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E3 E3 2019 (08. - 12.06)

Discord Channel, zum Chatten
Double Chocolate Cookie von Subway ist beschde :banderas:

Devolver, Kinda Funny und Limited Run werde ich nur nebenbei beobachten. Den Rest wie immer voll dabei.
  • Lob
Reaktionen: Avi
Bin tatsächlich auch auf die UploadVR PK gespannt
Die erste E3 PK nur für Virtual Reality
Ansonsten natürlich Cyberpunk und vielleicht gibt es ja was neues zu Starfield oder Elder Scrolls 6

  • Lob
Reaktionen: Avi
Bin tatsächlich auch auf die UploadVR PK gespannt
Die erste E3 PK nur für Virtual Reality
Ansonsten natürlich Cyberpunk und vielleicht gibt es ja was neues zu Starfield oder Elder Scrolls 6


Soweit ich weis wurde das von Bethesda schon bestätigt, dass die beiden Titel nicht auf der E3 vertreten sein werden
Damals live gesehen und mich (sorry) bepisst vor lachen. Wie kann man sowas nur so Hardcore versauen?! Meine Präsis damals in der Schule waren besser als der shit xD

Wirklich hart zum ansehen, wobei ich mal ein Referat ähnlich peinlich versaut habe
vor hundert Leuten (an der Uni, mein Referatspartner erschien nicht und ich musste seinen Teil mithalten mit schlechter Vorbereitung und 0 Ahnung was ich da überhaupt ablas, ich erfand am Ende in der Fragerunde einfach Sachen und hoffte auf ein noch unvorbereiteteres Publikum, am Kichern merkte ich, dass das nur halbwegs funktionierte). Der Horror.

Habe am Ende trotzdem ne 2 bekommen aber ich glaube das war aus Mitleid oder Respekt, dass ich nicht geflohen bin :enton:
Gerüchte, die nicht nur die E3 betreffen, aber auch:


2 points · 3 days ago

Before I even get into any of this, these are not all E3 related. Only the ones that I specifically mention E3 are related to E3.

Janemba will be officially revealed within the next month for DBFZ. His trailer is an E3 reveal.

Resident Evil 3 remake and Resident Evil 8 are both in development. RE3 remake will be revealed first from what I heard at E3... but both are being developed simultaneously.

Monster Hunter game for Switch is in development.

Street Fighter VI and MvC4 are both in development for next gen consoles as I have said before. SFVI will likely be out first from what I have heard because they're taking their time with MvC4.

Viewtiful Joe 3 is also in development. I do not know much else other than that.

Something I feel I should bring up that I heard & posted about back in September 2017 on reddit was that a new Dino Crisis was in development.... but I haven't heard anything since. So those recent tweets stood out to me as interesting if my information was for when it was in very early development / planning stages.

Something I have heard for a while now is that a new Wild Arms game is in development but it has been over a year long journey getting that verified. I still struggle to get definite enough confirmation but I think it might have been because I heard about it too early.

Older Dragon Quest games are getting ported this year from what I know. I have not had specific games mentioned other than older ones are. I find it hard to imagine the first 3 games are not among them. The platforms were not mentioned to me yet either.

Dragon Quest Heroes III is in development. I was told "Dragon Quest Heroes III's main characters may be pirates? and includes Deborah from Dragon Quest V as one of the legacy characters. A worldwide release has at least been the intention that has delayed its formal reveal for a while now."

Master Chief Collection and Ori are coming to Nintendo Switch. I don't know when but there are plans for them to.

Metroid Prime Trilogy HD and Pikmin 3 are coming to Switch but I have not heard when.

That 4chan Samurai Shodown DLC character leak is something I am still looking into. I know that Rimururu is one of them as I heard about & talked about her months ago (sites even reported that) when I heard that her and Shiki would be part of it.
The 4chan leak said Rimururu, Basara, Iroha, and a newcomer.

Since it is 'E3 season' I heard Square Enix rumours that make me very skeptical of sharing since I am still verifying them anyway. Which is still ongoing.
Was ist MvC4?

Edit: Ahh ok, Marvel vs. Capcom xD

Also das ein RE8 kommt, dafür brauchen wir keinen Insider, Leaker oder was auch immer. Auch ein Remake vom dritten Teil ist nach dem Erfolg von RE2make sehr wahrscheinlich.
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