PS4/XOne/PC Final Fantasy XV-Beachtet den OP!

Nomura Interview aus der Famitsu mit ein paar neuen Infos^^
Back four days ago, we posted the new Famitsu scans with a few details concerning each of the games. Thanks to epsilon, we now have the full Final Fantasy Versus XIII Nomura interview translated. It includes a few small extra details and the confirmation from Nomura that we will hopefully be seeing the in-game engine scene from the scans at the Tokyo Game Show this October.

Click here to view the scene mentioned in this interview.

Speaking about the eyes, the main female lead can be seen to have violet coloured eyes. So does the prince. We had the initial impression that he had red coloured eyes. From the new images, his eyes are blue. Will he have blue eyes normally?

Normua: Yes. His eyes will only turn red at some special occasion. (Triggered by something)

As for the female lead, is it the same for her??

Normura: Surprisingly, she is a rather shy person. (laugh)

Can you explain what is happening in the scene from the images released?

Normura: The scene takes place at a party. This is the first time they have met each other. Initially, I wanted to make a scene that showed them introducing themselves. Even though we tried our best, we still cannot release their name to the public. Sorry. We will try to screen that scene at TGS if possible.

Are there other people in the room?

Normura: Actually, the rest of the party is downstairs. The Prince came upstairs to hide from the noise and crowd. Initially, he thought that there wouldn't be anyone on that floor, but he was surprised to see the female lead. (She is looking at the drawing hanging on the wall)

What is the painting about?

Normura: It is still a secret

What is the skeleton that is holding the painting?

Norumra: This country believe in a Shinigami (Death god). Based on the Fabula Nova Crystallis mythos.

The Prince's outfit is based on the design by the creative director of Roen. What is the reason for this co-operation?

Normura: This is to express the higher level of realism. If we based it on an actual real subject, it will feel more real.

What will happen to the the initial outfit?

Normura: Initially, we just designed this outfit based on the script to give a visual impression. That's it. As we create more scenes, the outfit will change. The car will have a new design too and the Prince will look like someone who goes to a high class pub.

You said it yourself! (laugh)

Normura: The game will have this dialogue too! (referring to prince going to pub)

Will the female lead say that?

Normura: She is a very polite girl. She will not say those things to someone who she's met for the first time. To express this characteristic, the way she speaks will have some prominent trait.

The team you are working with are excellent!

Normura: Yes, it is a very great team. I'm full of anticipation and the team spirit is very high!

Hört sich doch gut an, ich freue mich schon auf die TGS^^
man ... das spiel wird so genial xD
dauert aber noch lange biss zum "orgasmus" xD
Nomura sollte echt von SQEX so wie sie jetzt sind weggehen!

Der Typ macht ein God-Game nach dem anderen während sich der Rest des Konzerns mit popeligen Remakes aufhält (bis auf DQ XI)
Alles was mich derzeit von Square interessirt kommt in irgendeinerweise von ihm. Kingdom Hearts, Fabula Nova Cristalis, Parasite Eve, Dissidia.

Ich wette er hat auch um die derzeitige Exclusivität von Versus kämpfen müssen, wie wohl auch Kojima.
Er scheint jemand zu sein, bei dem das Spiel noch an vorderster steht.


Achja, sorry für Off-Topic,
aber weiß jemand schon mehr zu dem Spiel das er macht: The Great Goal, oder so hieß es doch. Plattform oder Ähnliches??
Naja, vielleicht gibt es ja auf der TGS ein weiteres Interview, in dem mal davon gesprochen wird.



Geil :-D
Krass, wieviel besser die neue Version aussieht. Merkt man wenn man nur die neuen Bilder sieht garnet.



Nomura = pWner :-D
Neue infos aus der Dengeki^^

· Nomura/Toriyama interview in Dengeki
Toriyama: "FFXIII will definitely not be coming out on 360 in Japan."
Nomura says Versus is more like a typical FF game than XIII... travel across mountains, oceans, go into dungeons, kill summon beasts, etc.
Oh, and Agito won't be out before XIII.
dachte 13 sollte wieder mehr richtung FF gehen und vs mehr richtung KH?!

ich hab keinen plan die games sollen endlich mal einen releasetermin bekommen!
Neue infos aus der Dengeki^^

· Nomura/Toriyama interview in Dengeki
Toriyama: "FFXIII will definitely not be coming out on 360 in Japan."
Nomura says Versus is more like a typical FF game than XIII... travel across mountains, oceans, go into dungeons, kill summon beasts, etc.
Oh, and Agito won't be out before XIII.
Dachte eigentlich sowas sollte für jedes FF gelten? Was macht man dann in FFXIII?

MG, SE soll endlich aufhören mit den Geheimnissen und mal Ingame-Footage zu beiden Games zeigen, damit man sich endlich ein Bild davon machen kann! :neutral:

Wehe zur TGS gibts wieder nix klares. :mad2:
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