degree of distress in the normal conversations of the characters. I’m really proud of how recording all those little details helped us to bring the characters’ feelings of horror to the forefront.

Of course these aren’t the only things we are doing to bring that feeling of presence to the player. My team and I are working hard day and night experimenting with and implementing a huge number of game elements that will bring that feeling of presence to everyone who plays Darkside Chronicles.

I hope you’re looking forward to “the presence of horror” in Darkside Chronicles. Keep checking for more updates!

wisst ihr, was cool wäre? Online Multiplayer. Das Spiel schaut eh so aus, ob man zwei TVs bräuchte und jeder einen anderen Charakter übernimmt. Würde das echt genial finden. :) RL-Horror getrennt als Rail Shooter.
wisst ihr, was cool wäre? Online Multiplayer. Das Spiel schaut eh so aus, ob man zwei TVs bräuchte und jeder einen anderen Charakter übernimmt. Würde das echt genial finden. :) RL-Horror getrennt als Rail Shooter.

Das wäre auf jeden Fall mal eine tolle Idee. Sowas hat mir bisher bei allen RE gefehlt!
Online-MP soll es nicht geben. Dafür andere Online-Funktionen.

Ich fände einen Ghost-Modus, wie bei Mario Kart witzig, wo man gegen die gespeicherte Performance anderer Spieler antreten muss.

Man hat dann einfach ein zweites Fadenkreuz auf dem Schirm und man muss darauf achten, die Gegner-Kills und Items vor dem Ghost einzusacken um eine Höhere Highscore zu erzielen.
Online-MP soll es nicht geben. Dafür andere Online-Funktionen.

Ich fände einen Ghost-Modus, wie bei Mario Kart witzig, wo man gegen die gespeicherte Performance anderer Spieler antreten muss.

Man hat dann einfach ein zweites Fadenkreuz auf dem Schirm und man muss darauf achten, die Gegner-Kills und Items vor dem Ghost einzusacken um eine Höhere Highscore zu erzielen.

Tolle Idee - auf die man aber erstmal kommen muss. ^^
Ich glaube nicht das wir so was in naher Zukunft bei irgendeinem Railshooter finden werden.
Freu mich riesig auf das Spiel udn ist auch einer meiner Kaufgründe für den Wii.
Leider wurde jedoch Nemesis für den mittelmässigen Vorgänger verheizt. Schade!
Online-MP soll es nicht geben. Dafür andere Online-Funktionen.

Ich fände einen Ghost-Modus, wie bei Mario Kart witzig, wo man gegen die gespeicherte Performance anderer Spieler antreten muss.

Man hat dann einfach ein zweites Fadenkreuz auf dem Schirm und man muss darauf achten, die Gegner-Kills und Items vor dem Ghost einzusacken um eine Höhere Highscore zu erzielen.

Schade, Online-Coop hätte mich gefreut. Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht, RE5 mit Giantlink durchzuspielen :goodwork:
Neuer Talking Evil-Blog:

Reimagining Leon

If you watch the recent Darkside Chronicles trailer, you will see the names of some of our staff displayed at the end for a few seconds. We are a very enthusiastic team that is looking forward to bringing you a quality game. I’d like to introduce you to some of the really talented team members, hopefully illustrating some of the cool things about Darkside Chronicles along the way.

First I’d like to talk a bit about our scenario writer, Shotaro Suga.

Mr. Suga has written the scripts for some great Japanese anime such as the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex series, Eureka Seven, and Darker Than Black. He has also worked here at Capcom on Devil May Cry 4 as well as Resident Evil: Degeneration.

Resident Evil: Degeneration is a story about Leon and Claire, set in 2005 after the events of Resident Evil 4. Mr Suga was the one who created an engaging drama in a rich setting which complimented the stunning CG visuals of the film.

In a previous post I explained one of our themes; that of presence (a heightened sense of reality that enhances the gameplay experience). With Darkside Chronicles we want that sense of presence to surpass what we did in Umbrella Chronicles. The scenario and all the lines of dialogue in the game play an important role in realizing this theme. I asked Mr. Suga to create a script with realistic dialogue filled with raw feeling.

The first big question we had to deal with in moving from drafts to the final scenario was how to portray Leon in this game. Since appearing in Resident Evil 2, Leon has starred in both Resident Evil 4 and the Degeneration film. Resident Evil 2 came out over 10 years ago so we wanted to re-envision Leon’s first adventure taking current expectations into account rather than just copying Resident Evil 2 verbatim.

In Umbrella Chronicles, and indeed the Chronicles series as a whole, we want to revisit the true stories of the characters’ motivations and intentions. Even if this isn’t directly related to the gameplay, it‘s very important to focus on these things to keep the characters and world of Resident Evil appealing.

