Wii Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop [Capcom]

Wenn Sie sich noch einen Monat lang intensive auf Verschönerungsarbeiten konzentrieren würden um ansatzweise etwas an diesem Port zu retten, könnte doch was daraus werden?
Ich bin da irgendwie zu optimistisch, weil ich damals echt neidisch auf die XBoxler war, wegen dem Spiel. Die Thematik und der Flair hat es mir damals echt angetan.
Aber auf der Wii überzeugt es mich irgendwie nicht wirklich. Hoffe aber echt, dass es noch besser wird zum Schluß, dass ich es mir mal gebraucht oder günstiger für ein Butterbrot und Ei holen kann.

EDIT: Es hat sich ja seit den letzten Videos schon etwas getan. Ich kann mich zum Beispiel noch erinnern, als das Blut noch ein hässlicher roter Fleck war, der einfach nicht ins Bild passte. Und jetzt hat es wenigstens einigermaßen nen Splattereffekt und ist auf jeden Fall passender.

Was ich auch nicht kapiere. Am Anfang im Video steht, "This Winter" und am Ende des Videos´s "Sheduled for relase this February 2009" Ja was denn nun?
Hat Capcom es jetzt doch um paar Monate verschoben um sich der Kritik an zu nehmen und doch noch etwas mehr Zeit zu investieren?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Was ich auch nicht kapiere. Am Anfang im Video steht, "This Winter" und am Ende des Videos´s "Sheduled for relase this February 2009" Ja was denn nun?
Hat Capcom es jetzt doch um paar Monate verschoben um sich der Kritik an zu nehmen und doch noch etwas mehr Zeit zu investieren?

Im Februar ist auch noch Winter ;-)
Ich finde das was ich auf gametrailers.com gesehen habe sieht gut aus. Klar fehlen die Zombie-Massen, aber ansonsten fand ich es nicht schlecht.

Der selbe Build kanns nicht gewesen sein. In den alten Builds gabs soweit ich weiß kein "Shader"-Wasser.
Der Messestand von DR

Stimmt, da war ja was... und ich hab so versucht, mir das Spiel schönzureden, weil der X360 Teil eigentlich genial war! xD :rofl1:

Naja, dafür kann man die Zombies 360-typisch nun wieder zerhäxeln mit der Katana :)
Ich bin noch guter Dinge; Wenn Capcom meint, dass sie um die 100 Zombies (ne Steigerung vom bisherigen um das mindestens 5-fache) im Screen hinbekommen, dann denke ich mal, dass sie das schaffen.
Dead Rising Wii Is A Terrible, Terrible Idea

just spent some time playing Dead Rising on the Wii. Waiting in line, I was treated to one of the game's new additions: a new movie (you know, like the one that played if you left the title screen inactive on the 360 version). It was a zombie hardcore band, rocking out in front of a zombie hardcore crowd, like a music video. It was funny, I enjoyed it. Then I went inside and started playing. Things went swiftly downhill.

I spoke with Dead Rising Wii producer Mino Nakai yesterday. Having read Amanda's less-than-glowing impressions of the game from last week, I asked whether the stuff told Capcom her - mainly that a new, improved build would be playable at TGS - checked out. Know what he said? He said no, aside from a few minor bug fixes, this was the same build, because the game was nearly done.

Oh boy.

This game is a complete waste of time.

The whole point of the first Dead Rising was that there was hundreds of zombies. Because they were slow, and stupid, and slow, it was the sheer weight of numbers that provided not only the challenge, but the enjoyment. Zombie survival fantasies don't involve evading/killing 2 zombies, they involve evading/killing thousands of them.

You know how many zombies I saw on-screen at one time? Six. Six zombies. And that's not in a room, or a store, that's across the massive concourse at the start of the game. Yet they still shamble. There's no urgency, there's no danger. There's no fun. To compensate, Capcom have added a few new enemies: killer poodles and killer parrots. They're vaguely ridiculous, and do very little to make up for the lack of more shambling corpses.

What's worse, the controls are woeful. To pick up a dropped item, you don't press a button. You press the Z button and the A button. They're on opposite sides of opposite controllers. It's stupid. The Wii Remote aiming controls are woefully twitchy. and to switch weapons you need to us the d-pad while aiming. Meaning you can't use the Wii Remote at that time, requiring you to aim with the nunchuk while reaching with your other hand. It's messy. It doesnt work.

Look, the game's not out yet. There's time to fix some of the more minor things (control setups, for example). And the graphics, in the game's defence, look pretty good, especially the cutscenes. But none of that matters when the Wii version is missing the only thing that made the 360 one worth playing.

Capcom - final version of Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop wasn’t at TGS, more zombies coming

“I’m not sure where ‘this is the final build’ stuff is coming from, because that is simply not true. The TGS “build” was mostly just a tech demo and is not the actual or final game, guys…I believe the situation is this: 1) the final game is almost done. 2) the final game is NOT the tech demo shown at Leipzig or TGS. The tech demo is a tech demo, and is not the final game. No press or media have yet seen the version of the game that Nikai was talking about when he said it was basically done. Someone at Capcom said there would be a new version of the game at TGS because that was the plan, but for reasons I dunno the details on, it didn’t happen. As for why we would show the same thing over again, it mostly boils down to different producers having different attitudes, and Nikai definitely has his own way of doing things. This is not a hair-splitting technicality, as I know a number of things have changed. I haven’t played the final build, so I dunno if it’s going to be 3000% different, but I have seen screenshots, and yes, there are more zombies on the screen and a few other notable changes. I can’t promise the moon without having actually played it, but I’m not trying to double-talk you here. The TGS build is not the final game, and there do appear to be some positive changes going forward.” - Seth Killian, Capcom Community Sr. Manager

I just don’t know what we should really expect from the final version of teh game. The builds we played weren’t near done, but they did represent the game in some state. I don’t expect to see a complete 180 in quality…and zombie count.


Womit der Müll von Mahlzeit adakte ist ! :-D
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