Famitsu Top 100 - Januar 2006
1 DS Motto Nou wo Kitaeru Otona no DS Training Nintendo 1,084,857 1,084,857
2 DS Oideyo Doubutsu no Mori Nintendo 569,711 1,739,468
3 DS Nou wo Kitaeru Otona no DS Training Nintendo 488,501 1,499,842
4 DS Mario Kart DS Nintendo 390,313 1,059,888
5 PS2 Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII Square Enix 365,495 365,495
6 PS2 Kingdom Hearts II Square Enix 338,073 1,075,725
7 DS Mario & Luigi RPG 2 Nintendo 313,576 313,576
8 DS Yawaraka Atamajuku Nintendo 264,265 1,139,636
9 DS Eigo ga Nigate na Otona no DS Training: Eigo Zuke Nintendo 231,770 231,770
10 DS Tamagotchi no Puchi Puchi Omisetchi Bandai 199,355 969,746
11 PS2 Front Mission 5 Scars of War Square Enix 194,909 194,909
12 PS2 Shin Onimusha Dawn of Dreams Capcom 188,908 188,908
13 DS nintendogs (Shiba / Dach / Chihuahua) Nintendo 147,373 1,113,038
14 DS Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Ao no Kyuujotai Pokemon 143,147 664,527
15 GBA Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Aka no Kyuujotai Pokemon 127,746 645,230
16 PSP Monster Hunter Portable Capcom 127,599 361,382
17 PS2 NARUTO: Narutimate Hero 3 Bandai 119,876 314,248
18 DS Dare Demo Asobi Taizen Nintendo 109,631 411,440
19 PS2 Tales of the Abyss Namco 97,711 537,936
20 GBA Rockman EXE 6 Graygar / Faltzer Capcom 95,714 527,833
21 GC Super Mario Strikers Nintendo 94,501 94,501
22 PS2 Ryu ga Gotoku Sega 92,951 325,601
23 GC Mario Party 7 Nintendo 81,865 411,498
24 PS2 Momotarou Dentetsu 15 Hudson 80,585 230,135
25 DS Slime Morimori Dragon Quest II Square Enix 74,869 251,087
26 XB360 Dead or Alive 4 Tecmo 74,782 74,782
27 PSP Super Robot Taisen MX Portable Banpresto 73,882 73,882
28 GBA Famicom Mini Super Mario Brothers Nintendo 66,069 1,100,333
29 PS2 Kingdom Hearts Final Mix (Ultimate Hits) Square Enix 61,162 141,871
30 DS Dragon Ball Z Bukuu Ressen Bandai 59,858 225,457
31 PSP Nouryoku Trainer Portable Sega 59,646 244,845
32 PS2 Ar Tonelico Banpresto 56,950 56,950
33 GBA Final Fantasy IV Advance Square Enix 56,308 190,456
34 PS2 biohazard 4 Capcom 55,627 426,217
35 GC NARUTO: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4 Tomy 53,220 286,327
36 DS Mushiking: Greatest Champion e no Michi DS Sega 48,960 143,118
37 PS2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistense Konami 48,736 122,073
38 DS Pokemon Trozei Pokemon 47,881 262,919
39 PS2 Kingdom Hearts (Ultimate Hits) Square Enix 47,588 97,296
40 DS Jump Superstars Nintendo 46,455 510,531
41 PS2 Gun Parade Orchestra SCE 46,066 46,066
42 DS Sawaru Made in Wario Nintendo 45,855 901,420
43 PS2 Rogue Galaxy SCE 43,492 342,802
44 DS Super Mario 64 DS Nintendo 42,303 856,411
45 PSP Minna no Golf Portable (PSP The Best) SCE 41,657 94,990
46 PSP Geki Sengoku Musou Koei 40,573 91,257
47 PS2 Ratchet and Clank 4th SCE 40,062 227,835
48 GBA Pokemon Emerald Pokemon 38,551 1,693,409
49 PS2 Jissen Pachislot Aladdin Evolution Sega 38,133 95,310
50 PS2 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 12 Ketteiban Konami 38,102 102,456
51 PS2 Need for Speed Most Wanted EA 37,435 61,592
52 DS Super Princess Peach Nintendo 37,150 179,834
53 PSP Boku no Watashi no Katamari Namco 36,650 65,282
54 DS Power Pro Kun Pocket 8 Konami 36,127 91,724
