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The Legend of Legacy director Masataka Matsuura recently spoke of recapturing the magic of the ‘90s RPGs with his upcoming 3DS game. One thing the ‘90s didn’t have was downloadable content, and the director explains in his interview with Inside Games why the game won’t include any.
During the interview, Inside Games ask whether The Legend of Legacy will have something like a New Game+ mode, where enemies get tougher after beating the game.
“On that topic, Mr. [Kyoji] Koizumi has a unique idea… but actually, yeah, the enemies will become stronger,” Matsuura replies with a laugh.
He continues, “I see that as a reward. If you get too strong, battles become kind of a chore. So, for players that become better (good enough to beat the game), it will be something that provides them with the next stage [of challenges].”
Inside Games then ask if that’s a way to aim for allowing players to further taste the entertainment from a game that has fun battles.
“Yes. However, I felt that that alone would be a little bland, so I’ve also suggested a little extra as a bonus,” responds Matsuura. “Kind of like how [developers] have been using DLC for that purpose as of late—just a little something different that can be enjoyed.”
While on the subject of DLC, Inside Games then ask if FuRyu have any plans to include it in The Legend of Legacy.
“There won’t be a single piece of DLC. That’s pretty rare nowadays,” Matsuura replies with a laugh. “I didn’t want to allocate any of our development budget to that. We’re going with the philosophy of simply focusing on the game as a whole.”
Finally, Inside Games ask what would the director like to hear from players when they get to play the game for themselves.
“Hmm… I think that hearing things like ‘the battles were really fun’ and ‘it was difficult but fun’ would make me really happy,” says Matsuura. “I really want them to get that fun feeling you get from beating the odds.”
The Legend of Legacy will release in Japan on January 22, 2015 for Nintendo 3DS.
Kuroko: Our traditional basketball action game debuts on the 3DS.
Kagami: Oh!
Kuroko: With the best visuals up to now—
Kagami: Beautiful!
Kuroko: —You can freely explore the town, scout for potential players, and form an original team.
Kagami: Wonderful!
Kuroko: The game's original story is also fully voiced.
Kagami: Fantastic!
Kuroko: Kagami-kun, you may be excited and speaking English now, but I'll leave the road to the title to you.
Kagami: Kuroko no Basket: Mirai e no Kizuna. On sale March 26.
Kuroko: The first copies will have a Dramatic Sound Novel and Teikō Junior High Uniforms.
Bandai Namco Games began streaming a television commercial for Ansatsu Kyōshitsu: Kuro-Sensei Dai Houimou (Assassination Classroom Koro-Sensei Great Besiegement), its upcoming Nintendo 3DS game based on the Assassination Classroom anime, on Tuesday. Koro-Sensei (voiced by Jun Fukuyama) narrates the video to explain the game.
In the "comical assassin action" game, players create their own avatar to become a student of class 3-E, interact with the characters from the manga, and set traps to try to kill their teacher. Missions are cleared if the player assassinates Koro-Sensei within the time limit. When missions begin, the player must look around the map for items, traps and weapons to use to complete their goal. Weapons include hand guns, knives, grenades, and even a rocket launcher. Some traps can hurt Koro-Sensei, while other items, such as gelato, juice, or erotic books can stall him. Classmates can team up, and Koro-Sensei can attack back.
The game will ship on March 12. First printings will come with a download code for a Koro-sensei 3DS theme.
Bandai Namco Games also began streaming a television commercial for the Assassination Classroom smartphone game, Ansatsu Kyōshitsu: Kakoikomi no Jikan (Assassination Classroom: Enclosure Time).
In the game, the goal is to kill Koro-Sensei by "enclosing" him in triangles, which players create by swiping between three or more class 3-E students. The students have different skills, such as guns or knives, that have different effects. Players who pre-register for the game will receive Karma Akabane as a playable character.
The "enclosure action" game is slated for release this year via the App Store on iOS devices and via Google Play on Android devices.
Viz Media published the first volume of the manga in North America in December and describes the story:
A humorous and action-packed story about a class of misfits who are trying to kill their new teacher – an alien octopus with bizarre powers and super strength! The teacher has just destroyed the moon and is threatening to destroy the earth – unless his students can destroy him first. What makes things more complicated is that he's the best teacher they've ever had!
The anime of Assassination Classroom premiered on January 9 and airs late Friday nights on Fuji TV. Funimation is streaming the series as it airs. The live-action film adaptation is slated for March 21.
Matsui launched Assassination Classroom in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in 2012. The series ranked number seven in Japan's top-selling manga for 2013. It already inspired an event anime by director Keiji Gotoh (Kiddy Grade, Sengoku Collection, Uta∽Kata) and the studio Brains Base in 2013.
A new Rhythm Heaven project is in development for 3DS and planned for a summer 2015 release in Japan, Nintendo announced during its Japanese Nintendo Direct broadcast this morning.
The game will compile the best mini-games of the previously released Rhythm Heaven games for Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, and Wii, as well as 30 new mini-games, for a total of over 100 rhythm-based mini-games.
Further details were not announced.
