Manga Manga in Perfektion: One Piece

Nee. Das es hier und da Unstimmigkeiten über Details gegeben haben wird ist sicher nicht auszuschließen. Aber es hieß von Anfang an, das Oda immer voll in die Entwicklung involviert war. Und auch zu jeder Zeit Mitsprache und Veto Recht hatte.
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Chapter 1083: The Truth of That Day

Chapter Cover: Donquixote Doflamingo

The chapter will start where chapter 1082 ends with Sabo, Monkey D Dragon and Emporio Ivankov, and Sabo will talk about everything that happened in the Reverie (beginning of the flashback). ‎

Information about the eight kingdoms that oppose the world government because of what happened to the kingdom of Lulusia, these eight kingdoms refuse to pay taxes to the world government and therefore the government decides to send the Holy Knights to them to deal with them, it was mentioned that the number of the Holy Knights is 9. ‎

Sabo with Karasu, Morley and Lindbergh against Admirals Aramaki and Issho, in the fight we will witness Karasu shooting crows at Issho while Morley managed to stab Aramaki, also the CP0 organization intervened in the battle which is in possession of Nefertari Vivi. ‎

According to Sabo, the main mission was successfully accomplished by enabling them to declare war against the World Government directly by burning the World Government flag, and even Bartholomew Kuma was freed. ‎

Monkey D Dragon says that the real war against the world government has now begun because of the action of the Holy Knights, the Revolutionary Army has started its first move in the battle by destroying supply ships headed for Marijoa.

‎We see a newspaper in which the news of the corpse of King Nefertari Cobra, King of the Kingdom of Arabasta, is presented, and next to him is the main accused Sabo. We also see King Nefertari Cobra heading to meet the Gorosei, and before he goes to them, he asks Pell and Chaka, the guards of the Kingdom of Arabasta, to take care of his daughter, Princess Nefertari Vivi. ‎

No break next week.

Noch ein netter Post aus Reddit:

I love this, the entire One Piece world that has been carefully built up for 25 years is descending into chaos as the dominoes start to fall and the World Government is starting to lose their grip on the world:

