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More details have been announced for the second extra scenario added to Digimon World Reigitize Decode for the Nintendo 3DS. As previously reported, this scenario is dubbed “Scheme of the Demon Lords”.
The Scheme of the Demon Lords scenario takes place after the events of the main game are over, according to Famitsu magazine. Now that the main enemies are gone, peace has returned to the Digital World. However, new character Rina Shinomiya notices that the abnormalities in the real world aren’t gone. It’s at this time Barbamon—the main Demon Lord of this arc—activates a program he had set up, which sucks Rina into the Digital World and traps her there.
Rina does have the Decode ability, which she shares with the protagonist, but it is unknown if this is the special ability that has caused her to be the target of this Demon Lord. After Barbamon declares his intention to rule the Digital World, the protagonists set out to free Rina and to put an end to Barbamon’s ambitions.
Rina’s partner Digimon is V-mon, a mischievous Digimon that can use the quasi-evolution technique, Armor Evolution (a lot of factors go into actual Evolution, so Armor Evolution can be thought of as a ‘hack’ to bypass these factors by using a single item). The tiny dragon Digimon also has a strong sense of justice, which comes as no surprise when you look at V-mon’s final form, AlForce V-Dramon—a member of the Royal Knights.
On the antagonist’s side, two Demon Lords appearing in the scenario in addition to Barbamon have been revealed. These are Lilithmon, the Demon Lord of Lust, and Beelzebumon, the Demon Lord of Gluttony. (Note that Barbamon is the Demon Lord of Greed.) Not much has stated about them, the magazine makes it very clear that the Demon Lords each have their own agenda, which is why they almost never work together.
Mit Digimon World Reigitize Decode arbeitet Namco Bandai an einer 3DS-Umsetzung des letzten Digimon-Abenteuers. Wie bereits berichtet, erhält Decode dafür auch einige neue Inhalte. Beispielsweise das Szenario “Scheme of the Demon Lords”, das direkt an die Ereignisse nach dem Ende des Spiels anschließt.
Die Famitsu berichtet in dieser Woche über das neue Szenario. Obwohl die Bösewichte besiegt sind und der Frieden wieder in Digital World herrscht, stellt Rina Shinomiya fest, dass irgend etwas in der echten Welt nicht stimmt. Barbamon, einer der Demon Lord, aktiviert einen Mechanismus, der Rina in die Digital World zieht und sie dort gefangen hält.
Rina besitzt die Decode-Fähigkeit, genauso wie der Protagonist. Vielleicht ist der Demon Lord deshalb hinter ihr her. Nachdem es sich Barbamon zum erklärten Ziel gemacht hat, die Digital World zu erobern, macht sich der Protagonist auf, um Rina zu retten und Barbamons Pläne zu durchkreuzen.
Rinas Partner-Digimon ist V-mon, das die Armor Evolution Technik beherrscht. Das kleine Drachen-Digimon hat außerdem einen ausgeprägten Gerechtigkeitssinn. Seine Endform ist AlForce V-Dramon, Mitglied der Royal Knights. Neben Barbamon gibt es in dem zusätzlichen Szenario noch zwei weitere Demon Lords: Lilithmon und Beelzebumon.
Digimon World Reigitize Decode erscheint am 27. Juni in Japan! Zusätzlich gibt’s einen neuen Trailer:
Heute bieten wir den Fans der Digimon-Serie eine Fülle an Informationen zu Digimon World Re: Digitize Decode. Neben den neuen Details dürft ihr euch auch auf Screenshots zum Spiel freuen. Das Digimon Tyrannomon wird eine wichtige Rolle in einem Quest übernehmen. Der Protagonist kann auf dieses Wesen treffen, wenn er die Meat Fields in der Nacht durchstreift. Dabei erkennt das gefräßige Tyrannomon seinen Fehler und will sich auf eine Reise begeben, um an Stärke zu gewinnen. Später entwickelt es sich zu MetalTyrannomon und anschließend zu RustTyrannomon.
RustTyrannomon gehört zum Typ Virus. Sein ganzer Körper ist mit Rost bedeckt, wodurch es sehr widerstandsfähig wird. Seine Spezialität ist die Vernichtung seines Gegners. Ein neuer Bereich ist die DoReMiFa Hütte. In diesem Wohnhaus können rekrutierte Digimon leben, wobei ihr aussuchen könnt, welcher eurer Freunde hier wohnen soll. Der Vermieter der Hütte erteilt euch die Aufgabe, die leerstehenden Zimmer mit Digimon zu füllen, das Haus zu vergrößern und die Miete einzusammeln. Für diese Arbeit werdet ihr mit Events belohnt.
