PS4 Playstation 4

Kauft ihr die PS4 direkt zum launch?

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Ich hab jetzt Lust auf Iron Man 3...

sag mal woher holt ihr diese gifs immer xD - reddit?
Nein, steht doch auf dem Cover da:

The Playstation 4 issue Gameinformer
starring Infamous Second Sun
Hands-on Dualshock 4
Sonys new Indie initiative
New info & screens: Destiny, Knack, Killzone: Shadow Fall

Schade nur, dass Driveclub nicht dabei ist.
Starting with a 10 page feature on Sucker Punch's Infamous Second Son (the cover star), our massive feature doesn't stop there.

We explore the future of PlayStation 4 including Sony's new indie agenda, discuss Media Molecule's upcoming project, and reveal new information and screens for Destiny, Knack, Killzone: Shadow Fall, and DriveClub. On top of all that, we also interviewed Sony's Shuhei Yoshida and got our hands on the Dual Shock 4 controller.

But enough about our 30-page PlayStation 4 cover story, let's get back to Infamous Second Son.

In the series' first foray into a real-world location (Seattle), Cole MacGrath is dead. Since sacrificing himself at the end of Infamous 2, the country has been on high alert for other possible conduits. To deal with this perceived threat, the government has set up the oppressive Department of Unified Protection, and they've placed Seattle on lockdown. As new protagonist Delsin Rowe, players will be given more than enough opportunities to fight the power.

Die neue Kraft scheint wohl Smoke zu sein ^^
DriveClub ist dabei.

Ja, habe ich gerade auch gelesen.

Starting with a 10 page feature on Sucker Punch's Infamous Second Son (the cover star), our massive feature doesn't stop there.

We explore the future of PlayStation 4 including Sony's new indie agenda, discuss Media Molecule's upcoming project, and reveal new information and screens for Destiny, Knack, Killzone: Shadow Fall, and DriveClub. On top of all that, we also interviewed Sony's Shuhei Yoshida and got our hands on the Dual Shock 4 controller.

But enough about our 30-page PlayStation 4 cover story, let's get back to Infamous Second Son.

In the series' first foray into a real-world location (Seattle), Cole MacGrath is dead. Since sacrificing himself at the end of Infamous 2, the country has been on high alert for other possible conduits. To deal with this perceived threat, the government has set up the oppressive Department of Unified Protection, and they've placed Seattle on lockdown. As new protagonist Delsin Rowe, players will be given more than enough opportunities to fight the power.

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