XOne/PC Halo: The Master Chief Collection

Ich hab mir früher gedacht: Irgendwann wird die Halo MCC für den PC erscheinen. Das wird passieren, wie die Sonne im Osten auf geht. Was mich jetzt ein bisschen überrascht, dass sie noch Windows 7 untersützten. Dabei betonen Sie immer den Support Ende des OS. Hier muss man an der Stellen schreiben, dass sich der Konzern sehr gewandelt hat und das zum positiven Sinn.
So Bock auf die MCC :banderas:
MS macht zur Zeit einfach alles richtig, die E3 wird richtig, richtig dick.

https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/news/the-yappening-two-yaps-this-time schrieb:
We’ve upgraded the rate at which network packets are sent by the server in Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 4, and Halo 2A. We have also increased limits on how much data each individual packet can contain. This includes data about the position of bipeds, where they’re aiming, what projectiles they’re firing, etc. The server prioritizes what data is contained in a packet until it reaches a maximum size. In gaps where the client hasn’t received a certain type of information from the server (due to latency or prioritization), the client predicts what this information should be based on the last data received. It then corrects its predictions upon receiving new data. This can result in cases of “rubber-banding” where a biped’s position is predicted locally and then corrected by the server. By increasing the allowed size of packets as well as their frequency, we have significantly reduced these gaps. This results in less prediction and correction due to more frequent and more complete updates from the server. In Halo 3, the clients would send 15 packets per second to the server, while the server would send 30 packets per second to all clients. Now both servers and clients will be networking at 60 packets per second, aligning with the framerate.
Danke, YapYap :goodwork:
Trotz Yapyaps Übernahme der MCC sieht es weiter gut für erste Flights zu Reach im April aus:

https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/243780d3b80b4bb6ac7917a8942286db/topics/halo-insider-mini-update-4-17-19/aaca7f51-2b1b-449a-adb5-215f820cfd6f/posts schrieb:
So, over the past weeks the 343 publishing team and our partners at Splash Damage and Ruffian have been working nonstop to bring Reach to MCC and get things up and running well on PC. We've had a few small private external flights of Reach on Xbox One thus far which continue to help the team validate work and identify any show stoppers or big issues that need to be addressed before we roll anything out to a broader flighting group. Not to tease, but I have Reach MCC running on the Scorpio dev kit at my desk right now - that's where we got the screenshot of the campaign UI that Uny shared in the last community update. On Xbox it's looking and playing great already.
To help tide folks over, Postums is working on an April development update blog which we're targeting for release sometime next week. Our partners at Splash Damage have passed along some insights and updates into the work they're doing and we're also poking our colleagues here to maybe throw us a screenshot or two. When we do get closer to the first public flight, we're also going to do a proper stream and showcase Reach and where it currently stands. Since the flights won't be under NDA and participants will stream that content, we want to get out in front of that and play it ourselves to provide proper context and insight for players on what will be a work-in-progress build.
We're still seeing a steady flow of Halo Insider sign-ups and we're incredibly thankful for the outpouring of support across the community. Hang in there - we're eager to share and show more as soon as we can!
tldr: Reach für die MCC funktioniert bereits ausreichend gut auf der XBox, auf dem PC sind noch etwas Arbeiten an der Maus/Tastatursteuerung notwendig und an der Sammlung von Telemetriedaten über Steam. Nächste Woche gibts hoffentlich das nächste Update und einen Download.
Gut Ding will Weile haben.

Ich habe über 4 Jahre darauf gewartet, die paar Monate mehr tun jetzt auch nicht mehr weh.
Die sollen sich alle Zeit der Welt lassen, um das bestmögliche Erlebnis abzuliefern.

Jedes Halo in 4K, HDR und 120 fps auf einem prächtigen OLED...ich glaube, ich träume immer noch :banderas:
Speaking of PC, we have been working very closely with our partner studio, Splash Damage, who is knee deep in the code for MCC. Their mission is to bring MCC to life as a true PC-native experience by adding in the features, bells, and whistles PC gamers expect. Our philosophy (more on that below) is that a straight port from console to PC just doesn’t cut it; MCC needs to be authentic to Halo and the PC platform. The team has greater ambitions and we know PC gamers demand, and expect, more than that.

