Manga Manga in Perfektion: One Piece

Jop bei mir auch Robin hat super deliverd und ihre neuen Techniken sind klasse. So jetzt sind alle 5 Flying 6 weg, Queen, Jack und King sind noch da oder. War Jack nicht bei Ashura. Queen ist bei Sanja und King ist der mit Marco grad am kämpfen?
Wenn du Inuarashi meinst, dann ja. So stimmen die Paarungen. Zorro dürfte dann aber auch wieder kampfbereit sein. Perospero muss noch irgendwo sein und sowieso ist das noch Kuddelmuddel xD
Wenn du Inuarashi meinst, dann ja. So stimmen die Paarungen. Zorro dürfte dann aber auch wieder kampfbereit sein. Perospero muss noch irgendwo sein und sowieso ist das noch Kuddelmuddel xD

Also ich bin immer noch der Meinung das Inu noch Hilfe bekommt (Neko?). Zoro wird gegen King kämpfen und Perospero...kein Plan..Marco? Wobei dieser doch zu mächtig für Pero ist.

Ich sags doch. Juicy!! Das Chapter war super, in allen belangen. Der Kampf gegen Black Maria war mit einer der liebsten bis jetzt gegen die Tobi Roppo.

wie aber jeder von den Strohhüten so seine "Probleme" mit den Tobi Roppos hatte. Außer Jimbei...der war Whos Who mal total überlegen xD
1022 Spoiler von Reddit

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One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers

Thanks to redon from arlong park
Title: Ornament "花形"
(Chapter title translation isn't fully accurate it can also be translated to Flower form and the title is also related to Marco)
  • Raizo Vs. Fukurokuju.
  • Announcement of Tobiroppo's defeat to all Onigashima.
  • 15 minutes left until Onigashima lands in Wanokuni.
  • Killer Vs. Hawkins.
  • Hawkins has linked his straw doll to Kid.
  • Sanji Vs. King & Queen
  • Sanji says that it is difficult to deal with both at the same time.
  • Nekomamushi attacks Perospero, who tried to attack Sanji with Candy Arrow.
  • Marco blocks King's attack.
  • Marco tells King that he heard a long time ago that there was a race capable of creating / manipulating fire that lived on the Red Line.
  • Zoro is recovered.
  • At the end of the chapter, Zoro and Sanji attack King and Queen in an amazing double page.
Zoro: If we win this battle...
Sanji: Yes, we'll be closer to that...
Zoro and Sanji: Luffy becomes the King of the Pirates.
1022 Spoiler von Reddit

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One Piece Chapter 1022 Spoilers

Thanks to redon from arlong park
Title: Ornament "花形"
(Chapter title translation isn't fully accurate it can also be translated to Flower form and the title is also related to Marco)
  • Raizo Vs. Fukurokuju.
  • Announcement of Tobiroppo's defeat to all Onigashima.
  • 15 minutes left until Onigashima lands in Wanokuni.
  • Killer Vs. Hawkins.
  • Hawkins has linked his straw doll to Kid.
  • Sanji Vs. King & Queen
  • Sanji says that it is difficult to deal with both at the same time.
  • Nekomamushi attacks Perospero, who tried to attack Sanji with Candy Arrow.
  • Marco blocks King's attack.
  • Marco tells King that he heard a long time ago that there was a race capable of creating / manipulating fire that lived on the Red Line.
  • Zoro is recovered.
  • At the end of the chapter, Zoro and Sanji attack King and Queen in an amazing double page.
Zoro: If we win this battle...
Sanji: Yes, we'll be closer to that...
Zoro and Sanji: Luffy becomes the King of the Pirates.

Zoro und Sanji vs King und Queen :banderas: und dann noch zusammen...hat schon was von Enies Lobby...nur noch epischer :coolface:

Aber was ist denn nun Marcos Aufgabe? Der Retter von Jedem der in einer brenzligen Situation ist?...quasi der Cheatcode xD
Daher der Comment, dass sich die releases mal wieder normalisieren sollen. WSJ ist wieder in ner Pause, weswegen sie zwar ausgeliefert wurde, aber erst ne woche verspätet veröffentlicht wird.
Bin gespannt was Killer gegen Hawkins machen will. Bin grade am überlegen, welcher verfügbare Charakter die Möglichkeit hätte in Theorie, Hawkins seine Strawmen zu entwenden.

die naheliegendste Möglichkeit wäre wohl Nami, die "diebische Katze".

One Piece chapter 1023 spoilers

[Korean source](

Brief summary thanks to Redon-

**Title "Similarly similar"**

- King and Queen are fine after Zoro and Sanji's attack.

- Marco remembers what Whitebeard told him ("It seems that there is a land of gods on the Red Line").

- We follow the fight between Zoro / Sanji and King / Queen.

- Sanji tells Zoro that his body feels strange after using the Raid Suit for the 2nd time.

- Queen taunts Sanji for being a Germa cyborg.

- Queen tells him if those fire legs are a machine, Sanji tells him that he is 100% human.

- Queen wonders if a normal human can create fire and tells him that if he is not from the X tribe (the Korean does not give the name).

- After this they focus on King, implying that Queen speaks of King's race.

- However, Sanji's Diable Jambe is nothing compared to the powers of King's race.

- Hyogoro and Kawamatsu talk about Zoro while they see him fighting with King. They say he reminds them a lot of Ringo's lord, Shimotsuki Ushimaru. And also the legendary samurai Shimotsuki Ryuma.

- Jack Vs. Inuarashi.

- Perospero Vs. Nekomamushi.

- Raizou Vs. Fukurokuju.

- Momonosuke has become an adult, he is now 28 years old. We see that he is transformed into a dragon in front of Luffy.

- Luffy: "Come on Momo !! Let's go back to Wanokuni !!!"


[Momo transforms into a huge dragon! ](


Hui das wird klasse, viel zu verarbeiten und spekulieren
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