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Anscheinend hat der Titel 38/40 von der Famitsu bekommen.
Da die Ps3 Fassung erst nächstes Jahr erscheint, natürlich nur die DS Version ;-)
ich hoffe dass wenigstens das RPG auch hierzulande erscheint. Bei Xenosaga und TLS scheint es ja ujngewiss.
- Ni no Kuni (10/9/9/10, 38 points): It could be argued that Level-5's RPG is the most ambitious Nintendo DS game ever produced -- animation by Ghibli, music by Joe Hisaishi, a fancy book of magic included in the package. Famitsu dug it, certainly. "The animation, music, and story all combine together at a high level to keep the player constantly excited," one of the editors said. "The way the game links up with the book is innovative, and there's a lot of backdrop that allows you to understand the story on a deep level. It's not the light, easy-to-play sort of thing you'd expect with a potable game, but the sheer scope of the project makes it worth the time to play."
Another writer pointed out that "with all the little play gimmicks in the game, it's extremely Level-5 like in design... Not everything is explained very well, but the way you use the magic book makes the game seem like a lot more of an adventure."
Sehe ich das richtig, dass sich die kleinen Begleiter weiterentwickeln, ähnlich wie bei Pokemon?