Mighty No.9 [PS Vita & 3DS]

  • Thread-Ersteller Thread-Ersteller Kamui18
  • Erstellungsdatum Erstellungsdatum
Die Handheld-Versionen wurde nicht gecancelt:

It’s been a long time since our last update. This is due to some internal adjustment we had in comcept for the past few months, but now everything is back on track! We are very sorry for the long radio silence. Here is what is going with Mighty No. 9:

Hand Held versions They are not being cancelled, we are still in the process of porting. The porting had to be put on hold for a while due to the other versions being delayed and the recent adjustment we had in comcept. However, everything is back on track now. The developer restarted the porting process in early May, and we estimate to release them within 2017 (it could be earlier, but it’s hard to estimate a more precise date at this point). We will update on this when we have more information.

Rest of the physical rewards They have been manufactured (most of them), and are getting ready to be shipped out in a couple of weeks. We estimate to ship everything out (with some reaching the backers) by mid-August 2017. Again, we are very sorry for the delay. Fangamer will be sending out emails to everyone (who is waiting for rewards) to confirm the physical address before the shipping. We will update when the email is out, and if you by some reason DID NOT get the email, please contact Fangamer at orders@fangamer.com so they can verify the information.

The “New Company” This is probably the biggest piece of news. As many of you may have heard, Akihiro Hino (LEVEL-5 CEO), and Keiji Inafune (comcept CEO) will be co-founding a new company “LEVEL5 comcept”. What does this mean, you ask? It means that Akihiro Hino, and Keiji Inafune will be teaming up to make new games!!! This does not affect Mighty No. 9 in any way, but who knows, maybe in the future Beck, and your favorite LEVEL-5 characters may be tagging along in new adventures? The possibilities are limitless here.

That is all for this update. Hope we answered some of your questions/concerns with this update. We will try, and bring you the next update much sooner next time!

Mighty No. 9 team
Was mir grad zu der Meldung mit den Handheld-Versionen einfällt: Auf dem Cover meiner Retail-Copy, die ich irgendwann mal für 5€ bei Saturn abgegriffen hab, klebt ganz fett ein Sticker "INKLUSIVE DOWNLOAD-CODE FÜR CROSS-PLAY AUF PLAYSTATION VITA!"

Wenn man den Code eingibt, bekommt man natürlich nur ne Fehlermeldung. Schon dreist, dass man das Spiel so verkauft xD
Obwohl Mighty No. 9 nicht von Microsoft produziert wurde, hat der Konsolenhersteller jetzt eigenständig einen Patch für das Spiel auf der Xbox One veröffentlicht, welches auf allen Plattformen mit technischen Problemen zu kämpfen hat. Bisher kamen Patches immer vom Spieleentwickler.

Also das geschieht zum ersten Mal, Microsoft hat es selbst in die Hand genommen Mighty No. 9 zu patchen und es auf ihrer Plattform zu fixen. Das ist eine neue Stufe.

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