Demodiscs für GAMECUBE!

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joa, mit ner Demo würd ich mir die N-Zone wieder kaufen, auch für 7€ oder so
Demo Disc Secret
May 26th 2003 00:40 by Paolo

Looks like there is a hidden level inside the USA Nintendo demo disc. Find where...
It looks like there is a secret level in the Billy Hatcher & the Giant Egg demo of the Nintendo preview disc that is available in Japan and USA and soon in Europe. Just hold down the A key while the game is loading and release it only when you've pushed the Start button to begin the actual play to access the hidden level. Beware that this level is not very different from the other one, so the differences won't be immediately noticeable.

The disc, in the USA, is being bundled with new Gamecubes or sold for $ 9.99, and contains the playable demos of Viewtiful Joe, Billy Hatcher & the Giant Egg, Sonic Adventure DX: Director’s Cut, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell, Soul Calibur II, the movies of F-Zero GX, Star Wars: Rouge Squadron III, Viewtiful Joe, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, NCAA Football 2004, Madden 2004, Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell, Soul Calibur II, an ESRB rating guideline movie and two puzzles for a GBA - Gamecube connection, Wario Ware and Dr. Mario.

Laut CubeEurope soll nun für EUROPA auch Demodiscs geplant sein.
Der Preis beträgt rund 10 Euro.
Für die Leute die sich einen neuen Gamecube zulegen wollen, sollen aktuelle Demo Discs schon im Paket Gratis dazubekommen. Wann diese aber tatsächlich zu kaufen gibt, steht noch nicht fest.

Auf der ersten Demo Disc von Nintendo sollen folgende spielbare Demos vorhanden sein:

Viewtiful Joe
Billy Hatcher & the Giant Egg
Sonic Adventure DX: Director’s Cut
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell
Soul Calibur II

Und Videos von :

GX, Star Wars: Rouge Squadron III
Viewtiful Joe
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
NCAA Football 2004
Madden 2004
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell
Soul Calibur II


Was sagt ihr dazu?
Hey,das ist super cool. 8-)

Für 10 Euro kauf ich mir das.Aber die Neukäufer in USA und EU habens gut.Die kriegen die dann gratis.
ich kauf die mir wahrscheinlich auch. ich will unbedingt viewtiful joe und soul calibur 2 anzocken! :)
Viewtiful Joe
Billy Hatcher & the Giant Egg
Sehr intressant
Sonic Adventure DX: Director’s Cut
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell
Soul Calibur II
hab ich selber
Und Videos von :

GX, Star Wars: Rouge Squadron III
Viewtiful Joe
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
NCAA Football 2004
Madden 2004
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell
Soul Calibur II
hab ich auch Videos zu fast allen

Ne das lohnt sich für mich net...
Splinter Cell Demo für Europa

Ubi Soft announces that it will release a playable demo of Splinter Cell for the GameCube in Europe later this week.
Ubi Soft has today announced that, in conjunction with Nintendo, it will release a playable demo of the GameCube version of Splinter Cell later this week. Strangely, the announcement has come just two days before both the GameCube and Game Boy Advance versions of the game launch in Europe.

"We're delighted to be Nintendo's chosen partner in bringing interactive game demos to the public," said Ubi Soft's UK marketing director John Parkes. "Playable demos have always been a powerful tool in videogame marketing, and we will take this opportunity to encourage gamers all across the UK to get their hands on Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell in stores and through various contests before launch."

The demo will consist of an introductory trailer and a full level from the game in which Sam Fisher must use stealth to infiltrate a Chinese Embassy. Players able to take advantage of the game's Game Boy Advance connectivity feature will be pleased to learn that this will be included in the demo, allowing them to put the additional radar, wall mine, and sticky bomb gadgets to the test.

The GameCube version of Splinter Cell, which is scheduled for release in Europe on June 6, has been available in North America since April. For more information, check out our full review of the game.

Quelle: Gamespot
Noch mehr Demos für JAPAN

In Japan erscheint heut ne Demodisk mit spielbaren Stücken aus Viewtiful Joe (*neid* :rolleyes: ) und Kero Kero King DX (was zum... :-? ).
Außerdem befinden sich auf der Disk noch aktuelle E³ Videos zu Kirbys Airride, F.ZeroGX uva.

Es sollen sich noch dreiminütige Einführungsvideos zu VRAlley3 und Auto Modellista befinden. Aktuelle Nintendo News gibts auf der Disk auch noch...

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