Nintendo DS

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hrelescu schrieb:
Rayman DS


Sorry aber die Texturen hier sind wohl Oberklasse... :o

jo sieht echt gut aus :) gibts noch mehr bilder?
Also das ist doch 1:1 die Grafik von Rayman 2 am N64 und das nutzte das Expansion Pack und war einer der besten Titel! Sieht wirklich sehr gut aus! Die Leute von Ubisoft wissen, was sie tun... :goodwork:

PS: Selbst der untere Screen mit dem kantenfreien Polymodell von Raymans Kopf macht was her, die nutzen sogar den Arm7 gut aus!
Sieht wirklich ganz gut aus das muss man schon sagen :) Da fragt man sich eigentlich wirklich was viele andere Entwickler während ihrer Entwicklungen treiben. Icih sag nur Tiger :rolleyes:
Dieser Entwickler könnte sich z. B. auch eine Scheibe von Ubisoft abschneiden... :neutral:


Dieser hier machts dann doch etwas besser... :)

Asphalt Urban GT™

Product Description
Asphalt Urban GT™ combines the virtues of both simulation and arcade racing for the Nintendo DS™. Players will be in the driver’s seat while hitting the streets in a wide range of licensed high-performance cars on tracks from all over the world.

Winning races, collecting prize money, and then purchasing new cars and/or tweaking current ones is key to success. Asphalt Urban GT is a solid game for both sports car enthusiast and racing fans.

Key Features

More than 20 Licensed Dream Cars
The most recognized and well-respected racing cars in the world, including Lamborghini, Jaguar, Hummer, VW, Audi and many more.

Eight Tracks Inspired by Real Locations
Driving through the recognizable streets of New York City, Miami, Paris and Tokyo.

Dual Screen, Dual Approach
Players will have the advantage of watching their progress turn-by-turn on the bottom display of the Nintendo DS.
Spy on opponents and gauge when to take risks and when to proceed with caution.

Build, Tune, Shape
More than thirty options for tuning, engine maintenance and bodywork.

Graphics and Gameplay
Outstanding 3D graphics are accentuated by realistic engine sounds and original music that complement the urban environments.
Five gameplay modes with three camera angles and a replay feature create a dynamic and immersive racing experience.

Multiplayer Racing
Up to four players can race against each other through each twisting turn in three different multiplayer game modes:
o Single Race allows up to four players to race head-to-head.
o Championship mode allows up to four players to play some of the championship tracks from the solo evolution mode.
o Cop Chase is a two player cat and mouse mode where the cops attempt to capture and “lock on” their opponent for five seconds to claim victory.

Laguna schrieb:
Sieht wirklich ganz gut aus das muss man schon sagen :) Da fragt man sich eigentlich wirklich was viele andere Entwickler während ihrer Entwicklungen treiben. Icih sag nur Tiger :rolleyes:

Eines Nachmittags bei EA:

Programmierer 1: man, müssen wir schon wieder ein Tiger Woods machen?!?!?
Programmierer 2: nö portier doch einfach die GBA Version, dann sparst du zeit.
Programmierer 1: ach meinst du die merken das nicht?
Programmierer 2: nee, bei Fifa machen die das schon die ganze Zeit so, man Junge, wir arbeiten bei EA hier, die merken eh nichts...
Programmierer 1: ach jaaaaaa... na gut, ich machs! solagne Kohle reinkommt sind alle glücklich.
Ubisoft hats halt drauf, imo neben Nintendo die einzigen die was vom NDS verstehn :goodwork:
Ne die Videos haben keinen Sound...


GameSpot hat ihn, via Stream könnt ihr ihn ansehn, zu sehen sind unter andrem Elemente aus Another, Megaman Battlenetwork[sieht erheblich besser als die GBA Version aus, danke Capcom, kein simpler Port also], Tennis-irgendwas, uvm sehn, also losgestreamed!

Gamespot extended Trailer

Und noch ein Filmchen von Gamespot:

Demonstration des NDS anhand von Pokemon dingsda <-muss den auch noch ansehn...

Edit: es scheint sich um Pokemon Leafgreen zu handeln! Somit wäre die Frage geklärt ob GBA Games denn NDS Features spendiert bekommen :)
JethroTull schrieb:
Hab ich auch gesehen bei Gamespot.Interessant ist auch anscheinend die Rendersequenz von irgendeinem Rennspiel.

