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Ja, habs auch schon mal probiert und wurde jedoch nicht angenommen, habs jetzt mit der E-Mail-Adresse von meiner Uni probiert, mal gucken ob es dann klappt ^^.
Drüben ist halt auch was richtig los, hier unterhält man sich ja manchmal fast mit sich selbst XD
Mit meiner Uni-Adresse musste ich immer noch ein paar Monate warten, bis ich freigeschaltet war. Klappen sollte es aber zumindest.
Q: The ATR 7.0 is streaming right now. Is the content in the ATR the same as the talk you just did?
T: As the FFXV team, we planned to first release the information at Taipei Game Show, and after that, deliver the information globally so that users can enjoy it with the language they’re familiar with. The details on the March event is introduced in the ATR more precisely. We also introduce The Dragoon Lady in the ATR.
Q: Is the ending of FFXV multi endings?
T: No. It’s a single ending.
Q: The time passes like real life in the FFXV, so I heard. Can we expect to see different monsters in different time slots? Does time slots have some effect on completing missions?
T: The flow of the time affects on many aspects in the game since it contributes to the progress of the basic part of the game. As the story gets closer to its climax, the elements such that the change of the time flow and the arrival of morning or afternoon show some meanings in the game. We want players to see the XV world which we made as much close as to our real real world, and to have a sublime emotional experience that FFXV alone can deliver. Our goal is to provide such intriguing story, battle, and adventure.
Q: Do stealth actions like the one we saw in the trailer happen in any circumstances? Or do those happen only in certain locations?
T: Stealth missions only happen in certain locations. There are some situations that you have to capture some bases, and in those circumstances a sneaking mission occurs. It’s not like limiting the strategy that you can perform. It allows you to enjoy demolishing bases as much as having fun exploring Open World freely; in other words, these missions make the best use of action system that the technology of PS4 alone can deliver. [NOTE: He only mentioned PS4, but XBOX ONE should be included, I think…]
Q: Can we play other characters? Who gives an order for link command during the battle?
T: Players give the order. The scenes you just saw are the ones that the characters [NOTE: Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio] had gotten the direction and proceeded it. We concluded that it’s better that players focus on playing the lead character alone and have battles with other characters than switching characters. To make this system work, high level AIs and animation systems for Noct’s friends are required. If it weren’t for PS4, this system wouldn’t have been implemented. Making all the characters playable is what PS3 can do as well. We intentionally picked up the system which we’ve introduced.
Q: About the interaction between the magic and the environment. How far the impact of Fire can spread? What happens when Noct casts Blizzard right after casting Fire?
T: Interesting questions! The range of the impact of Fire is larger than this room (approx. 100/m^2). There is, of course, the limit in the processing system. It depends on how well the system can endure the drawing burden, but you can expect to see the screen engulfed by the flame. In the grassland, you may see quite a large range is surrounded by the flame. You may not be able to get close to the scorching area because it’s too hot, and monsters may run away in terror from the flame.
Blizzard is a kind of chilling magic. I also wonder what would happen =D I might be wrong since I’m not an expert, but Fire is the magic that causes flame while Blizzard makes the environment chilly. Under the impact of Blizzard, soldier’s bodies get cold, the air gets thin, and they may suffocate to death. I guess Blizzard could put out the fire =3
Q: Noct set a shack on fire in the Progress Report. Would the charred shack remain for a long time?
T: If it remains, it wouldn’t do any good on the environment. Some mysterious power of the planet works on it and it will gradually be back to what it was, like you see in Episode Duscae. Ramuh burns down quite a range of the field, but it gradually goes back to what it was. What’s important is that we implemented the magic system so that you can enjoy casting magics whenever you want to see what happens. If the impact of magics lingers for a long time, you would eventually lose the places where you can have fun casting magics. To avoid that, we decided to heal the field.
Q: About the magic system. Is there any growing system for magics? Do we set a magic on a weapon, or on a character?
T: The information on the growing system for magics will be introduced in March for the media, but yes, there is such a system. It’s not like magics can grow. There are magics that are superior than normal ones. How to use magics is introduced in the ATR. You don’t set those on a weapon. You set a magic on a weapon slot.
Q: FFXIII was a trilogy. Will FFXV be the same?
T: No. The story is concluded in FFXV alone. We never ends the story with “to be continued…” It would be nice if you feel “I don’t wanna finish playing, I wanna immerse myself in FFXV more…,” and complete the game with emotional feelings.
Q: One day in FFXV is how many hours in our real life? What happens if we miss the time that a certain main story event occurs?