Kenka Bancho 6 is kind of like a Yakuza Game but in a high school setting with thugs instead of the mob. The latest trailer shows some of the characters you’ll want to put on your best Mechi Beam face against, in the upcoming Nintendo 3DS title.
The video begins with the protagonist Daigo Asahina, who apparently knocked over two students and is asking them to hand over 10,000 yen (about $100) each. Uzaki, the guy with the red Mohawk, and Ryoji seemed to have come at a good time.
While Ryoji doesn’t want to see some guy taking over the school, he questions why Daigo seems a little desperate for cash. In the next part, they say that a war is about to break out, but trash-talk Daigo about how he only cares about cash, and not about protecting the class.
As it seemed like it was just a little clash between schoolmates, it seems like the problem escalates, as they show characters that seem to be part of some yakuza, and apparently, their profits got damaged somehow.
The video then shows a bunch of other “Bancho” who seem like leaders of their own troupes, and will likely challenge Daigo for various reasons, but most likely in proving who is the bigger badass.
Towards the end of the trailer, they show Daigo at a hospital bed, which looks like it could have something to do with his reason for desperately trying to get some bank. He ends with a quote saying “I always put my pride before everything, or so I believed… until I met those guys.”
Kenka Bancho 6: Soul & Blood releases in Japan on January 15, 2015 for Nintendo 3DS.
Die Mamas erobern Europa! Nintendo hat angekündigt, dass Cooking Mama: Bon Appetit! und Gardening Mama: Forest Friends ab dem 6. März 2015 hierzulande für Nintendo 3DS erhältlich sein werden. Cooking Mama: Bon Appetit! ist schon seit September in Nordamerika erhältlich. Die heutige Europa-Ankündigung kommt fast schon überraschend. Gardening Mama: Forest Friends ist sogar schon seit April 2014 in Nordamerika erhältlich.
In Cooking Mama: Bon Appetit! gilt es, seine kulinarischen Künste in der Küche zu entfalten.
„Futtern wie bei Muttern“ heißt es in Cooking Mama: Bon Appétit. Damit es wirklich so lecker schmeckt wie daheim, müssen die Spieler – selbstverständlich mit Mamas Hilfe – Rezepte verfeinern oder neue freispielen, die ihre virtuellen Kochkünste bis zum Äußersten herausfordern. Insgesamt macht das Spiel Nintendo-Freunden mit über 60 Kochrezepten den Mund wässrig. Ob es um ein exotisches Hauptgericht oder um eine süße Nachspeise geht – der Touchpen des Nintendo 3DS dient ihnen dabei stets als vielseitig verwendbares Kochutensil. Und wer sich als besonderes kulinarisches Talent erweist, wird am Ende mit Goldmedaillen belohnt.
Außerhalb der Küche baut Cooking Mama: Bon Appétit ein riesiges Büffet mit Minispielen auf: In den zusätzlichen Spielmodi “Wir helfen Mama!” und “Wir helfen ernten!” geht es darum, Können und schnelle Reflexe zu beweisen. Dank Downloadfunktion können sich bis zu vier Besitzer eines Nintendo 3DS oder 2DS vom Start weg gemeinsam in 15 Minispiele stürzen, auch wenn nur einer von ihnen über ein Exemplar des Spiels verfügt. Nach dem Verkaufsstart erhält obendrein jeder, der seine Küche individuell einrichten möchte, exklusive Items via SpotPass.
In Gardening Mama: Forest Friends wird hingegen euer grüner Daumen gefordert.
In Gardening Mama: Forest Friends schwingen die Spieler Hacke und Spaten in Gestalt des Touchpens und bauen in ihrem ganz persönlichen Traumgarten über 50 verschiedene Pflanzen an. Zusammen mit Mama verwandeln sie ein Stück Ödland in ein grünes Paradies, das von frischen und gesunden Feldfrüchten nur so überquillt. Sie meistern Minispiele, übernehmen die strategische Gartenplanung und liefern ihre Ernte an sechs verschiedene Läden, die befreundeten, tierischen Waldbewohnern gehören.
Indem sie sich Belohnungen – beispielsweise neue Pflanzensamen, Blumenzwiebeln oder Jungbäume – sichern, bauen sie ihren Garten immer weiter aus. Gleichzeitig helfen sie ihren Freunden, bessere Geschäfte zu machen, wenn sie ihnen Produkte liefern, von denen deren Kunden nicht genug kriegen können. Um stets die begehrtesten Feldfrüchte liefern zu können, kommt es nicht zuletzt auf eine gute Vorausplanung an. Klettern die Läden der Freunde auf der Beliebtheitsskala nach oben, erhalten die Spieler Einkaufstickets.
Diese wiederum können sie gegen mehr als 100 nützliche Items zur Verschönerung ihres Gartens eintauschen, beispielsweise gegen Zäune, Springbrunnen oder sogar Haustiere. Es lohnt sich also, seinen Freunden aus dem Wald zu helfen und mit der Zeit den perfekten Garten zu erschaffen. Der wird immer paradiesischer dank zusätzlicher Items, die man nach dem Verkaufsstart des Spiels über die SpotPass-Funktion des Nintendo 3DS empfangen kann.
