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One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X Will Have Over 300 Subordinate Characters

One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X V-Jump scans have finally been translated and there’s a couple of new things in the three page special.

The double page scan confirms that One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X will have over 300 subordinate characters and according to the scan, you can learn special skills such as “Moonwalk” (unclear whether any character can learn moves like this or specific characters)

Finally, if you purchase the special game guide you’ll get Luffy and Law with their 15th Anniversary clothing as two “super rare” subordinate characters.

Also keep in mind there’s a difference between Support characters and Subordinates according to the guide near the bottom of the scan: “Information on Main, Support, and Subordinate characters are packed within”



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Das mit den Themes schaffst du schon. Du hast ja einen EU 3DS mit dem du die Schritte vergleichen kannst, oder gibt es da Unterschiede?
Das mit den Themes schaffst du schon. Du hast ja einen EU 3DS mit dem du die Schritte vergleichen kannst, oder gibt es da Unterschiede?

Ne bisher kaum, dank dem EU 3DS konnte ich auch meine japanischen Nintendo Network ACC machen^^ Denke wenn das nur ein Download ist und dann im Menü aktivieren geht das sicher. Jetzt muss ich nur noch den Guide finden damit ich den Bonus davon bekomme.

Noch 3 Wochen, kann es kaum erwarten :)
One Piece Super Grand Battle X Update : Gameplay, Story Mode Details and more

The last issues of Weekly Shonen Jump and VJump revealed more details about aspects of the upcoming “One Piece Super Grand Battle X” game, to be released Nov. 13 in Japan.

The December Issue of VJump, on sale Oct. 20 and 21, goes into more detail about the game play and other aspects of the game. According to VJump, the game’s Story Mode, an original story made for the game, will be giving the players the possibility to form alliances with other pirates (even with pirates such as Whitebeard and Shanks) so players can “rock the New World’s equilibrium with their Pirate Alliance.”

However, depending on the alliances formed, you might have an effect on Story Mode’s development, even alluding to the possibility of changing Ace’s fate during the Paramount War.

Players can become allies with other pirates (such as the Seven Royal Warlords, Yonko and legendary pirates such as Z, Shiki, Roger and Rayleigh), with Revolutionaries (Dragon and his “tornado attack,” Sabo and his “Dragon’s Claw” attack ) and even with Marines, all of which has a final impact on the story, according to VJump.

In terms of game play, it is possible to choose two main characters and two support characters to form one team against your enemies. Main characters can be actively controlled and changed in-between attacks to increase your combo’s damage. There will be over 85 usable main characters to choose from in total.

Support characters can help you by making you regain life energy, or dealing an extra blow to the enemy. There is also the possibility of choosing from over 300 possible “haika” characters who each bring their own bonuses when you “equip” them to your team (information also mentioned in issue 48 of the Japanese Weekly Shônen Jump).

Certain “dream” main character combinations will be able to unleash powerful combo attacks such as Luffy’s Red Hawk, combined with Ace’s Fire Punch” or Zoro and Mihawk’s sword attacks to form a powerful combo. If your team does end up on the break of losing, your main character can manifest the so-called “One Piece Heat;” a “power of the underdog” that lets your main character unleash an energy that boosts their attacks to make an overwhelming come back.

The “Dream Secret Technique” is another type of attack where the player is able to attack their enemies over a broader range and, by repeatedly pressing certain buttons, deal out great damage.

Screenshots reveal that members of CP-9 such as Kaku, Blueno and Lucci will be usable support characters.

SupportCharacters__OPSGBXIssue 47 of Weekly Shônen Jump revealed that the game’s “main mode” will center around the player trying to conquer territories as their own, with the possibility of forming alliances that change the further story development, as mentioned before.

Edit 1: On Oct. 21 the Jump + smartphone app included the digital “VJump +” that featured some bonus hidden gameplay video of “One Piece Super Grand Battle X.” There, the Bandai Namco Games representative: Kôji “Bartholomew Kuma” Nakajima showed some gameplay of the game. The game will give the possibility to pick up and carry and character, both support and main as friend or enemy and carry them around if their guard is down, and even throw them off the battle platform for some damage.

Nakajima showed off the character switching during a battle as well as a combo attack between Luffy and Law. According to the video, it will be possible to pick-up wanted posters and call out the character on it as an additional support character (most likely for a limited period of time).


The Latest Scan For One Piece Super Grand Battle! X Features Three Battle Modes

One Piece Super Grand Battle! X, which releases on November 13th for Nintendo 3DS in Japan will feature three battle modes. These include Point Battle, Berry Battle and Survival Battle. In Point Battle, the main goal is to obtain the most points by the end of the match. Berry Battle is a little similar, but instead it you must collect the most berries by the end of the match, which you can acquire by attacking your opponent in which will result of berries gashing out. Last but not least there’s Survival Battle, which is similar to your classic fighting game where whoever reaches 0 HP loses the match.



