Auch die Nextgen-Chats zeigen doch eindeutig das bei der PS3 absolut nicht von einer Refrenzkonsole die Rede sein kann.
1. Grand Theft Auto IV PS3 Rockstar Games 97.4%( (XBox360 96,7%)
2. Super Mario Galaxy WII Nintendo 97.3%
3. The Orange Box X360 EA Games 96.2% ( (PS3 88,6%)
4. BioShock X360 2K Games 95.3%
5. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess WII Nintendo 94.4%
6. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare X360 Activision 94.2% ( PS3 93.7%)
7. Gears of War X360 Microsoft Game Studios 94.0%
8. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion X360 2K Games 93.8%(PS3 93.0%)
9. Halo 3 X360 Microsoft Game Studios 93.4%
10. Super Smash Bros. Brawl WII Nintendo 93.0%
11. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots PS3 Konami 92.5%
12. Rock Band X360 MTV Games 92.4% (PS3 91,4%)
13. Guitar Hero II X360 RedOctane 92.4%
14.Rock Band 2 X360 MTV Games 92.1% (PS3???%)
15. Mass Effect X360 Microsoft Game Studios 91,1%
16. Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition WII Capcom 91.1%
17. Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter X360 Ubisoft 90.5%
18. Okami WII Capcom 90.3%
19. Call of Duty 2 X360 Activision 90,0%
20. Forza Motorsport 2 X360 Microsoft Game Studios 89,8 %