NDS Metroid Prime: Hunters NDS

  • Thread-Ersteller Thread-Ersteller R_Kelly
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Andrew Mils hat seine erfahrung zu MPH gepostet

* It's "very, very good indeed". Which coming from a Metroid fan playing it, says a lot.
wollen wirs hoffen...

* There doesn't seem to be any of the special abilities as seen in the other games (such as Spiderball, SJ Boots etc). At 50% through the game, my source has only just found new weapon upgrades and nothing else that adds to the suit.
das klingt schon mal sehr schlecht

* It's apparently a LOT bigger than my source first thought. This is through the backtracking through the various planets.
gut, hoffentlich ist es auch unlinear

* I've been told there's "a lot of repetition. It's mainy just the same bosses repeated, but they just get harder. This is after 4 planets were cleared and 50% progess logged.
irgendwie einfallslos und billig

* The game does NOT show your current time stamp with your item and progress percentage reports! This is a travesty in my books as all of the modern Metroid games have this. Speedruns will now be more annoying as you can't work on a segmented run as effectively.
was soll der schrott?

* Trace was the considered fave of the Hunters so far.
* Single cart apparently works like a charm.
* "Very good map design" was said for the multiplayer maps.
kann im vergleich zur demo nur besser werden
excaliboor schrieb:
Andrew Mils hat seine erfahrung zu MPH gepostet

* It's "very, very good indeed". Which coming from a Metroid fan playing it, says a lot.
wollen wirs hoffen...

* There doesn't seem to be any of the special abilities as seen in the other games (such as Spiderball, SJ Boots etc). At 50% through the game, my source has only just found new weapon upgrades and nothing else that adds to the suit.
das klingt schon mal sehr schlecht

* It's apparently a LOT bigger than my source first thought. This is through the backtracking through the various planets.
gut, hoffentlich ist es auch unlinear

* I've been told there's "a lot of repetition. It's mainy just the same bosses repeated, but they just get harder. This is after 4 planets were cleared and 50% progess logged.
irgendwie einfallslos und billig

* The game does NOT show your current time stamp with your item and progress percentage reports! This is a travesty in my books as all of the modern Metroid games have this. Speedruns will now be more annoying as you can't work on a segmented run as effectively.
was soll der schrott?

* Trace was the considered fave of the Hunters so far.
* Single cart apparently works like a charm.
* "Very good map design" was said for the multiplayer maps.
kann im vergleich zur demo nur besser werden

LOL, alles was ansatzweise gut ist wird sofort niedergemacht...oh man :lol:
Das game wirds euch alle geben, in the face :P
Wenn Metroid Prime Hunters ein Erfolg wird, dann wirds hoffentlich auch eine ProGamer-Szene geben. Erste Anzeichen dafür tauchen ja langsam auf:
Guckst du hier.

Wer wäre jetzt nicht gerne Kanadier :D
mich stört nach wie vor die Limitierung auf 4 Spieler!
Man man wenigstens 6 hätten es im lokalen Netzwerk sein können!

So warte ich halt weiter auf meine Shooterhoffnung :(
Die Spiler Zahl is schon belebe aber dafür wirds genial

kleiner tipp golden eye kann man zu 8 gamen :)
Claw schrieb:
Die Spiler Zahl is schon belebe aber dafür wirds genial

kleiner tipp golden eye kann man zu 8 gamen :)

Einfach ist der Singlecard-Modus nicht sooo toll wie der Multicard :neutral:

Aber das Game macht LAune :D
Nunja, ist doch gut für ein Shooter-Spinoff. Ist halt kein reinrassiges, hochwertiges Metroid! :D ;)
Ja echt ma, vergesst endlich den Singleplayer. lol

Hier ist die komplette Anleitung eingescannt: Waffen, Pickups, Einstellungen, 27 Multiplayerarenen etc...
http://photobucket.com/albums/v214/Cartman86/Metroid Prime Hunters/

Hier beschreibungen von 26 Multiplayermaps, offenbar gibt's eine besonders geheime Map, ka:

Combat Hall - Small and open, the Combat Hall arena provides the setting for brutal battles between any number of participants.

Data Shrine - With narrow outer tunnels and a wide-open central chamber, the data Shrine supports a veriety of battle strategies.

Processor Core - With two towers in a tight oval, the Processor Core has a lot of sight lines and a few much-contested blind spots.

High Ground - True to its name, the High Ground arena gives you plenty of places to jump to and practice your sniping skills.

Ice Hive - Winding passages with plenty of ambush points meet at a central hub. Prepare for a vicious and very cold battle.

Alinos Perch - Alinos Perch is the Grand Canyon of multiplayer arenas. Snipers will find plenty of places to stop and lord over the open space.

Sic Transit - Though the Sic Transit arena is large, most of the fighting takes place in a concentrated central area.

Transfer Lock - A pyramid, low-gravity space walks, lots and lots of weapons - Transfer Lock has it all

Sanctorus - Slippery surfaces and snow pillars give Sanctorus both safe and dangerous battle positions. Move cautiously, then dig in.

Compression Chamber - Though its not small, the Compression Chamber has many tight areas, making for an action intensive fight.

Incubation Vault - A small arena with multiple layers and many obstacles allows you to snipe, attack from close range, or fire from cover.

Subterranean - Two large rooms connected by several paths allow for both close combat and long-distance sniping.

Outer Reach - Outer Reach's deep-space platforms and walkways will play host to a great battle between any number of combatants.

Harvester - The sprawling Harvester arena has three big expanses and lots of nooks and crannies to explore.

Weapons Complex - It's easy to get lost in the corridors of the Weapons Complex. Keep your eyes peeled for surprise attacks from the corners.

Council Chamber - The rugged landscape of the Council Chamber is host to many a tough battle. The better you know the area, the better you'll do.

Elder Passage - An outdoor area loaded with sniper nests and a passage-packed interior give you plenty of ways to play.

Fuel Stack - At the heart of the vertical Fuel Stack arena is a hunter-lifting beam. Don't ride it all the way to the top, or you'll get burned.

Fault Line - Multiple levels and a lot of jump beams make the huge Fault Line arena easy to navigate.

Stasis Bunker - With complex paths and multiple levels, the Stasis Bunker is a tight, tough maze. Commit the layout to memory.

Head Shot - A space station with a uniform layout, Head Shot gives equal treatment to all node and Octolith locations.

Celestial Gateway - Though Celestial Gateway has three large floors, hunters will converge on a few key areas, making battles extremely intense.

Alinos Gateway - The molten grounds of Alinos Gateway are dangerous. Stick to the perimeter when you're low on health.

VDO Gateway - VDO Gateway's ice and sunken bowl make fights for the middle ground intense.

Arcterra Gateway - The vertically oriented Arcterra Gateway is a perfect playground for hunters who aren't afraid of heights.

Oubliette - The site of the single-player adventure's finale is a towering multiplayer arena stocked with one very powerful weapon.
Wertung ist doch ganz geil!

Aber 85% :oops:
Zwar "sehr gut" aber ich erhoffe mir lieber ein "sehr geil!"
Naja abwarten :D
Ja, wird mit dem stylus gesteuert. ob man auch die tasten benutzen kann, weiß ich nicht, wäre auf jeden fall wesentlich langsamer (natürlich benutzt man schon steuerkreuz und schultertasten zum schießen)
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