Sicher von EAs NFSU, weil sie die finale Grafik niemandem zumuten wollen, nach dem was sie bislang abgeliefert haben[vom einigermaßen OK aussehenden Madden mal abgesehn]


sieht schon erheblich besser aus als die NES Screens von der TGS!
Tingel Tangel Bob schrieb:
wenn ich deine Signatur anschaue will ich sofort neues bildamterial von Nanostray :)

Nicht nur du...

MAHJONGG DIE 2TE - 104 Joker& Setline



Glaube zumindest, dass das ein Mahjongg game wird, wegen den Zeichen auf den Karten, aber man weiß ja nie bei den verrückten Japanern :oops:
THQ im Kampf gegen Pictochat, PING PALS!


Man soll mit einem Modul alleine mit 16 andren NDS usern labern können!

Dennoch wirds schwer gegen ein internes Pictochat, das ja kostenlos integriert ist anzukommen, mir reicht das nämlich schon...
Und nun haltet alle die Luft an und lässt die Stille den Raum fluten, unser MEGATON meldet sich wieder zu Wort, ja er ist es, REGGIE! schrieb:

October 07, 2004 - Nintendo of America today held its semi-frequent Gamers Summit, this time in Seattle to reveal to the press, finally, the Nintendo DS system.

At the Seattle Grand Hyatt, 9:30 in the morning, Reggie Fils-Aime, NOA's executive vice president of sales and marketing, presented to a crowd of eager gaming press the plans for the Nintendo DS. Pricing and release date had already been revealed previously, but Fils-Aime's presentation covered his, and Nintendo of America's enthusiasm for the third tier game system.

He called it "the roadmap to the future," a system that offers more to gamers and developers than a system simply with better graphics ever could. The system's dual screen, touch screen design offers more than simply offering a better graphical experience, noting that "graphics alone are a dead-end road" for gamers and game designers.

"Players want great games, new experiences, and a great value," Fils-Aims mentioned in his speech to the crowd. "The Nintendo DS drives creativity and drives excitement."

Nintendo of America will have a million units to sell by the end of the year, Fils-Aims said. But he also mentioned quite confidently that a million won't be enough. Nintendo is boldly expecting shortages of the system during the holiday.

Reggie made many references to Sony's PlayStation Portable without mentioning it by name, calling it the "system being worked on in California," in his speech. Fils-Aims pinpointed in his presentation why the system will be a success this holiday: it's easy and cheap to develop for, it's extremely durable thanks to the clamshell screen protection design, and the battery life is "comparable to the SP." Reggie finger pointed again to Sony, noting that the company skirted the issue again at TGS, and that the demo units on the show floor had to be cycled out for recharging nearly every two hours.

For the system launch, Nintendo expects to have 10 to 12 games on shelves by the end of the year. Fils-Aime noted that "this is Nintendo's best launch portfolio ever." The 10 to 12 title number didn't come off strongly by itself; Reggie reinforced the number by mentioning backwards compatibility with the Game Boy Advance and how it will enable players to take advantage of more than 600 titles right out of the box. Out of the 124 games currently in development for the system, Reggie noted, "about 20 are from Nintendo." He noted that, along with Metroid Prime Hunters official release in early 2005, we can expect a Four Swords game from the company, as well as a DS-enhanced conversion of Final Fantasy III, and a new iteration of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles from Square-Enix.

Between portions of Reggie's speech, Nintendo held key public demonstrations of the Nintendo DS launch library, kicking it off with an extensive presentation of Super Mario 64 DS, showing off many of the new features that make it more like an original title and less like a port. Metroid Prime: Hunters: First Hunt was shown next, followed by demos of The Urbz: Sims in the City, Madden NFL 2005, Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf, Wario Ware, Jam with the Band, finishing off the demonstration with what Reggie calls his favorite launch title of them all, Spider-Man 2 from Activision and Vicarious Visions.

After the presentation, Nintendo let the press loose on several dozen near-final Nintendo DS units for a bit of hands-on play before lunch. You'll find all our hands on experiences with each of the Nintendo DS games throughout the day


So so, Reggie spielt also heftig Spiderman 2? Naja man kann Ubisoft sicher nicht vorwerfen hier ein halbherziges game gemacht zu haben!

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