L08: Intermediate
Wenn die Latency unter 1/60fps ~ 17ms liegt, dann

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Wenn die Latency unter 1/60fps ~ 0.17ms liegt, dann.
Wenn die Latency unter 1/60fps ~ 0.17ms liegt, dann.
Also 1/120Hz waere echt der Hammer. Absolut Realtime.Aber 1/60Hz waere auch schon
sehr, sehr gut! Ich denke aber, sie meinten eher 1/30fps ~ 33ms. :angst2: Na mal schauen.
Klares Nein. Die Funkverbindung ist foermlich direkt (Lichtgeschwindigkeit), die Latenzda die latenz von nem wireless controller aber alleine durch die funkverbindung schon ~100ms entspricht...
Im besten Fall wird jedes Frame abgetastet. Bei 1/60Hz haette man einfach eine feinereWehren ja dann immer noch 30 Trackingpunkte Pro Sekunde da ja denke ich dann nicht 1 mal alle 30 Frames sondern eben alle Frames abgetastet und errechnet wird. Sonnst wer die aussagen nämlich ja Unsinn.
Die machen schon Sinn da man ja zwei verschiede Controller-Kombinationen hat und diese ja auch irgendwie unterschieden werden müssen.Finde es auch irgentwie sinnlos das beide eine Hometaste haben.
I get to try table tennis and the gladiatorial game. The first uses a single controller to mimic a table tennis bat and I'm immediately struck by how amazingly smoothly and accurately Move tracks my movements. It's a step up from Wii MotionPlus, no doubt. Table tennis plays a fair bit slower than the real-life game, which is probably just as well. It doesn't use the buttons whatsoever; you apply spin by angling the bat and direct shots by angling your body and by your follow-through when you strike the ball, just as you would in real life. Your avatar fades away, just showing your bat floating in mid-air, while useful on-screen guides show you where incoming balls are going to land and give your a target to aim for. The game also helpfully tells you what you're doing wrong when you miss. It's all 100 per cent convincing.
Meanwhile, gladiator duel is a best-of-three bout of sword-and-shield (or in my case, hammer-and-shield) combat where victory is earned by knocking your AI opponent out of the ring or depleting their health bar. It can also be played with a single Move controller, buttons operating the shield, but it's much more fun with two, standing side-on to the screen, holding your "shield" in front of you and batting away the AI opponent's attacks. Once again, your avatar fades out, leaving just the weapon and shield in view, and giving you an almost first-person perspective on the action. It's fast-paced, satisfying and extremely responsive, especially after Motion Fighter. There are some neat combos, blocking with the shield powers up a super-move, and you can even jump attack by, well, jumping. But it's all about how instinctive and accurate wielding the weapon and shield feels. With no sensation of lag at all and proper three-dimensional tracking in full song, Sports Champions shows Sony's motion controller at its best. It may be too early to say whether "it only does everything", but in this game at least, it only does exactly what it says.
Wehren ja dann immer noch 30 Trackingpunkte Pro Sekunde da ja denke ich dann nicht 1 mal alle 30 Frames sondern eben alle Frames abgetastet und errechnet wird. Sonnst wer die aussagen nämlich ja Unsinn.
Naja es wird nicht das ganze Frame abgetastet! Wenn sozusagen die Bewegungsvergangenheit von der Kugel kennt kann man relativ gut berechnen wo es im nächsten Frame ist. Das heisst, man kann ein sogenanntes Suchfenster machen und nur dort abtasten. Das ganze geht effizient und sehr schnell!
vor allem kann man durch die beschleunigungssensoren auch ohne kamera schon relativ gut abschätzen wohin sich der kontroller bewegt hat...
http://www.joystiq.com/2010/03/11/playstation-move-requires-1-2-mb-of-system-memory/Body tracking is made possible by combining the Move and PS3's head tracking capability. According to the presentation, the PS3 can also detect faces, going so far as to identify individuals through face contour and feature detection. The software will be able to recognize gender, age, smiles and when eyes open and close.
Coombes explained that all the calculations necessary to handle image processing are done by the Cell CPU, which apparently excels at the doing floating point calculations. The raw data can be processed incredibly quickly by the PS3, taking "under a frame" to translate to a game experience. And while Mikhailov didn't reveal how much of the CPU's overall power the Move controller requires, he did reveal that the memory demands are truly "insignificant" -- 1-2 MB of system memory.
wie krass ist das denn ? ich glaube ich kauf mir so ein teil einfach mal, wenn die richtigen spiele draussen sind.