55 DS BLEACH DS Sega 34,898 34,898
56 PS2 Taiko no Tatsujin Wai Wai Happy! 6th Namco 33,522 87,005
57 PSP TALKMAN SCE 31,493 78,338
58 DS Bokujou Monotagari: Corobockle Station for Girls Marvelous Interactive 30,737 61,356
59 PS2 G1 Jockey 4 Koei 27,856 55,013
60 PS2 Daito Giken Pachislot Simulator Daito Giken 27,342 211,782
61 DS Biohazard Deadly Silence Capcom 26,979 26,979
62 PSP Bite Hell 2000 SCE 26,930 35,245
63 PS2 Minna no Golf 4 (PS2 The Best) SCE 25,835 64,698
64 PS2 Sega Rally 2006 Sega 24,126 24,126
65 PSP World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 Ubiquitous Evolution Konami 24,093 226,269
66 PS2 Derby Uma wo Tsukurou! 5 Sega 22,918 22,918
67 PSP Tales of Eternia (PSP The Best) Namco 22,732 35,717
68 GBA Super Donkey Kong 3 Nintendo 22,448 92,433
69 PSP Piposaru Academia 2 Aiai Saruge Janken Battle SCE 21,724 41,513
70 PS2 Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo Interchannel 21,604 21,604
71 PS2 World Soccer Winning Eleven 9 Bonus Pack Konami 21,460 21,460
72 PS2 Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi Kenkakuden SNK Playmore 20,339 20,339
73 DS Touch! Kirby Nintendo 19,492 295,910
74 GBA Pokemon Fire Red & Leaf Green Pokemon 19,328 2,599,841
75 GBA Ochaken no Bouken Jima MTO 19,190 31,491
76 PS2 Pachinko Pachitslot Series Vol. 2 D3 Publisher 19,082 19,082
77 PS2 Simple 2000 Series Ultimate Vol 29 K1 PREMIUM 2005 Dynamite D3 Publisher 19,055 24,102
78 PS2 Sarugetchu! 3 (PS2 The Best) SCE 18,821 52,390
79 PS2 Pachipara 12 Airem Software 18,520 49,527
80 PS2 Gallop Racer 8 Live Horse Racing Tecmo 18,200 66,926
81 PSP Comic Party Portable Acaplus 17,708 17,708
82 DS Rockman EXE 5 DS Twin Leaders Capcom 17,132 94,043
83 PSP Metal Gear Acid 2 Konami 17,028 39,262
84 GBA Dr. Mario & Panel de Pon Nintendo 16,978 105,986
85 PS2 J.League Winning Eleven 9 Asia Championship Konami 16,915 121,710
86 PS2 Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED: The Federation vs. ZAFT Bandai 16,593 433,784
87 XB360 [eM] -eNCHANT aRM- From Software 16,486 16,486
88 PSP Ridge Racers (PSP The Best) Namco 16,017 33,057
89 PS2 Final Fantasy X (Ultimate Hits) Square Enix 15,582 62,638
90 GBA Mario Tennis Advance Nintendo 15,463 128,688
91 GC BLEACH GC Sega 15,262 68,517
92 DS Puyo Puyo Fever 2 Sega 15,215 21,792
93 PS2 Bakumatsu Roman Last Blade 2 in 1 SNK Playmore 15,198 15,198
94 GC Pokemon XD: Yami no Senpuu Dark Lugia Pokemon 15,173 247,369
95 PS2 Simple 2000 Series Vol. 90 The Onechan Bara 2 D3 Publisher 14,826 24,018
96 PS2 Monster Farm 5 Circus Caravan Tecmo 14,777 48,653
97 PSP Need for Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0 EA 14,762 19,573
98 PS2 Star Wars Battle Front 2 EA 14,532 14,532
99 XB360 PGR3 Project Gotham Racing 3 Microsoft 14,331 14,331
100 PS2 Dragon Ball Z Sparking Bandai 14,019 546,709
Company System Month Year LTD
1 Nintendo DS 734,178 734,178 5,832,979
2 SCE PSP (PlayStation Portable) 336,077 336,077 2,901,820
3 SCE PlayStation 2 248,445 248,445 18,954,464
4 Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP 75,539 75,539 5,712,467
5 Nintendo Game Boy micro 38,733 38,733 433,578
6 Nintendo GameCube 38,659 38,659 3,951,917
7 Microsoft Xbox 360 30,887 30,887 112,657