The Final Fantasy Explorers Twitter account has recently been answering questions that fans tweet their way. One of the questions they were asked is if you will be able to change your appearance independent of your stats and gear. This, the team replied, will not be the case.
Final Fantasy Explorers effectively works like Monster Hunter and other action RPGs in this regard. The Twitter account stated: “As far as equipment goes, we’d like to apologize beforehand. There isn’t a system that lets you maintain the same performance while changing your looks alone.”
“In order to be able to change appearance, we’ve prepared a wide variety of armor and weapon types for Final Fantasy Explorers, so it would make us happy to see you folks mix and match to your liking.”
Also, while it sounds like there won’t be any sort of costume system to customize your looks in the game, Square Enix previously stated that Final Fantasy Explorers will have a bunch of iconic weapons in addition to different types of weapons and other equipment, so it sounds as though there is going to be a nicely-rounded set of customization options in the game.
Other questions they were asked is if multiplayer will be enabled over the Internet (yes) and if multiplayer will be free (also yes).