Xbox360 Halo 4

  • Thread-Ersteller leon_kennedy
  • Erstellungsdatum
Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil.

Das wird soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo geil.
auf jeden fall :goodwork:

Office of Halo Intelligence: Part 5

To talk more about the audio aspect of our upcoming game, I asked Sotaro Tojima, the Audio Director for Halo 4, to write the fifth entry in our Office of Halo Intelligence series. Here are his thoughts on the music and sounds that will one day be gracing your earholes.

I’m honored to have an opportunity to talk here! I just came back from a weekly music review, and especially this week, I was so excited about one piece of music. This emotional, digitized piece became the second favorite piece of Halo 4 music which we’ve made so far. I can’t wait to share this with you!

Producing the Halo 4 music is very difficult, but such a fun job for me. I know many people, including me, love the previous Halos’ music. Halo 4 will be a story for Master Chief and Cortana. Therefore, we are driving our music production respecting the previous music tone.

At the same time, we are working to establish some freshness in the music because this is a new trilogy and we are a new team.

I love creating game audio because it is a direct communication between fans and the team. I want to communicate with our "own" language of sound and music. Even if having a new language on Halo is very challenging...

My goal for making audio is always very simple. How much can we make people excited and immersed in the story and gameplay experience with our audio? There are three key ways I like to do that:

• Provide a sense of reality with sophisticated sound design to bring you into a believable world.
• Achieve a memorable, dramatic experience with great music and sounds well synced with the story beat and your gameplay.
• Share a delightful memory with all fans providing an iconic melody.

Actually, my real goal is to make you cry!

When I hired the people that make up the Halo 4 audio team, one of the criteria I had was that if you want to work it had to be "for fans more than anything." And now I have a great team. Everyone is so happy to work hard to surprise you.

Again, it is very hard to achieve a great audio for the Halo universe, but I believe we can do this as long as we don't forget you are waiting patiently for us. Stay tuned for next update from me, and for more exciting topics in OHI!

-Sotaro Tojima
Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil. Das wird so geil.

Das wird soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo geil.

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