BREAKING: Metroid Pack-In Demo Included With The DS
Update: According to NOA representatives at today's teleconference, Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt is an abbreviated version of the full game (which will release at a later date), but will allow for 4-player local wireless play right out of the box. Will wi-fi gaming be available in Nintendo's own DS games? Stay tuned.
NubyTech Offers Up Yu-Gi-Oh Accessories For DS & GBA
NubyTech is set to roll out a line of Yu-Gi-Oh! themed products for the consoles and handhelds.
Official Nintendo DS Box Art
Following up with the exciting breaking news earlier this morning, we've got our hands on what seems to be the final box art for the Nintendo DS. Shiny!
Expect the Nintendo DS to be available on store shelves on November 21st with a pack-in demo of Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt and Picto Chat and a price tag of \$149.99. Stay tuned to Nintendojo for more info!
Built-In Save Feature Now A DS Standard
Many a gamer have voiced their opinions over the inclusion of a password "save" system in a variety of Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance games. If this announcement is any indication, Nintendo has noticed and is taking action.
In a tidbit we caught later on this afternoon, Nintendo confirmed to us that they are instituting a stipulation that would make it mandatory for game developers to create battery backed, built-in RAM saves for any and all Nintendo DS games.
The end result? More cramped game code and data, yes, but better production values as well. Gone are the days (almost) of writing down meaningless passes for levels that could just as easily be accessed on Gamefaqs.
Es wird ja jeden Tag schlimmer mit den News...
Jetzt fehlen noch Bilder und Videos von den Spielen und igren Funktionen!!!