Latest Gameplay Video Showcases The Marineford War


Ich werde immer gehypter :aargh:
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Check Out The Subordinate Characters Featured in One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X

The latest update on the official website for One Piece Super Grand Battle! X featuress the participating subordinate characters and what effect they will have in gameplay. Over 300 subordinates will be featured in the game as well as other skills. Check them out below:




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Aktuelle Wertungen der Famitsu

05.11.14 - Hier sind neue Wertungen der japanischen Famitsu. Vier Redakteure vergeben je bis zu 10 Punkte.

One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X (3DS, Bandai Namco): 7 / 8 / 8 / 7 - (30/40)

-Quelle Gamefront.de

Find ich ganz ok, mal sehen wie es sich spielt.

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One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X Famitsu Review Reveals How Many Hours It Takes To Complete The Game and More (Translation)

Famitsu has recently put up their review of One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X and right off the bat they reveal that “New World Domination Mode” will take around 14 hours to complete and speed running through the game will take 60 hours according to their review.

They haven’t revealed anything new but some felt the voice acting was disappointing and the last reviewer left a tip saying players will need to level up constantly.


One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X Scan Shows Off Two Stages (Translation)

Bandai Namco’s One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X is only a week away from release and the bottom of the scan gives us a peak at two new stages.

One stage featured is from the 15th Year Anniversary for One Piece and the Chopperman stage where players have to be careful of the tricky traps that are set.

The scan also notes that players should carefully watch the background on some of these stages to see scenes from the One Piece series shown in the background.



In einer Woche wird es versandt, was freu ich mich, jetzt geht der Hype so richtig los :awesome:
So also ich spiel das Spiel seit Freitag und bin begeistert. Dank Menü Translations und nem Freund der etwas japanisch kann komme ich gut klar, nur die Story versteh ich nicht 100%.

Also die Grafik ist wirklich sehr schön für den 3DS vom Stil her. Der 3D Effekt ist dezent, zumindest so wie ich ih nutze. Und mir gefällt der Chibi Stil den diese One Piece Spiele immer haben. Bin grad an der Story dran, diese ist eine Art Risiko, man hat ne Karte und diese ist in Zonen eingeteilt die man erobern muss. Auf der Karte sind andere Spielfiguren, auf der ersten waren das Nami, Lysop und Brook. Man bekommt diese indem man sie besiegt. Das lustige ist, das Spiel ist auf Piratenallianzen ausgelegt also verbünden sich gegner auch mal gegen dich. Man selbst hat auch 2 Spielfiguren, jede hat nen Support Char und dann kann man noch Komas ausrüsten die Boni geben.

Und so erobert man halt die ganzen Felder, am Ende kommt dann noch ein Boss, auf Karte 1 war es Doflamingo. Den konnte ich nicht besiegen. Karte 1 habe ich schon geschafft und dort auch Law bekommen, bin grad an Karte 2 dran, die viel größer ist. Dort konnte ich mich zwischen Hancock und Smoker + Tashigi entscheiden, klar wenn ich genommen habe. Mein Lieblingsteam ist momentan Hancock + Law, grad Law kämpft sich so genial. Man kann sich bis zu 40 Teams speichern, 3 hab ich schon mein zweites ist zum Beispiel Hancock und Ruffy. Gibt ja 37 spielbare Chars und 86 insgesamt mit Support. Mit Komas sollen es an die 300 sein meine ich weiß net genau jedenfalls ne Menge.

An Spielmodi gibt es Surival, also der letzte hat gewonnen, Punkt Match also die meisten Punkte gewinnen oder Berry Match also am meisten Berry sammeln. Gibt auch Sondermatches wo man Dinge sammeln muss, die machen mir am meisten Probleme da ich es ja nicht verstehe aber das sind meist optionale Matches. Man kann sich im Shop neue Attacken kaufen also die zweite Ultimative und die Desperative Attack. Wie in Gigant Battle. Die Desperative Attack ist ne Art letzte Rettung, wenn man fats tot ist kann man sie nutzen udn gehörigen Schaden machen.

Was das Kampfsystem angeht ist es ziemlich leicht. Man hat Angreifen mit X und X, A dient zum werfen oder Items aufnehmen und B zum Springen. Mit L macht man seine Specialattacken in Kombination mit ner anderen Taste. Und mit R wechselt man sinen Char oder Ruft Support wenn man auch nach oben drückt. Man kann so einige Kombos machen was man eben an den Charakteren wiedererkennt wie Laws Takt oder Ruffys Storm. Das kämpfen macht mir enormen Spass auch wenn es ziemlich chaotisch werden kann aber es macht Spass.

Soviel zum Ersteindruck, es ist quasi ein Gigant Battle 3 aber es spielt sich viel besser als Gigant Battle. Bisher bin ich sehr begeistert und werde viel Spass mit dem Spiel haben :) Werde ab und zu Updates geben wenn was cooles passiert^^
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