
1.93 soll lediglich ein Bugfix sein, da viele Leute (mir inklusive) Probleme hatten, sich mit dem PSN zu verbinden!
Konnte man für die Videos im XMB denn schon immer diese 15-Sek. Vorschau Animationen erstellen? Hab vorgestern das zum ersten Mal gefunden... liegt das vielleicht am Update?
Das geht schon seit einiger Zeit!

Und der Fix hat meine Probleme mit dem PSN behoben :)
PS3 firmware update to boost Blu-ray interactivity

ony has announced plans to release a firmware for the Playstation 3 that will reportedly boost Blu-ray interactivity. News comes following yesterday’s panel discussion at the HDTV DisplaySearch conference in Universal City, California, where Sony’s Vice President of Advanced Technologies, Don Eklund, stated that the update would be released "soon."
Eklund did not divulge any further information at the time.
Sources have conjectured, however, that the most likely outcome would have Sony offering PS3 compatibility for some of the Profile 1.1 Blu-ray specs, a feature that is not currently supported by regular Blu-ray players, such as true video picture-in-picture playback.
Several upcoming movies will include features required to run off Profile 1.1, including Hairspray, Rush Hour 3 and Pan’s Labyrinth.
Stay tuned for more information as it breaks.
DUAL SHOCK Unterstützung wird mit FW 1.94 eingeführt

The newest PlayStation 3 system software update to version 1.94 adds firmware-level support for the upcoming rumble-enabled DualShock3 controller. Though the update is not yet available for download, it's bundled with Insomniac's Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, the first retail game with built-in support for the DualShock3.

By pressing the middle PS button on a PS3 controller, the DualShock3's rumble can be toggled on or off from the Controller Setting menu in-game. Listed as the "vibration function," rumble will obviously only be felt with DualShock3 controllers and not the rumble-less Sixaxis.

Sony plans to release the DualShock3 in Japan this November, with the peripheral coming to the U.S. and Europe this spring. Until then, check out the Shack's list of game's that will feature or be updated to feature DualShock3 rumble support.
is denn schon bekannt wann die firmware rauskommt? damit ich es dann editieren kann! :)

danke dir emperor!
schnarch, ich will keine versionsnummern mehr, die sich 2 stellen hinter dem komma ändern.
Eventuell kommt schon am 30. Oktober die FW 2.00

Turn your PS3 on and off with PSP Remote play
A new PLAYSTATION Network category
A TV Category for those who install PlayTV into their HDD (SCEE only).
Playlist for Music & Photo
Content group for Video & Game
XMB customization (Custom theme & background color setting): This will come with one alternative custome theme. Addition generic themes will be available for download via with game title themes to follow on Nov 20th, distributed via the Store (PS/PC). The cost of the game themes haven't been decided yet. Guidelines for users to create their own Custom Themes will be distributed via shortly after the firmware hits.
Information Board: This will be shown in the top right of the screen and include news feeds from as well as store updates. The board came be set to ticker mode, list mode, details mode or disabled.
Trend Micro Web Security for PS3™ internet browser: This is a parental lock for website viewing that will initially be free but that Trend Micro will later charge for.
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