T: There’s no connection between the time in FFXV and in our life. No matter how many days you spent exploring the XV world, it doesn’t affect on the main story. You may enjoy sauntering the world as much as you want, and the story itself as well.
Q: The event today was prepared for the market in Asia. Is there any oriental or Asian elements in the game? There were Samurai or Ninja in the former titles, but recently, I feel Western elements exceeds Asian ones.
T: Those kind of elements are not the key elements that constitute the game. The bond between father and son is the theme in FFXV, and this kind of bond is respected widely in Asia including in Japan. I think players can relate to this aspect. FFXV is the game in which you can enjoy traveling around. You may visit restaurants while on journey, and you may find various Asian foods. It’s not implemented in the game yet, but Xiaolongbao is really tasty. I wanna put it in the game. I’ll consider that =D
Q: The game will be released globally at the same time in 2016. Have you started working on localizing it to Chinese?
T: About the simultaneous release, it depends on the situation of the regions. There may be a few days lag from place to place. About the localization, yes. When it comes to localizing into European languages, we first translate Japanese into English, and they translate English to European languages. As to localizing into Chinese, there’s just one step; we translate Japanese into Chinese. We plan to ask SCET Taipei for the localization. We’ve already built up work flow. Speaking of Asian market, we’d like to release the game in China as well, but I cannot officially say that we will. It’s still under discussion.
Q: 9 companies are now engaged in FFXV development. Is there any feedback from those cooperating companies?
T: Yes. To be precise, there is(/are) FFXV related project(s), and including that(/those) we work with 9 companies. We get feedback on what would be the appropriate gaming experience. What I feel strongly the most is that, since Japanese game companies have a long history, they have plenty of know-hows. Those know-hows are somewhat unique and established for Japanese market. A bunch of veterans are working in Japanese game companies, and they are good at creating things delicately and precisely.
On the other hand, people working in game companies in Taiwan or other Asian regions are young, and flexible to the change in cultures. They have multi cultural perspectives. Focusing on one thing is what Japanese companies are good at, but when it comes to Asian companies, they are good at absorbing many elements and create things. In Asia, the developments of Uncharted, Call Of Duty, and FFXV are going on now. No Japanese developer has experienced developing those variety of games. Multi experiences are the asset in Asian studio, I wanna say.
When looking at the ranking of the popular games in Asia, games for online multi playing come on top. Multi playing games are interesting and I like those; however, what FFXV can deliver is the game that even you alone can enjoy. We’re developing the game for one person, and PS4 alone can provide the sublime experience. I want to deliver this unique aspect of FFXV to as much people as possible.
Auch bin ich skeptisch, ob das Spiel nicht zu offen werden könnte. Muss zwar nicht gleich so ein Schlauch sein, wie bei FFXIII, aber eine etwas geschlossenere Welt wäre evtl. für ein strafferes Storytelling förderlich.
Es ist bestätigt worden, dass es ein Mix aus Open World und Linearer Welt sein wird. Man versucht das beste aus beiden Bereichen einzubauen. Quelle
Wie es scheint, wird auch die PC-Version im März angekündigt. Ein User auf Gaf hat im Quelltext der Webseite interessante Informationen gefunden ^^
Hat aus meiner Sicht nicht viel zu bedeuten. Kann auch der Standardquellcode für Game-Seiten von Square Enix sein, der nicht immer komplett neu geschrieben und angepasst wird.
Je nachdem welches System geklickt wird, wird dann über Google Analytics ausgewertet. Ist aus meiner Sicht einfach nur ein Programmierbaustein, der nicht jedes Mal angepasst wird. Davon auf eine PC-Version zu schließen wenn nicht noch an anderer Stelle auf PC verwiesen wird, halte ich erstmal für gewagt.
Hat aus meiner Sicht nicht viel zu bedeuten. Kann auch der Standardquellcode für Game-Seiten von Square Enix sein, der nicht immer komplett neu geschrieben und angepasst wird.
Je nachdem welches System geklickt wird, wird dann über Google Analytics ausgewertet. Ist aus meiner Sicht einfach nur ein Programmierbaustein, der nicht jedes Mal angepasst wird. Davon auf eine PC-Version zu schließen wenn nicht noch an anderer Stelle auf PC verwiesen wird, halte ich erstmal für gewagt.
ich halte es gewagt nach dem Final Fantasy Output auf Steam NICHT mit einer PC Version zu rechnen
ich rechne allerdings nicht mit einen gleichzeitigen PC und konsolenrelease geschweige denn Ankündigung
Da war der Programmierer ja megafaul...![]()