  • Egghead Island: Emperor Strawhat Luffy has struck and alliance with the smartest man in the world Dr. Vegapunk and his 7 Satellites who are key to navy military might, Worst Generation Member and daughter of Bartholomew Kuma Jewelry Bonney, and a temporary alliance with CP-0’s Kaku and Rob Lucci. This alliance is about to clash with admiral Kizaru, Elder Star Jay Garcia Saturn, and Titanic Captains Lafitte and Devon. Vegapunk has made unknown but substantial discoveries about the Void Century and because of that Vegapunk York has betrayed them and informed on them to the World Government in an ill fated bid to become a Celestial Dragon. York has also potentially struck a deal with the Blackbeard Pirates in case the World Government decides to kill her, who are en route. The Seraphim have turned on the Vegapunk-CP0-Bonney-Strawhat Alliance on York’s orders and have taken out Usopp and multiple Vegapunk along with petrifying half of Franky. York has captured Stella and likely killed Shaka. This series of events will culminate the next day in the infamous Egghead Incident that will “shock the entire world.”
  • Fullalead Island: the strongest man in the Navy’s history, Monkey D. Garp and SWORD are squaring off with former admiral, navy defector, and Tenth Titanic Captain Kuzan, who is Garp’s former protege, along with the Titanic Captains San Juan Wolff, Avalo Pizarro, Shiryu, and Vasco Shot. The Blackbeard Pirates have Captain Coby, Gecko Moria, and Charlotte Pudding captive and potentially have the Heart Pirates minus Law and Bepo. Perona is free and on the island as well. Tsuru and Sengoku are aware of these events and Tsuru’s granddaughter Kujaku is among the SWORD Members.
  • Winner Island: Emperor Blackbeard has destroyed Trafalgar D. Water Law and the Heart Pirates, and seized their two Road Poneglyph’s with Law and Bepo narrowly escaping. It is unknown if Kuzan and Augur gained the WCI poneglyph while kidnapping Pudding.
  • World Economic Journal HQ: King of Black Drum Wapol and Princess Vivi of Alabasta have escaped Marie Jois with knowledge of the events that transpired at the Reverie, leading up to the assassination of Nefertari Cobra which was later blamed on Sabo. Big News Morgan’s is with them as well, and has gained a tip that CP0 is attempting to assassinate Dr. Vegapunk who has struck and alliance with Emperor Straw Hat Luffy. Morgan’s is reporting Luffy has kidnapped him and possibly the events of the Reverie, both could destabilize the World Governments.
  • G-14 Naval Base: 100 plus naval warships and a plethora of Vice Admirals and sailors have been dispatched along with Admiral Kizaru to Egghead Island. Jay Garcia Saturn is on the ship and has the control chip to control the Seraphim unconditionally.
  • Emptee Bluffs: the Cross Guild has claimed a successful bounty kill on Navy Vice Admiral T Bone and is starting to destabilize the Navy. Emperor Buggy, along with his reluctant subordinates Hawkeye Mihawk and Crocodile, have entered the race for the One Piece with zero current Road Poneglyphs but knowledge of the location of at least three.
  • Sphinx Island: Marco the Phoenix and the original Mrs. Buckingham Stussy are presumably on a collision course with Admiral Ryokogyu in an attempt to rescue Edward Weevil.
  • Lulusia: Lulusia was one of the eight kingdoms that rebelled against the World Government and was subsequently erased from history by Im using what is presumably an Ancient Weapon. Sabo witnessed these events and escaped with the Lulusian Revolutionaries. Lucci speculated it had something to do with Vegapunk.
  • Elbaf: Emperor Red Haired Shanks has gained control of, at a minimum, two Road Poneglyphs and in the process destroyed Eustass Kid and the Kid Pirates who were last seen drowning off the shore of Elbaf. He has struck an alliance with Dorry and Broggy and is confirmed to have some sort of relationship or alliance with Elbaf. Shanks has officially entered the race for the One Piece. Jaguar D. Saul is alive and on Elbaf hiding with a force of giants and the entirety of O’Hara’s research.
  • Kamabakka Queendom: Revolutionary Second in Command Sabo has successfully escaped Marie Jois and Lulusia with information that Im sits on the Empty Throne and likely killed Cobra. Sabo and his commanders had a successful clash with Admirals Fujitora and Ryokogyu and escaped. The Revolutionary Army led by Monkey D. Dragon is finally making its move, having successfully initiated 8 revolutions with one of which leading to the destruction of Lulusia by Im. Kuma was returned to Kamabakka but turned around and used his paw paw power to return to Marie Jois.
  • Marie Jois: Bartholomew Kuma is climbing the Red Line to Marie Jois for an unknown purpose. This possibly has a connection to the ancient kingdom robot that attacked Marie Jois 200 years ago. A few weeks prior at the Reverie, Sabo and his commanders Karasu, Lindberg, and Morley squared off with admirals Ryokogyu and Fujitora and officially declared war on the World Government. The RA has started attacking Navy ships to Marie Jois and the Celestial Dragons have dispatched members of the 9 Holy Knights to wrestle back the revolting kingdoms. Jewelry Bonney also witnessed the events of the Reverie and stated she will tell Luffy.
  • Amazon Lilly: the island was attacked by the Navy with Coby and the Mihawk and Hancock seraphim and the Blackbeard Pirates at the same time. Blackbeard captured both Coby and Hancock but Silvers Rayleigh arrived to force Blackbeard to leave in exchange for letting Hancock go. Hancock subsequently unfroze the Titanic Captains and Navy Soldiers. It is unknown if Rayleigh and Hancock are still on Amazon Lilly. This took place a decent amount of time before the current time. BB took Coby back to Fullalead in an attempt to leverage him to the World Government in order to make Fullalead a sovereign kingdom but the government won’t negotiate as he is SWORD. He is also wanted by the Cross Guild.
  • Unknown: the man with the flame scar has control of the Fishman Island Road Poneglyph and has a mysterious power that causes the sinking of ships with whirlpools and a mysterious connection to the World Government. He sails on a black ship.
  • Ancient Weapons: currently we know Pluton is buried under Wano protected by the Scabbards, Yamato, and Momonosuke; Poseidon is Shirahoshi and on Fishman Island, more or less unprotected; and the third, Uranus, is most likely in the possession of Im.
  • Vira: while there is nothing immediate drawing anyone to Vira, Oda has put a lot of namedrops in the story. It was one of the few New World Islands I can remember mentioned before the Strawhats reached the Grand Line alongside Elbaf (maybe Wano I can’t remember) and was mentioned as having a coup by Nami, it was where Oda cut to show the Revolutionary Army rally with the Sabo poster, and it was listed alongside Elbaf and Fullalead as potential Road Poneglyph locations in The Road to Laugh Tale. This is my bet for where a Revolutionary Army arc happens because it was mentioned immediately before Loguetown when Dragon was introduced.
  • Urouge: Urouge.
I have no fucking idea how these all tie together but I’m enjoying the ride. I just desperately want a world reaction chapter.
Ist doch seit ein paar Wochen schon so.

