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One Piece chapter 1024 spoilers
Thanks to **redon** from *Arlong Park Forums*.
*Little Spoiler, more soon*
*- Chapter 1,024: "A certain someone (某)".*
*- The first pages of the chapter are a summary of how is the situation is in some parts of Onigashima.*
*- The fight between Kaidou and Yamato continues.*
*- Yamato flashback, takes place after Oden's death 20 years ago.*
*- Kid Yamato is locked in a cave with 3 powerful samurai, one of them seems to be Shimotsuki Ushimaru.*
*- At the end of the chapter (in the present) Yamato and Kaidou use their “Raimei Hakke” at the same time and they are tied.*
Yamato und Zoro Flashback also in einem
Dieser Ushimaru wird zur Zeit verdächtig oft erwähnt. Mark my words...Zoro ist entweder sein Sohn oder ein Verwandter. Somit hätte Ruffy auch einen Samurai aus Wano an Bord...schon seit Beginn