36 achievements, 1000 points. 21 of them are secret. Here are the non-secret ones:
01. Disc 1 clear - Complete disc 1 - 125 points
02. Disc 2 clear - Complete disc 2 - 125 points
03. Disc 3 clear - Complete disc 3 - 125 points
04. Disc 4 clear - Complete disc 4 - 125 points
05. Learn Skill Link - An immortal learns learns a mortal's skill via skill link - 30 points
06. Learn all skills - Kaim learns all skills available - 20 points
07. First Dream of a Thousand Years - Experience the first Thousand Year Dream sequence - 20 points
08. Thousand Year Dream - Experience all the Thousand Year Dream sequences - 10 points
09. Get all Treasure items - Get all the treasures available on fields. If a treasure has been picked up by someone else, maybe you can find it on auction - 20 points
10. Succesful Perfect 3 Combo - In a battle successfully pull off a Perfect 3 times in a row - 30 points
11. 500 Successful Perfects - Pull off 500 Perfects in battles - 10 points
12. Damage over 1000,000 - In a battle inflict over 1 million damage on an enemy - 10 points
13. Defeat 1000 enemies - Defeat over 1000 enemies in battle - 10 points
14. Around the world - Visit all the locations on the world map, including secret locations - 10 points
15. Backyard Lightclass Master - In the backyard, fulfill all the hidden victory conditions for all the battle sets in the Lightclass and gain the battle bonuses - 10 points