Na endlich! :-D
Eben wurde es in der Famitsu angekündigt: ICO und SotC bekommen das lang erwartete HD Remake.
von andriasang:
Eben wurde es in der Famitsu angekündigt: ICO und SotC bekommen das lang erwartete HD Remake.
von andriasang:
Famitsu's table of contents has a couple of unexpected entries under its PlayStation 3 section: ICO and Wanda to Kyozo. The latter is, of course the Japanese name for Shadow of the Colossus.
It looks like Sony really is releasing remakes of the Team ICO classics! Details are not available at present. However, the table of contents lists the two games separately, so they presumably won't be part of some sort of super Team Ico collection.
The magazine also has The Last Guardian coverage. Looks like a triple feature from Ueda at this year's Tokyo Game Show!
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