However, this was unexpectedly difficult in Leon’s case. He’s not as simple as Chris or Jill, definitely a tough nut to crack.

Leon was nothing but a rookie police officer when he was caught up in the Raccoon City incident. When did he change so drastically? What do you think Leon’s real purpose and motivations are? Money? Love? Duty? Honor? Perhaps revenge?

Mr. Suga already has experience with Leon in writing the script for Degeneration. In re-imagining Leon’s Raccoon City exploits, he has strived to create a character that is more consistent with the “resourceful special-agent” Leon we know from newer Resident Evil stories. What happened to Leon that made him choose that life?

Mr. Suga and I have gone through many revisions trying different things with Leon’s character, and this process has yielded a great final scenario. The story of how Leon lives his life and the choices he makes is one of the themes I am very excited to explore with you in the Darkside Chronicles.
noch so eine hysterie wie ich sie bei umbrella chronicles hatte werde ich wohl nicht überleben.
...ich versuche mich total zusammenzureißen!!
CAPCOM was tust du nur mit mir??? :popcorn:

die chronicles sind einfach genialer fanservice!!!
Heutiger Talking Evil-Blog:

The Leon of 1998

The Leon in Darkside Chronicles appears as he was in 1998. This was the year the T-Virus spread throughout Raccoon City and started the whole Resident Evil series. Leon must endure a bitter struggle to escape the doomed Raccoon City.

Leon looks a little different compared to his other appearances in Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 4. He’s a fresh rookie cop, and his looks are somewhat soft. But we wanted to leave hints of the man Leon would become in Resident Evil 4.

We debated long and hard about what kind of voice to give this young Leon and still maintain his character’s image.

Paul Mercier did most of the voice work for Leon in Resident Evil 4. He also played Leon in the CG movie Resident Evil: Degeneration. Paul has become our image of what Leon’s character is.

We did the voice recording in Los Angeles. Paul’s real voice is actually low and cool, as it is in Degeneration. But since for this setting we needed a very young Leon, we had him say his lines in a higher pitch. Early recording sessions were drawn out at times because during intense lines, sometimes Paul would revert back to his natural, low voice. But, he was very professional. Once he understood what we were trying to accomplish with the character, recording went quite smoothly with little need for multiple takes. In my mind, Paul’s voice as Leon is dazzling. It’s perfect.

In Resident Evil 2, we were shown a Leon who was serious (almost to a fault), and a sucker for the ladies. We tried to maintain those qualities for him in Darkside Chronicles. The aim of the scenario concept for Darkside Chronicles was to preserve the feeling of the old games while making them more interesting, and to retell those stories from the first person perspective. So, we’ve decide to give Leon a little girl trouble in this game as well.
With Claire, Ada, and Sherry as the scenario’s female characters, something is bound to happen. ;-)

More than 10 years has gone by since the release of Resident Evil 2, and graphics technology has come a long way since then. Likewise, advancements in sound technology have made equally great strides. As such, I knew I would have to take character dialogue very seriously. So, I got together with Mr. Suga, whom I mentioned before, to put together the script. We decided to use dialog to give the audience a deeper look into the characters.

How could we create an emotional drama between Leon and another female character?
I met with Cinematic Director Hide Gondoh over and over trying to come up with a solution.
I’ve worked with Mr. Gondoh before on titles like Resident Evil Remake, and Resident Evil 4. He’s an extremely talented director who can handle everything from event scene choreography, to staff coordination. It just so happens that he is fond of Leon’s character. And he wisely suggested that we write Leon with a focus on realism.

Will all this tension and realism Leon is feeling fit into the game’s overall theme of “presence”?
At first I thought that with a pre-existing Resident Evil scenario, the lines for that scenario would be, for the most part, already written. But, for Darkside Chronicles, we are taking it to another level.

We will continue to challenge ourselves and make this one of the most epic Resident Evil games yet!

ui, hoffentlich kommt nächste Woche Claire dran. <3 Claire und Rebecca brauchen eindeutig mehr Screentime in der Serie.
Capcom verkündete heute einige neue Details zum kommenden Wii-Ableger des Horror-Franchises Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. Wie nun bekannt ist, wird WiiMotion Plus nicht unterstützt. Hinzu soll der Fokus auf Resident Evil 2 liegen, weitere Details zur Geschichte sollen noch folgen.

Die Original-Stimmen der Akteure werden nicht zurückkehren. Hinzu soll es bestimmte Online-Features geben. Weitere Details werden wohl möglicherweise auf der Electronic Entertainment Expo vorgestellt.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nicht die Originalstimmen? Claire und Leon haben doch ihre Originalstimmen.
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