* You start with just the Charge Beam, Missiles, Bombs and the Morphball.
* The new weapons will be opened up via puzzles (as seen with Plasma Beam in MP1).
* Each planet has a countdown sequence in it.
* You swap between planets via a cut-scene.
* You choose which planet to fly to from a cockpit view in your ship.
* For 100%'ing the game items wise, you will have to constantly re-visit the same planets over and over again as the new weapons and items will unlock more in each planet.
* Think of space like "the castle in Mario 64. It's a hub to each level".
* Apparently it feels "rather basic" to start off with, but then 1/2 way through there's a boss fight. And this happens 3 times in a row at the start, then you teleport to the final boss.
* You face off against one boss more than twice in a short period of time.
* There are loads of teleporters around each world, that will take you around the world and back to your ship, however, there are very few save stations in the game, which was "annoying".
* Everything feels more "claustrophobic" now, as there are a lot less open areas, more tunnels and enclosed rooms.
* There's a switch-based pyramid puzzle early on.
* Was told it feels quite like a 2D Metroid game in atmosphere, due to the amount of tunnels.
* There's a movie theatre option from the very start and all unlocked cut-scenes (which I'm told are great), can be re-viewed in the theatre
* It took my source just over 4hrs to collect 25% of the items and get through 24% of the game, going at a fair pace.
As far as multiplayer is concerned:
* It feels a lot like Quake, very strong in multiplayer
* It's incredibly smooth and very quick
* Very intuitive. After 10mins picking the right control scheme, it's very easy to play.