One Piece 971 Spoilers
From Redon on ArlongPark
Chapter 971: "Condemned to boil".
In the cover, Gotti cross the city to save Chiffon.
-Oden is still alive in the chapter.
More Spoilers
-Shinobu is very angry and revealing the secret behind Oden’s naked dance
-Orochi complains about what they did to his grandfather
-Others wanted to pursue justice and kill Kurozumi family
-Oden cooperated with Orochi. The whole plot reveal in this chapter.
-King appears in this chapter also.
-Execution day. In Oden castle
-Oden said " I want another chance, I need to be alive." seems there boiled oil.
-Oden asked kaido to let him live, and to give him a chance
From 5ch
-Oden ask Kaido: I want a chance, I can’t die yet
-Nothing on the traitor
-Him dancing naked was to save the people that was captured when he got into the Orochi castle
-The deal was he can save 100 lives per dance
-Oden said if he can endure the boiling for the time they decided, then they have to let those who are still alive go
-Kaido: we’ll see if you endured it for 60 min
-Oden got in, the others tried to follow him but Oden stopped them.
-Then the execution starts, with Oden holding onto the platform the others are staying on.(only about 5 min pasts, continues next week)
More to come. Will keep you updated.