Beide Spiele erscheinen in Europa erfreulicherweise sowohl im Nintendo eShop als auch im Handel!
Bandai Namco Games began streaming a teaser promotional video for its upcoming Kaitō Joker: Toki o Koeru Kaitō to Ushinawareta Hōseki (Mysterious Joker: The Phantom Thief Who Crosses Time & the Lost Gem) Nintendo 3DS game inspired by Hideyasu Takahashi's Kaitō Joker manga and anime adaptation.
The game will star both Joker and Hachi as they adventure together, solving puzzles with various clues and tools, including Joker's Image Gum and Joker Vision. The "epiphany phantom thief action" game is scheduled to be released in Japan sometime this year.
Hideyasu Takahashi is serializing the manga in Monthly Corocoro Comics. The manga won the children's category of the 58th Shogakukan Manga Awards in 2013. It inspired the first season of the anime, which Crunchyroll began streaming last October. The second season was announced last December, and will premiere on April 6.
Bandai Namco are bringing a Kaitou Joker game to the Nintendo 3DS, and it’s slated for release sometime in 2015. The publisher recently released a trailer for the game.
Kaitou Joker: Time Crossing Phantom Thief and the Lost Gem is a side-scrolling platformer where you’ll steal treasure along the way.
While the game doesn’t have a release date yet, Bandai Namco are going to be showing it off at the upcoming Winter 2015 World Hobby Fair, which will take place in Nagoya, Tokyo, Fukuoka and Osaka./QUOTE]
Yowamushi Pedal 3DS Game's 3rd Promo Features Narration by Midōsuji
Bandai Namco Games began streaming the third promotional video for its Yowamushi Pedal: Asu e no Kōkaiten (Yowapeda: High Cadence) Nintendo 3DS game on Monday.
In the video, Akira Midōsuji introduces the system of the game, all while making snarky comments. When he shows the various mini-games that let the player train his/her bikers in body and mind, Akira comments that the only reason the other bikers would be training is because they're weak. In the race part, players can control the tide of the race by building up the tension gauge and using it at the right time. A capsule machine game will also be available, with prizes including character voice clips.
The game will feature new rivals for the characters to face, and will be fully-voiced with an original story.
Bandai Namco Games will release the game in Japan on January 29, 2015 for the price of 5,690 yen (about US$52). First copies of the game will come with a reversible jacket poster and a code to download a talk session between cast members Daiki Yamashita (Sakamichi Onoda),Daisuke Kishio (Junta Teshima), and Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Hajime Aoyagi).
Ich hatte mich sehr auf den Nachfolger gefreut und wurde nicht enttäuscht. Auch wenn Clive keine neue Bewegungen auf Lager hat, es weiterhin nur wenige Power Ups zum Einsammeln gibt, werden sie aufgrund des gelungenen und zum Teil großartigen Leveldesigns auch nicht vermisst. Obwohl Teil 2 fünf Level mehr zu bieten hat, als der Vorgänger, ist er locker unter einer Stunde durchgespielt. Wieder einmal liegt in der Kürze die Würze, sodass mehrere Durchgänge mit anderen Charakteren schnell über die Bühne gehen und zudem motivierend sind, da sich jeder Charakter anders spielt. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist auch bestens ausbalanciert. Was anfangs schwer erscheint, wird mit Übung machbar, unfaire Stellen gibt es keine. Der etwas höhere Preis von 2,99 ist durch den höheren Aufwand und die lange Entwicklungszeit eindeutig gerechtfertigt. Zumal Bertil Hörberg bis auf den Soundtrack alles in Eigenregie entwickelt hat. (Bugfixing und Lokalisation bilden weitere Ausnahmen)
Lange Rede kurzer Sinn. Für Fans ein Must Have und für jeden Freund von 2D Action-Jump and Runs Fans ebenfalls ein Blick Wert, vor allem durch den immer noch sehr günstigen Preis.
The latest set of Etrian Mystery Dungeon gameplay trailers introduce teh game’s “D.O.E.” enemies and “Fortress & Defense Party” system.
D.O.E. are special enemies that appear within dungeons in a dash to reach the upper echelons. If they make it as far as the main town, it will destroy its facilities, resulting in said town becoming unusable for a short period of time. Therefore, it’s important to keep the town protected. To withstand these attacks, you’ll need to erect a fortress and position town guards. Additionally, while D.O.E. enemies make for fierce opponents, they should only be taken out with sufficiently strong parties.
Etrian Mystery Dungeon is due out for 3DS in North America on April 7.
danke für die Eindrücke, werd ich mir dieses Wochenende auf jeden Fall holen, schon der erste Teil war ne PerleGunman Clive 2 erscheint in weniger als 2 Stunden im eshop und so fällt mein Fazit meines Testes aus:
danke für die Eindrücke, werd ich mir dieses Wochenende auf jeden Fall holen, schon der erste Teil war ne Perle![]()
jupp, ein neues Castlevania im Stile der GBA/DS-Teile wäre schönWie schön ein richtiges Castlevania wäre...