Manga Manga in Perfektion: One Piece

Strong World und Z waren grandios, Z ist für mich ein Meisterwerk :D

Kapitel gelesen, witzig und informativ, richtig gut. Mal sehen was das für ein Porneglyph ist. Raizou sieht auch cool aus und die Szene mit Momo und Name xD
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nette Hommage! Anscheinend soll das dragon hinten auf der Zeitung sein..
die story rücks ins finale, letzte drittel, was weiß ich...jedenfalls werden alle einsätze höher. :D
Tolles Kapitel.


Wieder ein sehr gutes Kapitel. Ich mag diese Chapter, die zum Aufbau der Welt dienen, die Figuren sympathisch rüberbringen und ihnen noch mehr Tiefe verleihen. Oda soll sich ruhig Zeit mit One Piece lassen, solange er seine Leser nach wie vor noch überraschen kann - ich werde noch in 10 Jahren gerne OP lesen, wenn die Qualität derart aufrecht erhalten wird :o

Und dann noch Frankies Spruch: "All men are obsessed with ninjas" !
Sogar Law fiebert mit :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Jo, dass Ruffy nix merkt, ist komisch. Also hats wohl weder mit D. noch mit Königshaki zu tun.

Würd auch gerne wissen warum Momo immer unwohler wurde je höher sie im Baum kamen. Liegts am Baum selbst, oder Nähe zum Poneglyph? Oder Raizou (wohl eher nicht).
Ruffy war auch zu sehr mit seinen Ninja-Fantasien beschäftigt :P

Dort steht ein Porneglyph mit dem Zeichen der Königsfamilie von Wa No Kuni. Das deutet schon auf ein uraltes Bündnis zwischen Wa No Kuni und den Minks hin (alte Zivilisation?). Außerdem sind ausgerechnet beide Inseln innenpolitisch isoliert und haben keinen Bezug zur Weltregierung. Würde mich nicht wundern, wenn das auf D.-Träger hindeutet.

Kinemon meint auch, Momonosuke wäre genau wie sein Vater, also deutet es wohl auf die Blutlinie hin. Nekomamushi und Inuarashi fügen hinzu, es erinnere sie an jemanden und wer könnte das wohl sein. Law kriegt das Gespräch mit. Die Zeichen sind imo eindeutig.
‘One Piece’ Volume 81 Details Revealed

The official Shueisha website has updated information on their entry for One Piece Volume 81.

According to Shueisha, the volume will contain a total of 208 pages, which likely means that One Piece Volume 81 will contain 10 chapters spanning from chapter 807, “Ten Days Earlier” through Chapter 816, “Dog vs. Cat.”

Remember that this calculation is based on previous volumes’ chapter totals, combined together with the total number of pages. This means volume 81 will continue the currently ongoing Zou arc and will end with the big revelation given to us in One Piece chapter 816, featuring a certain yet-to-be-shown character.

As announced previously, One Piece volume 81 is set to be released in Japan on April 4 while One Piece volume 78 is set to be released in English and French on May 3 and March 2, respectively.

Once more information and the cover image of One Piece volume 81 are released, we’ll be sure to let you know, so keep an eye out on the One Piece Podcast website! If you have any predictions on what this volume cover will feature, please let us know in the comment section!

SOURCE: Shueisha

Man Found Guilty of Stealing Weekly Shonen Jump, Sentenced to 10 Months in Prison

According to the Kyoto Shimbun, on March 1, a ruling was made regarding the legal case against the Japanese national involved in the illegal distribution of manga series such as One Piece on the illegal manga aggregation site, MangaPanda.

Earlier this week, the Kyoto District Court judge, judge Mikiko Watanabe, handed out the ruling in the copyright infringement case involving a 70-year-old Japanese man, Takehisa Hidaka, and four Chinese individuals involved in the illegal distribution of Japanese Weekly Shonen Jump manga via the internet.

Hidaka, an employee at a delivery company involved in the dispatch of manga magazines to other distribution sites before they were sent off to stores nationwide, was arrested in late 2015. He was found responsible for handing out the manga magazines before their official street date in Japan, which led to the illegal online distribution of manga series such as One Piece days before its official release. Hidaka’s defense had, in a previous hearing, pleaded that the man had fulfilled his role out of a feeling of wanting to help out his Chinese accomplices and had not done it for the monetary gains, even continuing to deliver them the magazines after having been warned by his employer, the Kyoto Shimbun article says.

The judge, pointing out that Hidaka was an important cog in the whole process, stated that Hidaka was commissioned by his accomplices because of his position that allowed him to get his hands on manga magazines before their release date, and that “[his actions] extended to a crime.” Due to the severity of copyright infringement, the judge sentenced the 70-year-old Japanese national to 10 months in prison (but with a probationary period of three years).

In earlier hearings, the four Chinese individuals, similar to Hidaka, did not contest the allegations of infringement on the Japanese Copyright Act (laws regarding the Japanese Reproduction right, etc.) The judge pointed out that copyright infringement is a big problem that also extends to the global community, so she believed it is “important for harsh punishments to be dealt from the point of view of general prevention (of these kind of situations in the future).” The four Chinese individuals, however, have not yet received their sentences as their cases are still being tried.

As we mentioned in a previous post, while this event obviously will not resolve the illegal publication of manga online days before their official release, and while this isn’t the first time these sorts of arrests have happened, the Yomiuri does mention that this is “the first time a manga piracy site aimed at foreign readers has been exposed.”

If you live in a part of the world where you have access to either the official English Weekly Shonen Jump or Japanese Weekly Shonen Jump or Jump+, this is a good opportunity to ensure you have access to the latest One Piece chapter. It you haven’t yet, be sure to check out this editorial written by the One Piece Podcast‘s Zach and Jammer where they talk about “How Scanlations Ruin Your ‘One Piece’ Experience.” It costs an individual in Japan around $2 every week to read their copy of Weekly Shonen Jump digitally or in print. For those in the Anglosphere, the English Weekly Shonen Jump is available for at most $25.99 a year, or about $0.50 a week with the annual subscription. According to Japanese television network MBS, this scanlation group alone may have cost companies and their employees up to an estimated 6.5 billion yen (approximately US$53,000,000).

Spoiler 818


Raizou insists that he showed his Ninja technique by accident.

Kanjuro, Kinemon and Raizou are crying since the country (Zou/Mokomo Dukedom) is not alive anymore.
Raizou asks Mink tribe to forgive him and decides to repay them.

Nekomamushi invites Straw Hats to the inside of Whale since Robin has finished deciphering the Poneglyph

Luffy & co. ~nin nin nin nin~

Raizou: Nin nin nin nin, shut up!!
Luffy: Waaa!!
Raizou: "Ninjutsu" is something to be seen "by chance!, that's what it seems!!
Luffy: By chance ~!? Even though you were showing it to us ~!!
Chopper: Hm? You three, are you crying?
Kanjurou: What a nonsense!!
Kin'emon: Men from the country of Wa don't cry!!
Raizou: It's just...

When my humble self came here...!! It wasn't like "this"!! The capital, as well the river were beautiful...!!
The town was inspirited with the bustling everyday life of the people...!! The "country" was alive!!
The mink tribe shoulders all this chaos...!!

My humble self will...!! As a consequence, I will respond with gratitude!! ...forgive me!! Forgive me!!"

Luffy: ...
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