In Digimon World Re: Digitize Decode wird man auf zwei neue Szenarien stoßen. In einem Kapitel haust ein Virus namens X-Programm im Berg der Unendlichkeit. Der Protagonist und die überlebenden Digimon erhalten die Aufgabe, gegen diese Bedrohung zu kämpfen. Obwohl das Virus sich tief im Berg versteckt, gelangt es in die Stadt und löscht einige Digimon aus. Omnimon X und Gallantmon X machen sich auf die Reise zum Berg der Unendlichkeit, um die wahren Absichten von Yggdrasil in Erfahrung zu bringen.
Die Digimon Salamon und DORUmon werden mit in das Geschehen einbezogen. Salamon besitzt eine heilige Macht, doch aufgrund des jungen Alters, weiß es noch nicht, wie man diese gezielt einsetzt. Diese beiden Digimon sind befreundet und weil DORUmon ein Feigling ist, zieht Salamon es immer mit in neue Abenteuer. Doch auf dieser Reise wird Salamon verletzt und um den Freund zu beschützen, entwickelt sich DORUmon zu DORUgamon und schließlich zu DORUgremon, in die dritte Form.
Nachdem das X-Programm freigesetzt wurde, könnt ihr X-Antibody Digimon durch die Xvolution erschaffen. Weitere Digimon, die in diesem Szenario eine Rolle spielen sind Rosemon und Alphamon. Einige Screenshots findet ihr im Anschluss, weitere Bilder könnt ihr in dieser Galerie betrachten. Digimon World Re: Digitize Decode erscheint am 27. Juni in Japan!
In addition to previously announced new arrivals, many more popular Digimon will be present in Digimon World Reigitize as well. Included are entries from the ImperialDramon line, including PailDramon, ImperialDramon Fighter Mode, XV-mon, Stingmon, and ImperialDramon Paladin Mode. Screenshots of these Digimon can be seen below.
XV-mon is the evolution of V-mon that is said to be the original species that V-Dramon originated from. Its punches and kicks are powerful enough to break boulders the size of mountains.
Stingmon is an unusual Insect Digimon in that it is humanoid. With high intelligence and quick reaction time, he specializes in silencing his opponent in one strike.
PailDramon is the classic DNA evolution of XV-mon and Stingmon that combines the two. It has both speed and power that it inherited from Dragons and Insects.
ImperialDramon (Fighter Mode shown above) is the evolution of PailDramon. It is an Ancient Dragon Digimon with high intelligence. When it transforms into Fighter Mode, it unlocks all of its power—said to be enough to destroy a planet.
ImperialDramon Paladin Mode is the fused form of Fighter Mode and Omegamon. With Omegamon’s Holy Knight powers, Paladin Mode is the legendary Holy Knight Digimon said to have started the Royal Knights (although, he himself is not a part of the group, and is unlikely to be a character in the scenario). This is ImperialDramon’s final form.
In addition, scans from the August edition of V-Jump magazine show three new Digimon that will appear in the new game scenarios. Appearing in the Demon Lords arc is Lucemon (with a new illustration). Despite his childlike appearance, he holds a great power. Apparently Barbamon has a hand in causing Lucemon to fall and evolve into his third stage, Lucemon Falldown Mode—also known as the Demon Lord of Pride.
Meanwhile, appearing in the X-Antibody arc, Deaxmon is a fearsome Ultimate (final) level Digimon who wishes only to destroy the Digicore within every Digimon. He evolved from DORUmon when, after evolving far too many times, DORUmon’s powers started running out of control.
(Some background information: According to previous Digimon mythos, a Digicore is what makes every Digimon unique and contains the code that makes up each Digimon. When the core is damaged, the Digimon dies. Usually Digimon can copy a portion of their data into their reincarnated Digiegg before they die, but if the Digimon dies from unnatural causes such as sickness or battles, there is no such opportunity and the previous incarnation’s memories are lost.)
Finally, also appearing in the Demon Lords arc is a completely new Digimon. Ogremon was once nothing more than a servant to Barbamon, but through the **power of friendship**, he tries to do what’s right and evolves to his final form to save the protagonists—Taitamon. Ironically, despite his rather noble reasons for evolving, Taitamon is born from all the malice against a group of Digimon called the Twelve Olympian Gods. His infinite power has earned him the alias of One-Man Army. You can also raise Taitamon as a partner.