Das wird sowas von geil :streber:

Erst wird die MCC ordentlich totgesuchtet und dann folgt Halo Infinite @X2/PC :goodwork:
Das Mai-Update des MCC Dev-Blogs könnt ihr hier nachlesen:

- Playlist Updates für Matchmaking und Firefight in Reach
- Interview mit Ruffian Games, die Reach in die MCC für die Box bringen (das gleiche haben die ja auch schon mit ODST gemacht)
- Interview mit dem PC-Team (Status, high framerate, FOV, Steam)
- MCC Progress System
- Engines evolved
- Halo Insider Update

Die Flights für PC und Xbox Insider sind jetzt für Juni geplant. Die Mission Tip of the Spear aus dem Stream gestern wird man auch vorher auf der E3 dabei haben zu Demozwecken.
Es gibt ein neues Update, u.a. zu den Preisen auf dem PC:

The next question we hear a lot is “how much will the MCC PC games cost?” On PC, we’re excited to confirm that each game within MCC will be included with an Xbox Game Pass for PCsubscription as they become available. In addition, each title can be purchased individually – Halo: Reach, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Halo 2 Anniversary, Halo 3, and Halo 4 will be offered at $9.99USD on both the Microsoft Store and Steam while Halo 3: ODST within MCC (with a current scope of Campaign only), will be available for $4.99USD. Players will have flexibility to purchase any or all the games at any point along the way as they become available.

Zusammen also dann 55€ auf dem PC. Sehr fairer Preis.
Hab grad ein MCC-Update auf die X geladen


Schon eine Collection für die Ewigkeit und wenn Reach dazu kommt .........
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Der erste Flight ging gerade für einige Auserwählte los. :goodwork:

The primary goal of this first flight is to help the team validate the process and pipelines to get a build out to Insiders on Steam at a larger scale. A secondary goal will be to get player feedback on the current state of mouse and keyboard controls and how the game “feels” on PC. Lastly, this flight will include a broader range of PC hardware than what we’ve had access to thus far so we’re eager to see if any specific new issues arise related to things like drivers and different configurations.

NDAs gibt es soweit keine, also sollten auf Twitch oder Mixer bald die ersten Eindrücke zu sehen sein.

Weitere Updates gibt es hier
Unter anderem wird dort die Migration der Forge-Maps und Game types aus älteren Halos in die MCC beschrieben:
Many online have been asking the question, “Are we ever going to be able to play our Forged maps that we made in previous Halos?”

The answer to that question is Yes!

In the future, we will be doing a one-time copy of both the maps and game types that you have uploaded to your file share so that we can begin preparing them for future implementation in MCC. This copy will occur for every Xbox Live account with maps and modes on its file share – content saved locally will NOT be transferred.

What is Happening?

This is a ONE-TIME service for bringing maps and game types from your profile’s original Halo 3, Halo: Reach, and Halo 4 Xbox 360 file share to the MCC file share on Xbox One and PC. If you have maps and game type files not on your profile’s file share, they will not be migrated. Only content on your file shares in the original releases for Halo 3, Halo 4, and Halo: Reach from the Xbox 360, will be brought to MCC. These maps and game types will work on both the Xbox One and PC versions of MCC.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hier das Juli-Update zur MCC

- Reach für die Xbox dauert noch etwas, weil der Speicher durch die UE4 für die Rüstungsoptionen knapp geworden ist
- als nächstes kommt der Flight auf den PC von Reach Firefight Matchmaking, dann der für Reach PvP Matchmaking
- man untersucht welcher der Bugs von HCE in der MCC für den PC gefixt werden können
- Die Inhaltsmigration der Forge-Maps und Game Types für 3, 4 und Reach findet diesen Monat statt (siehe unten)

Legacy Content Migration

Thank you, gentlemen! In last month’s MCC Development Update, we touched on the Forge legacy maps and game type file share migration we have planned. This month, we have dates to share! The first copy for Forge game types is going to start on August 12, where a one-time copy of the game types that you have uploaded to your file share will be grabbed in preparation for access in MCC later. A few weeks later on August 26, we will be grabbing maps to make the great journey into MCC. This copy will occur for every Xbox Live account with game types and maps on its file share – content saved locally will NOT be transferred.

What is Happening?
This is a ONE-TIME service for bringing game types and maps from your profile’s original Halo 3, Halo: Reach, and Halo 4 Xbox 360 file share to the MCC file share on Xbox One. If you have maps and game type files not on your profile’s file share, they will not be migrated. Only content on your file shares in the original releases for Halo 3, Halo 4, and Halo: Reach from the Xbox 360, will be brought to MCC on the Xbox One. These game types and maps will work on both the Xbox One and PC versions of MCC, but the transfer will only happen for those who boot up the game on Xbox One.

When is this happening?
Due to technical limitations, we will only be able to do a single pull for each file type, so we’ve split this into two separate days – one day for game types and one day for maps. By allowing players to fill up their file share with game types during the first pull and again with maps on the second pull, players can maximize their slots and bring over as many of each file type as they can fit in their file share. The two weeks below are when we will copy the files, so be sure to have your file shares loaded on each game (Halo 3, Halo: Reach, and Halo 4) well beforehand to ensure they get copied over:
  • Game Types – 12.08.2019
  • Maps – 26.08.2019

Und hier noch ein Eindruck von Reach auf dem PC im Ultra Widesceen

Sieht umprofessionell aus, das Hud sieht aus als wäre es für 4:3 Bildschirme gemacht. Das muss MS wohl noch ne Weile dran arbeiten.
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