Ich sags jetzt schon: Shanks ist einer der Knights
Eher Donnerstag oder besser die Nacht auf Donnerstag, ansonsten meist Freitag. Golden Week hat die letzten Tage einiges durcheinander gebracht.

Es ist sein böser Zwillingsbruder :kruemel:
War ein sehr gutes Chapter. Ich mag übrigens die Vivi-Lucci-Dynamik. Vielleicht ein Weg, Lucci auf die gute Seite zu führen. Die Ausführung gefällt mir sehr. :)
Eher Donnerstag oder besser die Nacht auf Donnerstag, ansonsten meist Freitag. Golden Week hat die letzten Tage einiges durcheinander gebracht.

Es ist sein böser Zwillingsbruder :kruemel:
nope. OPscans bringt seit wochen das Chapter schon Mittwochs. TCB hat daraufhin auch schon oftmals Donnerstag Mittags das Chapter draußen. Dieses mal war TCB einfach mal wieder scheller. Aber Mittwochs-Chapters sind im grunde der neue Donnerstag.

Der 19.04 war ein Mittwoch.

War ein Mittwoch, einen Tag später gab es dann das Chapter doch von nem anderen Provider

Ein MIttwoch



Kann das gerne so weiter machen, aber man kann nicht mehr als 5 tweets in nen post packen.
Die heiligen Ritter werden wohl nur gerufen, wenn die Kacke so richtig am dampfen ist. Mal schauen was die wirklich drauf haben. @LinkofTime hat natürlich Mal wieder unrecht :sorry:
Natürlich nicht :sorry: Das wurde Shanks in eine interessante position bringen und einiges erklären. außerdem sieht die in der mitte shanks von statur und wie das schwert da hängt ziemlich ähnlich. Und wenn man Monster und Bonk Punch als eine Person zählt, sind es 9 Leute.
Aber ok, ich führe aus.

Shanks hat besondere Berechtigungen, die nicht wirklich anders erklärt werden können:
- Er kann Marineford einfach für beendet erklären.
- Er kann die Gorosei treffen und mit Ihnen offen sprechen.
- Seine Attacke die er benutzt hat ist zwar die gleiche wie die von Roger, sie hat aber auch eine Himmlische Anspielung.
- Wäre schon komisch, wenn die God Knights TEUFELSfrüchte hätten, oder? Wer bei den Shanks Piraten hat eigentlich eine Teufelsfrucht?

Hinzu kommt:
- Wo waren die Knights, während des Reverie? Sie waren offensichtlich nicht auf Mary Goise. Dann waren sie wohl auf hoher See. Wie Shanks?
- Er geht erst zum One Piece nachdem Luffy das Gear 5 erreicht hat, vermutlich weil ihm bewusst war, dass es für das Entsiegeln des One Pieces wichtig war. Jetzt wo Ruffy kurz davor ist, kann er hin und das One Piece zerstören oder zu den Gorosei bringen.
Der Dicke sollte die Frucht von Ruffy bekommen damals ansonsten hat glaub ich keiner aus der Crew eine Teufelsfrucht.
Shanks könnte ein Holy Knight sein, aber ich sehe ihn nicht 100% auf der Seite der WG. Wird seine eigenen Motive haben.

Aber als Holy Knight könnte ich mir eine nette Konfrontation mit den Revolutionaries vorstellen. In meinem Headcanon ist Shanks vs Dragon sowieso unausweichlich. :coolface:
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