Recently, Digimon World Reigitize Decode was released the for Nintendo 3DS in Japan, and the game’s developers took part in two different interviews with Japanese media—one with Famitsu and one with Dengeki Online. Both these interviews focused on the transition from PSP to 3DS.
The choice to go with the 3DS was simple, according to the interviews. Originally, the PSP was chosen because it had a strong audience of Digimon fans. Not only was it powerful system, but it was also a system that had a large audience of children and parents. According to the developers, “We would love to see Digimon reach the 20-year mark. We would love to see Digimon last into the next generation, that after 20 years, parents and children can enjoy Digimon together.”
In expanding to a new system, the producer and director hoped to attract new fans as well as take advantage of the system’s functions to create a more in-depth game.
The two screens are used in Reigitize Decode to make choices such as in the training minigames as well as to input commands during battle. It is also where the new function the Digitter will be displayed. However, this was the least of the changes made for the 3DS version.
During the creation process, Tri-Crescendo and Namco had originally planned on doing a direct port. However, because both the director and producer felt this was a new opportunity, they decided to add as much content as time allowed—and they did it to the point that even they felt a “sequel” might fit better than just a port with “additional content”. Everything that’s new was created after the PSP game had been released, so even they felt that they had pushed their limits.
They attributed their success to the fact that, when they first worked on the PSP game, they were focusing on learning about Digimon and its existing material, while for the 3DS game they had already grown attached and were focused instead on making the game more “Digimon”.
This focus is also shown in the additional “Decode” in the title. Originally, it is “a program that decompressed data back into information,” whereas in this case, they used it to mean “to analyze a previous work and reconstruct it in a better incarnation”. In addition, it also refers to the new Decode function of the main character, which “reconstructs a Digimon’s soul [after death] and gives them stronger abilities”.
Thus, the original purpose of Digimon World Reigitize was to appeal to the core Digimon fans who had played the original Playstation game 13 years ago. Meanwhile, Decode’s goal is to focus on an enormous increase of content, on fine-tuning what already existed based off player comments, and on making changes the developers had wanted to previously, but couldn’t fit into the PSP game either due to space or time restrictions.
In addition, the creators hope to appeal to a wider audience. Previous Digimon franchises were aimed at a variety of audiences, down to as young as elementary students, but this time they decided to set their sights on high school students and higher, since “the majority of Digimon fans are now in their twenties”.
As such, they asked character designer Suzuhito Yasuda to create catchier, more unique designs such that players could tell the approximate age and personality of the character just from a glance. For example, for new character Rina Shinomiya, they asked for a “lively, active girl”.
Digimon World Reigitize Decode is available now in Japan.
Genauso wie One Piece: Romance Dawn, ereilte Digimon World Re: Digitize das selbe “Schicksal”. Es erschien ursprünglich für PlayStation Portable und wurde am 27. Juni unter dem Titel Digimon World Re: Digitize Decode für Nintendo 3DS in Japan portiert. Im Gegensatz zu One Piece: Romance Dawn gibt es auch mehr Neuerungen.
So wurden in der Geschichte “Scheme of the Demon Lords” neben Barbamon mit Belphemon: Sleep Mode und Leviamon weitere Demon Lords hinzugefügt. Auch dem Crossover-Charakter Lily aus der Tekken-Reihe wurde eine Quest im Spiel gewidmet. Weitere Neuerungen sind die Möglichkeiten, ein Digimon als Bodyguard zu engagieren sowie Belohnungen via QR-Codes zu erhalten. Bilder dazu findet ihr in dieser Galerie.
Unter anderem gibt es auch Veemon und alle seine Digitationen aus Digimon Adventure 02 im Spiel zu finden. In der Geschichte “X-Antibody” gibt es mit Death-X-mon eine ernsthafte Bedrohung, da dieser den Kern sämtlicher Digimon zerstören will. Weitere Bilder dazu gibt es in dieser Galerie.
Besucht diese Galerie für noch mehr Bilder. In unserem Artikel-Archiv warten noch mehr Informationen zum Spiel auf euch. Zwar wurde das Spiel bislang noch nicht für Europa angekündigt, aber nach der Ankündigung von One Piece: Romance Dawn für Europa sollte nicht jede Hoffnung für diesen Titel aufgegeben werden.