NDS DS - Newsthread (Keine Kommentare)

Dragon Quest IX new screenshots !

Here are the latest pics of Dragon Quest IX : Protectors of the Starry Sky for the Nintendo DS in better quality taken from Shonen Jump magazine. The game is still scheduled for March 2009 in Japan.

Nintendo Power - review scores

DS games

Chrono Trigger: 9.0
Metal Slug 7: 7.5
Moon: 7.5
Mushroom Men: 5.0
Gauntlet: 7.5
Age of Empires: Mythologies: 7.0
Star Wars The Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance: 6.0
Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia: 8.0
Neopets Puzzle Advanture: 6.0
Monster Lab: 8.0
Luminous Arc 2: 7.0
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009: 4.0
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days confirmed for February + new screens

Square Enix has released some new screenshots of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days for the Nintendo DS, the game maker also confirmed that the game will be released on February 2009 in Japan.

Update : Square Enix announced today that a Kingdom Hearts Edition that includes the new Nintendo DSi and the game will be released in Japan. The included DSi unit will have an original design of some form. Pricing and design information will be announced at a future date.

Kundratitz beschwert sich: "Zu viele Spiele!"

"Es erscheinen viel zu viele Spiele für den Nintendo DS!" so der Tenor von Dr. Klemens Kundratitz, dem Geschäftsführer von Publisher Koch Media, im Interview mit gamesindustry.biz. In der jetzigen Zeit und gerade bis Ende Dezember, dem wichtigsten Verkaufsmonat des Jahres, erscheinen seiner Meinung nach viel zu viele DS-Spiele, vor allem im Casual-Bereich, womit er vielen "Hardcore-Gamern" wohl aus der Seele sprechen dürfte. Dass nicht nur die Kunden einem Software-Überangebot und der daraus folgenden Intransparenz des Marktes ins Auge sehen müssten, spricht er nicht direkt an, vielmehr denkt er an die involvierten Firmen wie die seinige: Schließlich sei dies sehr schädlich für die Firmen, die an Software für den DS arbeiten, würden die Preise gemäß dem Angebot/Nachfrage-Prinzip doch fallen, was für die Entwickler und Publisher sinkende Umsätze zur Folge hätte. Auch der DSi könne laut Kundratitz diese Entwicklung nicht verhindern.

Koch Media selbst ist Publisher vieler DS-Spiele, aktuellstes Beispiel ist das Rennspiel "Trackmania DS". Aber auch kindgerechte Titel wie "Ben 10" und "Die Maus DS" (erscheint im diesjährigen Weihnachtsgeschäft) tragen das Logo von Koch Media auf der Verpackung.

Konami Announces Little Magicians Adventure for Nintendo DS

US, November 18, 2008 - Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. announced today that Little Magician's Magic Adventure is currently in development for the Nintendo DS system. In this unique combination of an adventure game and simulation RPG players are tasked with attending classes in Magic Academy while learning the mysteries of magic and the art of casting spells while building relationships with other students. As players attend classes, build relationships and master the art of magic, they can explore the wonders of the enchanted world that surrounds them. Using their spell casting abilities and unique interactions with their surroundings players are confronted with puzzles and adventures that will challenge their skill.

As players attend Magic Academy, they'll be immersed in a living, breathing world where time flows as it does in the real world, and each week, player's wizardry skills are put to the test in a new magical adventure. Custom avatars can be made with 1500 varieties of clothing, furniture and characters to choose from. Additionally, players can learn new magic spells and abilities by forming different bonds with the 150 unique characters populating the world. Different stories and adventures will be revealed depending on what bonds are formed with the game's characters and how the player chooses to solve each of the 52 adventures. Gather information from friends and mythical characters in order to solve quests. Use all the magic learned to become the greatest magician of all time!

Little Magician's Magic Adventure features Wi-Fi connection to play with a friend, allowing players additional, unique story lines and interactions. Players can also use the Wi-Fi connection to chat with anyone in the world by utilizing the games global magic alphabet.

Little Magician's Magic Adventure will be released in February 2009 on the Nintendo DS. For more information, please visit: www.konami.com.



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Summon Night X : Tears Crown announced for the Nintendo DS

Namco Bandai has announced Summon Night X : Tears Crown for the Nintendo DS in the latest V-Jump magazine. This new RPG will be released on February 12, 2009 in Japan.

(Source : V-Jump)
Colin McRae : DiRT 2 sur Wii et DS !!!

Codemasters annonce l'arrivée de Colin McRae : DiRT 2 sur PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PSP mais également sur Wii et Nintendo DS. Cette suite proposera un moteur graphique EGO amélioré avec différentes disciplines dont le rally et des modes de jeux en ligne. En attendant les premières images, le site IGN publie des artworks.

Phantasy Star Zero - more screens

It looks like SEGA is setting up some sort of in-store experience that will allow gamers to try the title out in a multiplayer setting. As if the game needed anymore hype!



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