Wii Dragon Blade: Wrath of Fire

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Oktober oder September ist eigentlich egal wann. Die machen eh nicht mehr viel an der Grafik. Und wie Sasuke schon gesagt hat, versinkt das Spiel in der Menge der Anderen.
Es gibt einen überraschend positiven Hands-on Bericht auf Ign.
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Auch wenn die Grafik nicht der Überbringer ist, hört sich das Spiel doch echt interessant an.
Hab mir mal das Boss Fight Video angeschaut. Mindless fun. Wird im Auge behalten und eventuell mal zum Budgetpreis geholt.
mal aus der theke ausleihen, sieht spassig aus...besser als shame of the month
Der Ign Bericht liest sich gut,nur die Grafik ist sehr schwach :-D Solange die Idee klasse ist und das Gameplay gut,warum nicht?

Ja, generell net schlecht....aber zu der Zeit hab ich echt keine Kohle für solche Games. Wäre es im Mai oder so erschienen wo es eh net viel zum zocken gab, hätte ich dem Teil vll. ne Chance gegeben. Aber Guitar Hero Wii,Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario und Zelda:PH sind alleine knapp 200 Euro :blushed:
Ja, generell net schlecht....aber zu der Zeit hab ich echt keine Kohle für solche Games. Wäre es im Mai oder so erschienen wo es eh net viel zum zocken gab, hätte ich dem Teil vll. ne Chance gegeben. Aber Guitar Hero Wii,Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario und Zelda:PH sind alleine knapp 200 Euro :blushed:

Wtf o.O Jetzt wo du es so sagst (außer Guitar hero...) Leck mich am Arsch geht da viel Geld raus^^
Der Ign Bericht liest sich gut,nur die Grafik ist sehr schwach :-D Solange die Idee klasse ist und das Gameplay gut,warum nicht?

Nur dass die Steuerung eben auch eher träge war und erst Sekunden nach der eigentlichen Bewegung reagiert hab. Und eigentlich hatte ich mir die Wii-Steuerung mal ganz anders vorgestellt, ihr nicht? Davon abgesehen sah's wirklich schlimm aus. Aber wenn du willst, kauf's dir ruhig.

Aber dann MP nicht mögen... ;)
neuer Drachenboss: Mobrius


The slithering snake dragon Mobrius rules his kingdoms from high above the jungle treetops of Kai. His inner lair is a dense overgrowth of vines so that his long serpentine body can camouflage itself amongst the trees. His horned tail can be detached and thrown like a boomerang to ensnare any prey beneath him.

Boss Strategy for Mobrius

Another round arena, this time with a huge tree taking up a lot of the center area. Mobrius follows simple patterns for each phase, but like the last two bosses, will change up his attacks depending on which Core he is drawing his power from.

During the first phase, Mobrius will be attacking from the trees. He has three attacks that he will use in a pattern, but depending on his incoming damage, he can change up the pattern slightly, so be on the lookout for a different order. Normally Mobrius will attack with a Tail Whip, which can be avoided with a quick Dodge Roll, or the Dragon Wing Guard can be used to avoid a hit. This move is quick, so make sure to be ready to dodge at a moment's notice. The second attack that Mobrius will throw at you in this form will be the axe attached to his tail. This attack will send the axe flying around the room, and can be dodged pretty easily as long as you are ready for it. After a circuit, it will fly back up into the treeline and attach itself to Mobrius again, for use later. The third attack is what will give you the chance to deal out some damage to the Snake Dragon. This attack will have Mobrius biting directly down at Dal, and will do major damage as he snatches Dal up and throws him against the ground. This can be avoided with a well timed Dodge Roll however, and opens Mobrius up to attacks as he sits stunned from his lightning fast collision with the ground. After a moment, he will regain his sense and climb back up into the trees to repeat his attacks. Keep on him every time he tries and fails a Bite Attack, and this first phase will quickly be over for the Snake.

Phase two will place Mobrius underground, his grip on the tree having been loosened by the first Core Break. In this phase, Mobrius will slither around the tree and swipe at the player with his huge tail. If Dal is near to the rear of him when he surfaces, this will be the attack that Mobrius will let loose with. The only guard against this is to Dodge Roll or Wing Guard, as the muscles in Mobrius' tail will easily overpower Dal's normal block. If you are near the front of Mobrius when he goes to surface, he will let loose a Bite Attack, which can be Dodge Rolled, then will sit for a moment, allowing Dal to deal out some damage before Mobrius goes back beneath the ground. The trick to this phase is always staying near the front side of Mobrius so that he Bite Attacks more often than the Tail Attack. Keep up the assault every time Mobrius comes up for air, and phase three will begin after the second Core is broken.

In phase three, Mobrius will use a combination of ground based attacks and underground movement to fight Dal. While underground, boulders will fly around, and like Skaroth's boulders, will damage Dal if he is hit. After a moment of slithering around underground, Mobrius will come to the surface and attack. Most of the time, he will lead off with a spray of poisoned darts from his tail which can be Wing Guarded or Dodge Rolled from as normal. After this attack, Mobrius will bite at the player for a large amount of damage. Avoiding this Bite is the key to phase three, since Mobrius will be vulnerable for a moment after attempting to bite at Dal. Press home the attack during these times, then move away when he submerges to avoid the boulders. Wait for Mobrius to surface again, then wait for him to shoot out more spikes or skip right to the Bite Attack. Make sure not to be too close to him just before he would emerge, or else he might just use a Tail Whip instead, dealing you a quick bit of damage for your aggressiveness, as well as making the fight last longer with Mobrius underground. Taking down this phase requires patience, but playing a defensive game here will allow you to outlast Mobrius without taking too much damage.

That's it for this week's Boss Breakdown. Be sure to check back in two weeks for the next dragon reveal, as we continue our pre-launch coverage of Wii's exclusive beat-em-up Dragon Blade. Also, don't forget to check out more exclusive screens and concept art by heading to our gallery below.

Boss-Trailer: http://media.wii.ign.com/media/924/924846/vids_1.html


Die Drachen finde ich ganz nett, auch so die Strategien die man zum Besiegen braucht. Aber kaufen würde ich es mir erst als Low-Budget Titel.
Frische Bilder:






Das erste Bild überzeugt wirklich, wohingegen das letzte... naja... nichts besonderes ist.
weitere Bilder:


Ev mag es ja spielerisch überzeugen, aber die Präsentation ist nicht überzeugend.
Exe, wo hast du immer die schönen Bilder her? Als im Vergleich zu denen auf der Famitsupage, sind deine ja wunderschön.
Die sind jetzt von wiifrz. Aber schön sind die Bilder auch nicht. Es würde schon ganz anders sein, wenn es nicht so pixelig wäre. Ev liegt es aber auch nur an der Bildauflösung, aber ich glaube es nicht.
Vergleiche mal die Bilder, die ich gepostet habe und die, die Exe gepostet hat. Das könnte zwei verschiedene Spiele sein.^^ Also wirklich, die von Exe sehen besser aus, auch wenn es noch besser sein könnte.
Über die Bilder, die Matze gepostet hat, könnte man vieles sagen, aber "schön" oder auch nur "apzektabel" gehört nicht dazu.
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